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workflow workitem objects



I'm currently investigating an issue with the workflow of
stock.pickings, and inserting debugging statements in
openerp/workflow/*.py shows some weird things.

One of the symptoms I'm facing involves lots of workitems being created
and never deleted for the workflow instance of some pickings. As a
result I get

# select inst_id, count(id) from wkf_workitem group by inst_id order by
count(id) desc, inst_id desc LIMIT 10;
 inst_id | count
     672 |   513
    6188 |   321
    5244 |    65
    2898 |    65
    2261 |    65
    1962 |    65
    1817 |    65
    1715 |    65
    1214 |    65
     993 |    65
(10 rows)

and running trg_write on the associated stock.pickings can take
considerable time (and under some conditions which are still not clear
to me, create more wkf_workitem lines for the workflow instance).

All the wkf_item lines have the same act_id and are in the same state
('complete'). There are no wkf_triggers associated with any of the lines.

1. Is there some kind of documentation explaining the design of
workflows in OpenERP? Anything along these lines would be a huge
timesaver for me, rather than trying to figure out things from the code.

2. Are there any tools / modules helping diagnose Workflow issues

3. I think it could be safe for me to remove all the wkf_workitem lines
but one for the stock.picking workflow instances since they are all
identical. Can anyone confirm this?

Alexandre Fayolle
Chef de Projet
Tel : + 33 (0)4 79 26 57 94

Camptocamp France SAS
Savoie Technolac, BP 352
73377 Le Bourget du Lac Cedex

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