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unified-email, kanban merged in trunk


I glad to announce that oday we merged the unified-email branch into trunk. It's a massive cleanup of everything related to emails in openerp: composition, queuing, sending, storage and templating... Most of the work was donc by Olivier Dony.

131 files changed, 3762 insertions(+), 5232 deletions(-)

It reduces the codebase by 1470 lines while bringing new features (like templating in every composition wiziard) and a lot of documentation.

Any feedback or testing/bugreports are welcome.

We also merged the first complete kanban view for Opportunities in:


kanban nows runs out of the box on the trunk branch using the trunk openerp-web. It can also be tested from the runbot.openerp.com on addons-trunk. We will soon add kanban views for all other business models. This was done by Fabien Meghazi and Yogesh Sakhreliya.

Branch that will be merged very soon (i hope this week):


new crontab:

removal of osv.memory:

multiprocesssing, wsgi and ability to run openerp-web as server modules:

We also have a lot of usability merge proposals (mostly view enhancement) and a lot of bugfixes around 200 branches.

Follow ups