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openerp-expert-framework team
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Message #00095
Re: [Openerp-community-leaders] Isn't stock management badly broken?
Am Mittwoch 13 Januar 2010 16:55:37 schrieb Albert Cervera i Areny:
> A Dimecres, 13 de gener de 2010, Ferdinand Gassauer va escriure:
> > Am Mittwoch 13 Januar 2010 15:41:49 schrieb Albert Cervera i Areny:
> > > A Dimecres, 13 de gener de 2010, Cloves Almeida va escriure:
> > > > One solution would be a select for update on picking row, which
> > > > presumably would do the same as a locking table.
> > >
> > > You're right, we can either create a special table or use SELECT FOR
> > > UPDATE on the same table.
> >
> > To my understanding "select for update" does not prohibit concurrent
> > reads. if we want to make this method work - "select for update" has to
> > be done for all "other" open stock moves for this product which must not
> > be updated during the validation process of the current stock_move
> The idea I had in mind explicitly avoided blocking other selects. Only
> other processes trying to assign the stock move should be locked, and all
> those will, of course, use SELECT FOR UPDATE.
> I will probably write a patch shortly and will probably use LOCK TABLE on a
> special table just because it allows reusing some existing functions.
I hope you will only block processes which also want to assign the products of
the current picking - although this will matter only in installations with
many stock users.
Best Regards
ChriCar Beteiligungs- und Beratungs- GmbH
Dr. Ferdinand Gassauer
Official Tiny Partner
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