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Improvements to the configuration, launching and logging of the OpenERP Web Client (trunk)


I've done some improvements in the branch https://code.launchpad.net/~openerp-dev/openobject-client-web/trunk-configuration-and-documentation

I'd like to see what you think of these changes and if you spot something incorrect or which really needs to fixed/added/whatever.

If you have any comment, please leave them on the Work In Progress merge proposal: https://code.launchpad.net/~openerp-dev/openobject-client-web/trunk-configuration-and-documentation/+merge/51917

Quick summary (copy/pasted from the merge prop):

* Moves the provided configuration file from doc/ to the package's root
* Documents and simplifies the configuration process
  - Reorders the internal API a bit to make it clearer/cleaner
  - Moves a number of settings from the default configuration file to automatically setup during the configuration process (e.g. disabling tracebacks and enabling cgitb error logging instead, enabling the session tools, …)
  - Also moves the settings related to the OpenERP server to the [openerp-web] section from the global one
  - Greatly expands the API for openobject.configure
    + enabling or disabling static tools can now be performed from the openobject.configure (no need for a separate function call)
    + it is now possible to provide a file path or a file-like object to openobject.configure (not just a cherrypy config dict)
    + additional configuration informations can be passed in (logging stuff, or overrides to the base configuration)
  - Formalizes the process of finding configuration files and expands the number of files looked up (instead of just one in /etc and the one in the package's directory)
* Moves logging from cherrypy's loggers to Python's own logging
  - Adds a bunch of command-line options to to basic alterations to logging on the fly while developing
  - Adds configuration keys to a logging configuration file
  - Fixes a bunch of print and cherrypy.log.error calls to use `logging`

Documentation wise, it should be pretty standard Sphinx stuff, go into the doc/ folder and `make html` should work (you may need to tinker a bit with the pythonpath, not sure about that one, in a virtualenv it just works).

Should provide a good start for documentation as well as a much better starting point for supporting out-of-cherrypy's-server WSGI deployments of the web client.