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OpenJDK isn't able to show Thai characters without proprietary fonts



I reassigned Debian bug #620385 to openjdk-6-jre, but forgot to notice
the list here. So here I am.


For your convenience, I'm quoting my message #40:

> Long story made short: the VM from openjdk-6 isn't able to show Thai
> characters using Swing, unless some fonts (the Lucida family) from the
> non-free package sun-java6-fonts are installed.
> To show this bug please use the attached application and launch it with
> OpenJDK VM, after having uninstalled sun-java6-fonts: the Thai
> characters won't be shown (there will be squares instead of them). If
> you install sun-java6-fonts or alternatively if you copy the *.ttf files
> from the same package in some standard font directory (~/.fonts,
> /usr/share/fonts, /usr/local/share/fonts) the issue is solved.
> I found no configuration file that says to use Lucida for Thai
> characters and have no idea about how could I convince the VM to use
> some other font (I have some other Thai fonts on my systems:
> ttf-thai-arundina and ttf-thai-tlwg, but the VM seems to be unable to
> use them).
> For the long story please read the bug log.

Please, let me know your comments and keep me Cc:-ed.

Giovanni Mascellani <mascellani@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Pisa, Italy

Web: http://poisson.phc.unipi.it/~mascellani
Jabber: g.mascellani@xxxxxxxxxx / giovanni@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

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