openerp-expert-accounting team mailing list archive
openerp-expert-accounting team
Mailing list archive
Message #00642
unified column header alignment
OpenERP needs a guideline for column header alignment
A) all column headers are left aligned
(Gnome / KDE desktops)
B) all column header centered
C) column headers follow column content alignment
* text - left
* numbers - right
* bool - centered
all 3 options are readable as long the columns are separated by vertical lines
which is the case for displays
nevertheless I dislike it very much if the rightmost column on displays is a
wide number column with column header left and numbers right adjusted which
usually happens if a list view has only a view columns.
IMHO for reports variant C must be used for better readability unless vertical
lines are printed as column separators.
Obviously column headers must be repeated on each page.
opinions / decisions ?
Best Regards
ChriCar Beteiligungs- und Beratungs- GmbH
Dr. Ferdinand Gassauer
Official Tiny Partner