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openerp-expert-framework team
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Message #00573
Re: RFC Using the new web client as a set openerp-server module
On 2011-09-01, at 15:36 , Raphael Valyi wrote:
> 4) Finally, I think JSonRPC is a very good evolution. But I still fell we
> miss the REST goodness of respecting the existing HTTP semantic. Like
> idempotence and cache-ability of GET requests, possibility of e-tags etc...
> could be very useful to scale OpenERP to hundreds of users who might not all
> need always realtime data (ACID for everybody is cool but it just doesn't
> scale). What is OpenERP SA vision about that?
OpenERP's semantics are fundamentally RPC-based. As a result, building
a truly RESTful OpenERP interface (not yet another RPC over HTTP)
providing access to all of OpenERP's functionality, and not doing a
half-assed hackjob of it, would be non-trivial. As a result, as far as
I know, there are no plan to build a truly restful interface in the
short term.
On the other hand, as part of the work of serving the web client
"through" the server the server will be able to mount wsgi
applications (and dispatch to them, the exact mechanism is a work in
progress, but fundamentally a module will just expose a WSGI
application and the server will mount it at the right place in its URL
space), so if somebody in the community wants to expose a restful
interface to openerp (partial or complete), it will be possible and
accessible as a first-class network interface.
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