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intransparent handling of account_move state draft/posted and various reports/lists - periodical validation of moves


I just noticed that some reports/lists silently (without asking for this in 
the wizard) check for account_move.state and some others not.

Combined with the fact that the "context" of the queries is mostly not printed 
/ shown anywhere it is almost impossible to explain why different 
reports/lists  show different numbers. 

As requested already multiple times OpenERP needs to get much more user 
friendly in this respect to be successfully implemented.

So I would like to suggest to set "Skip draft state" in Journals for now.
IMHO no one expects to validate moves after having validated/posted invoices, 
bank statements, automatically generated stock moves and others.

requiring periodical manual "Validate Account Moves" is not something I would 
expect as default in a modern accounting system.  

So turning off and requiring manual validation should be the exception for 
special cases.

I also doubt that it conforms to good accounting practice  to allow changes in 
moves and move lines which might lead to inconsistency between validated "data 
sources" and moves.

Ferdinand Gassauer
ChriCar Beteiligungs- und Beratungs- GmbH
Official OpenERP Partner