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Re: Summary of OpenERP report Engine Work Shop



On 04/22/2010 09:07 AM, Nicolas Bessi wrote:
In the next version the RML actual template engine will be replaced.
That's good!

-Native WYSIWYG OpenOffice integration
This is based on OpenERP report designer, relatorio and OpenOffice launch in headless mode as a rendering engine. The inspiration comes from the report_openoffice module : http://kndati.lv/index.php/web-links/44-open-erp-addons.
That's a great news! :D I'm very happy that the module I started and that KN Dati improved had such a success and that will be the starting point for the next OpenERP's report engine. Anyway, I want to remember the official page of the project: https://launchpad.net/report-openoffice
and the ml: report-openoffice-team@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

- Layout management
Multiple layouts can be defined by companies.
A layout is an OpenOffice document that will have a yeld tag inside (Rails inspired)

- Multi languges/template report
One report can have many templates in order to have a better internationalization.
- Supported output for the new OpenOffice report system:
Thank's to OOo we can have a lot more ;)

- Non layered report (aka python reports) -> API à la Ruport
- Report Panel
- ODF Calc support
- Email report output embedding

In order to have all this come true it is time to take action.

One of the first actions would be to debate and choose which of the proposed report engines should be chosen.
You can post your vote here http://goo.gl/3yBH
Just a clarification: genshi & co. are not "report engines". They are templating libs. Relatorio *is* a report engine and relatorio makes use of genshi.

IMHO I'll stay with Relatorio (the better If we want start from report_oo), but of course we can choose between Geraldo, PyRep and so on.

BUT, if you want to create a report engine from scratch... well, we can choose which templating lib to use :) and my vote goes to Genshi.

