openerp-expert-accounting team mailing list archive
openerp-expert-accounting team
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Message #00743
Re: account_payment, account_payment_extension: are you using it, refactoring?
Il giorno mer, 01/09/2010 alle 09.46 +0200, "Borja López Soilán
(Pexego)" ha scritto:
> It is widely used on Spain. I would say it is integral part of the
> Spanish localization: In Spain like in Brazil we use electronic
> interchange of documents with the banks, and we do both payment orders
> and collection orders (collection orders are the main collection
> method for lots of companies). The account_payment_extension mainly
> has the reusable parts of this, while we have another modules
> (l10n_es_remesas) for features specific to Spain (the document
> exportation in N19, N58 and N34 formats that are specific to Spanish
> banks).
Very interesting,
we also have to develop the support for the CBI format to exchage
documents with italian banks.
i think i'll have a look to your addon.
it shoud be nice to let the documents export be more pluggable, so every
country can implement its own format/formats
Davide Corio
email: davide.corio<at>
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