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Bug#649149: Adding good ol' xfonts does not cure the problem either



I've just added the standard debian xfonts packages (all four 75/100dpi 
packages) and restarted X to check if that would make any difference - not 
that it did.

I'm currently contacting the vendor to see if they can see something within 
their applet explaining why it works with Oracle Java and not with OpenJDK. As 
there are no official 64bit browser plugins from Oracle, I'm a bit stuck right 

Is there anything I can do to help narrowing down what the problem underneath 

java version "1.6.0_24"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.11pre) (6b24~pre2-1)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 20.0-b12, mixed mode)
DML-Read thread is running...
Ping thread is running...
Resource not found: Fonts/helvR10.dmlfnt
Resource not found: Fonts/helvR12.dmlfnt
Resource not found: Fonts/helvB12.dmlfnt
Resource not found: Fonts/helvB14.dmlfnt
Resource not found: Fonts/helvR18.dmlfnt
Resource not found: Fonts/courR14.dmlfnt
Resource not found: Fonts/courB14.dmlfnt
Ping thread is terminating...
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Standard dialog font not defined!
Logger-info: connectionLost()
DML-Read thread is terminating...
DML-Read thread is running...
Ping thread is running...
Resource not found: Fonts/helvR10.dmlfnt
Resource not found: Fonts/helvR12.dmlfnt
Resource not found: Fonts/helvB12.dmlfnt
Resource not found: Fonts/helvB14.dmlfnt
Resource not found: Fonts/helvR18.dmlfnt
Resource not found: Fonts/courR14.dmlfnt
Resource not found: Fonts/courB14.dmlfnt
Ping thread is terminating...


