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openerp-expert-framework team
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Message #00123
Re: Errors handling
Il giorno dom, 24/01/2010 alle 18.38 -0200, Raphaël Valyi ha scritto:
> Hello,
> I also recommend issuing more user friendly messages, but only if that
> could be done in a generic manner. I would be sad if the solution was
> to dilute non-consitent/unmaintainable exception messages all over the
> place in every possible case.
Hi Raphaël,
yes, i perfectly understand your point of view.
We are here to improve and "clean" openobject, so every new features
must be smartly coded.
> While trying to interpret the error, may be the stack and/or the
> ir_model and/or ir_model_fields table could be used to help build a
> user friendly message.
this is exactly what i have in mind
> But notice that, in Rails you would generate such model data integrity
> controls with human messages at the model layer for that. It's much
> like the field declaration in the objects will generate specific
> validations at the model layer when trying CRUD operations, may be
> it's the way to go (strangely I was dealing with that yesterday in
> Rails).
Similar to what happens with other frameworks, so it should be the right
But i'm not sure openobject already provides all of what we need to
proceed that way.
i'll investigate
Davide Corio
email: davide.corio<at>
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