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Message #00556
Re: _inherits and new objets
Thanks for your answer Panos,
Or, else, you could think of your 'fake.address' class just having a
> many2one
> to a 'res.partner.address' (and perhaps use a few related fields to make
> the
> res.partner.address data appear directly in fake.address) . What would be
> the
> difference between that and an "_inherits" implementation?
It's the same, except that I have to define the fields as fields.related. I
have different kind of addresses, with the same "base". That's why _inherits
seems to be perfect. But here, I want to store "common" data in
res.partner.address and "specific" data into my subclass.
Currently, I show the field which containts the many2one relation defined in
_inherits (with an on_change), to let the user choose if he wants to create
a new res.partner.address, but their might have a better way to do this,
that's why I asked.
> Note: I'm currently using the 'virtual' feature, which makes good use of
> the
> "_inherits" API and lets my modules have real OO structure/behaviour. So
> far,
> this is the best exploit for the under-used "_inherits", but also sets a
> more
> specific set of rules about the "_inherits" usage.
What's this "virtual" feature ?
> OO = Object Oriented
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