openerp-expert-localization team mailing list archive
openerp-expert-localization team
Mailing list archive
Message #00024
Re: [Openerp-community-leaders] Local Communities Websites
Well, nothing against the official logo. It's only sad when OpenERP S.A.
didn't even read/respond to our mail when we proposed our logo to be an
official one around January 2010...
Raphaël Valyi
Founder and ERP Consultant
+55 21 3010 9965
On Wed, Aug 11, 2010 at 2:36 PM, "Borja López Soilán (Pexego)" <
borjals@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Raphaël Valyi wrote:
> We already made it clear months ago we offer the Gimp logo of
> to any
> other local community that want it (a few like the Dutch community asked
> us). At some point we like the idea of a common logo showing a
> global commitment/strength/momentum behind OpenERP. For the rest of the CMS,
> it's not as obvious for us we can give it away, but we can certainly discuss
> it when local community representatives have our trust.
> About logos, OpenERP S.A. proposed not long ago using something like this
> (change "Spanish" to "Dutch", etc.):
> We already used variants of such logo on the Spanish localization project<>
> .
> It's not the most beautiful logo, but it's already 'official' (that doesn't
> means that communities cant add their own logos [your's looks good for me!],
> but we should use this 'official' logos too).
> Finally something very important we had to fight against: we wanted the
> localization project to be a neutral entry point. For us, integrator
> neutrality was even way more important than features. What we wanted to
> avoid are pseudo community portals such as or
> that look community oriented but are in fact the mail
> trap of a single bastard integrator. We didn't want that to happen in Brasil
> and got to fight hard to prevent it. We hope the real local OpenERP
> communities aren't hijacked in other countries, we think OpenERP S.A. could
> weight a bit to avoid people hijacking their image too since this is what
> happens in this case: people that have nothing to do, no experience and will
> likely fail any project they try are using their name/logo to trap their
> victims.
> That's why Carlos is proposing to use URLs to point to the
> main community portals (for example would be just an
> alias for<>).
> That would mean that:
> - The 'official' community portal would be ranked a bit better by
> search indexes (Google, Bing), that would mean that users would find the
> neutral communities before the pseudo-communities.
> - If some community portal becomes 'hijacked', OpenERP S.A. could just
> point the URL to another web any-time.
> - It would be easier to find other countries communities :)
> --
> Borja López Soilánborjals@xxxxxxxxx
> Pexego Sistemas Informáticos S.L.
> Avenida de Magoi 66 - 27002 Lugo (España)
> Tel./Fax 982801517
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