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Message #02126
Re: Financial kpi and 12 month balance sheet/PL
Module strings are in English, It is half translated into Spanish,
Regarding the Initial Data for Reports those report are only in Spanish,
Translation into English is welcome,
if you want you can create your own reports, we have tried hard to make the
as documented as possible in the views, so that anyone can created its
customized reports.
We welcome your bug reports too, actually those are more welcomed than
anything :-)
we have aimed at making this module as flexible and strong as possible.
Best regards.
2014-03-07 21:52 GMT-04:30 Eric Caudal <eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
> thanks.
> Exact branch name is: bzr branch lp:~vauxoo/addons-vauxoo/7.0
> It seems it would do the trick with complete ifrs reporting and is
> flexible enough to allow new report.
> Module is quite impressive actually!
> Is there any English translation available?
> Eric Caudal*CEO*
> --*Elico Corporation, Shanghai branch
> OpenERP Premium Certified Training Partner *
> Cell: + 86 186 2136 1670
> Office: + 86 21 6211 8017/27/37
> Skype: elico.corperic.caudal@elico-corp.com
> [image: Elico Corp]
> On 03/07/2014 11:41 PM, Humberto Arocha wrote:
> Hello Eric,
> Regarding KPI,
> could you look ifrs_report module from addons-vauxoo?
> lp:addons-vauxoo/7.0/ifrs_report
> With this module you could get some KPI
> expect them help you.
> we have tried to make the module as well document as we can
> Best Regards
> 2014-03-07 5:34 GMT-04:30 Eric Caudal <eric.caudal@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>:
>> Hi Dear community member,
>> A couple of questions for the week-end...
>> I am wondering about if there a module to generate a 12-month BS/PL in
>> 7.0, which is a standard in the accounting world.
>> Second million-dollar question: is there a user friendly way in 7 to get
>> financial KPI such as:
>> 1) Return on equity ratio
>> 2) Return on common stock holders equity ratio
>> 3) Explanation of positive and negative leverage
>> 4) Capital gearing ratio
>> 5) Fixed asset to equity ratio
>> 6) Current assets to equity ratio
>> 7) Debt to equity ratio
>> If we develop a solution, I would be happy to hear about best practices
>> concerning setup and/or usability.
>> Have a nice week-end!
>> --
>> Eric Caudal*CEO*
>> --*Elico Corporation, Shanghai branch
>> OpenERP Premium Certified Training Partner *
>> Cell: + 86 186 2136 1670
>> Office: + 86 21 6211 8017/27/37
>> Skype: elico.corperic.caudal@elico-corp.com
>> [image: Elico Corp]
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