openerp-expert-accounting team mailing list archive
openerp-expert-accounting team
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Message #00733
Re: delivery module: add net weight to pickings?
Raphaël Valyi wrote:
for the Brazilian localization, we need to to get the net weight of
expedition pickings and report those weights in the invoices made from
those picking (a legal requirement).
Currently, in the delivery module, there is a picking weight field
that is computed by adding the weight of the picking moves.
However it uses the total weight of the products, not their net weight.
What do you think about adding such a field adding the total net
weight directly in the delivery module for v6, would that make sense?
NB: as for the total picking weight, we already had to add a picking
package weight (which is different from the product packaging weight
eventually as you could group several moves into the same packages)
for some projects, may be we could do something here too although this
is more exceptional and this can be overriden.
I would add the field (net weight), might be useful.
You may want to take a look to the report_intrastat module. I haven't
reviewed it, but the Intrastat requires European countries to register
the movements of goods between countries, including the net weight, so
the legal requirement may be similar...
Borja López Soilán
Pexego Sistemas Informáticos S.L.
Avenida de Magoi 66 - 27002 Lugo (España)
Tel./Fax 982801517
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