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Re: _constraints message improvement


On 07/08/2011 02:38 AM, Raphael Valyi wrote:
> I think this isn't that hard to achieve, like repeating the save call
> from a wizard popup with some context that will bypass the exception.
> But I think framework support for this would be awesome as currently
> dealing with this is just too complex, so most of the time we don't do
> it and this results in a bad usability..
> Thoughts?

This is usually done using the 'warning' part of any onchange() result,
rather than during the final validation of a create/write operation.
Isn't that the correct location for user assistance behavior, rather
than in _constraints, which is really like sql constraints, the final
data integrity validation, after user is done with input?
Implementing such warnings is simple, so I'd vote for keeping separated
