openerp-i18n-arabic team mailing list archive
openerp-i18n-arabic team
Mailing list archive
Message #00052
Re: [OpenERP] Award nomination
I wanted to let you know that the Arabic translation team has won the OpenERP
Best Translation Team Award 2012! It was announced during the Open Days 2012 in
Brussels, but I don't think any member of the team was able to attend the
event, so I don't know if you are aware that you won!
You guys did an incredible job with the Arabic translation, congratulations! I
don't think we have ever seen a translation that made so much progress in such
a little period of time :-)
Now I have your award sitting on my desk (see attached picture), and I would
like to know what would be the best way to have it delivered to you?
If any member of the team is planning to come to Belgium anytime soon, we would
be delighted to meet you and give you the award directly.
Otherwise if you prefer we can send it to you via DHL, we just need to know a
delivery address where we can send it.
Please let me know what would be the best for you...
Thanks and congratulations again!
Keep up the good work!
Olivier Dony
Community Manager
OpenERP Belgium
On 04/10/2012 06:18 PM, Nicolas Banh wrote:
> Dear Mr Said,
> We are proud to announce you that the Arabic Launchpad Team has been
> nominated for the award of the OpenERP Best Translation Team 2012.
> The awards ceremony will be held Thursday the 12th at 7PM at the main hall.
> On behalf of Xavier Pansaers, Chief Sales Officer
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