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Re: float errors propagating to 10^-2 in OpenERP v5...


Raphaël Valyi wrote:
Well, of course, I made a small mistake in my mail, I meant 14 000 moves is ~10^5, meaning we expect a 10^-17* 10^5=10^12 error at first when summing moves while we already get a 10^-9 error. The question why is still open. And off course, how that 10^⁻9 propagates to 10^-2 in the chart of accounts is still open and should be fixed...
I would say 10^⁻9  is the error to be expected with 14000 moves, not 10^12.
An easy example: summing 14000 times the same float vs using multiplying it by 14000 (mathematically they should be the same).

$ cat tmp.py
for j in range(0, 10000):
   for i in range(0, 14000):
print "max: ", max(diffs)
print "min: ", min(diffs)
print "avg: ", sum(diffs)/len(diffs)

$ python tmp.py
max:  3.71619535144e-09
min:  0.0
*avg:  8.2300255102e-10*

As you can see the average rounding error for 10000 floats is almost 10^-9 !

Anyway, I don't understand how Sharoon is getting a 10^-2 rounding error on __calculate :(

By the way, Decimal is a lot slower of what I thought. The same test as above, but done with Decimal gives a maximum 0.0 rounding error but takes about 100 times more time than using floats (53.28 vs 0.43 seconds for 100 'j' loops), wow, that's bad.

Borja López Soilán

Pexego Sistemas Informáticos S.L.
Avenida de Magoi 66 - 27002 Lugo (España)
Tel./Fax 982801517

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