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Re: Wizards


A Divendres, 8 de gener de 2010, Albert Cervera i Areny va escriure:
> Does anybody know if wizards ala 'osv_memory' style are going to be fixed
>  for 5.2 so they're usable in views' toolbars? It is quite depressing to
>  keep doing uninheritable wizards...

Today I wanted to create a dynamic view. That is something like wizard 
"stock.partial_picking", which creates a float input field for each each line 
in the picking. As I couldn't come up with a decent idea in how to implement 
that I decided to take a look at how that wizard is implemented, only to 
realize the solution is not ideal either because it's subject to a race 
condition if two users call the wizard at the same time. That means one of the 
users may get the wizard that got the other one, for example.

As Raphaël said in another thread Tiny are willing to fix wizards, it'd be 
nice if dynamic views were considered too...

Albert Cervera i Areny
Mòbil: +34 669 40 40 18

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