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openjdk-7 uploaded to unstable, some build failures


ok, this went into unstable by mistake, should have been experimental, but now
please lets try to fix things.

 - applied the mips update, however the build fails in the stage1
   build in the stamps/check-crypto-boot.stamp target [1].
   For armhf, this target times out on armhf.

 - the s390 patch needs an update [2].

 - the kfreebsd patches need an update [3].

 - disabled zero for amd64 and i386. the test_gamma check times out.

 - the only working zero target seems to be powerpc for now.

 - sparc and sparc64 still ftbfs.

Andrew Haley did I ask me if I would have access to a fast machine with strict
alignment.  I don't have.  If you have one, please get in contact with him or me.

thanks, Matthias
