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Re: why Tiny cannot make an OERPScenario clone, so please just use it!


BTW, I just see that even Guido Von Rossum (Python creator) just re-Twitted
that link, so I think you Pythonistas should really watch it...

2010/2/21 Raphaël Valyi <rvalyi@xxxxxxxxx>

> Hello folks,
> I strongly suggest you look that presentation by a fellow Pythonista
> that happened to open his mind to Ruby:
> he clearly explains why Python clones of RSpec or Cucumber cannot come
> close due to Python LANGUAGE LIMITATIONS (especially after 7'50):
> http://blog.extracheese.org/2010/02/python-vs-ruby-a-battle-to-the-death.html
> Now, he first makes a few critics to Ruby that I hope will give him
> credibility to you Pythonistas (even if I think myself some of those first
> statements are wrong: to me map[non_existing_key] raising an exception in
> Python is just one of those unexpected singular cases that break rules where
> they don't in Ruby and I think Python has just more of them; as for
> optional parenthesis, they are also what makes RSpec/Cucmber and other DSL
> so powerful in Ruby...)
> So, I desperately call you to give OERPScenario (Cucumber) a shot because
> no matter the efforts you are willing to waste, you will not come close, as
> explained in this presentation. So, I rather suggest you picks up that
> incredible tool CampToCamp made and use it and rather use your remaining
> time refactoring the core of OpenERP for less bugs, rather than trying to
> make a clone that will fail to be as powerful. Note that in OERPScenario,
> you will only use Cucumber, meaning that even if you would consider valid
> the critics against Ruby, they just wouldn't apply as you don't have to
> write Ruby code yourself past using the Cucumber/OERPScenario.
> Now, yes, I welcome you to implement YAML as an option for feeding OpenERP
> with fixtures/meta parametrization rather than XML (look at HAML
> http://haml-lang.com/ if you don't know how to do it for views, everybody
> I know that tried it sticked to it and never went back to writing HTML XML
> by hand), but this can be added in a backward compatible way, meaning after
> 5.2 while lot's of refactoring/bugfix cannot be backward compatible and I
> suggest you take car of that first for the 5.2 freeze. I also recall you
> that for the test prospective Cucumber/OERPScenario supports YAML out of the
> box already...
> NB1: notice that what C2C made with OERPScenario on the top of OOOR would
> perfectly works with RSpec too for unit testing and low level TDD.
> NB2: our TerminatOOOR OOOR based Kettle ETL plugin for OpenERP works like a
> charm using laster code/instructions here:
> http://github.com/rvalyi/terminatooor I'm just afraid we have no time to
> document it further for now.
> Thanks
> Raphaël Valyi
> http://www.akretion.com
