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openerp-expert-accounting team
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Message #00945
Re: Accounting rules for localized versions: YAML
On Saturday 06 November 2010 P. Christeas wrote:
Thanks for clarifying this.
Nevertheless I want to emphasize that customers willand do request that
OpenERP (as any other ERP system) will conform to local laws and audit rules
and will expect from partners implementing these localized OpenERP versions,
that OpenERP can be lawfuly used as accounting system in this wider sense.
IMHO the market acceptance will dramatically improve if OpenERP gets certified
in one of the major economic or EU countries.
> Following the discussions we're having these days about l10n_xx modules,
> accounting features and legal requirements, I believe that the local
> integrators and the community have to follow a trivial rule[1]:
> * All legal requirements for a country should be codes as (YAML) tests. *
> .. well, not strictly YAML, but any of the supplied mechanisms could do.
> The point is that whenever sth. is changed in the rest of OpenERP, the whole
> thing should be tested against these cases (requirements).
> Example (from Dr. Gassauer): whenever some invoice or account.move is
> that entry shall never be allowed to change, or even the partner's "law-
> scoping" details (such as company name, VAT no., I suppose) should be locked
> down.
> --> write a yaml test that generates an invoice, and then tries to hack the
> details in several ways. Ensure that all attempts fail [2].
> Tests may be more important than the python code of the addons, itself.
> Because, tests will make sure the code is ok and won't disappoint our
> customers.
> In some countries, it is a legal requirement, indeed, to run those tests and
> prove (through them) that the ERP is obeying the law.
> To OpenERP SA's developers, these tests will be a good guide to know that we
> are not breaking some country's logic. Sometimes, better than skimming
> endless discussions to find out what happened to each country's integration.
> [1] It must not be a new idea. But I wanted to remind everybody of it.
> [2] in such a common case, we could put the test somewhere central, so that
> several countries can reuse the same code. I hope.
> --
> Say NO to spam and viruses. Stop using Microsoft Windows!
Ferdinand Gassauer
ChriCar Beteiligungs- und Beratungs- GmbH
Official OpenERP Partner