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Bug#637250: openjdk-7 already uses libfontconfig


This was fixed upstream in JDK7 as far back as 2008:

The code that talks to libfontconfig is in

As per http://hg.openjdk.java.net/jdk7u/jdk7u/jdk/file/tip/src/solaris/classes/sun/awt/X11FontManager.java
(see the comments at line 723) fontconfig.properties is not actually
used any more under normal conditions.

The configuration retrieved by querying libfontconfig can only be
overridden with a file matching the specific distro and version: so
fontconfig.Debian.7.0.properties but not fontconfig.Debian.properties
or fontconfig.properties. The legacy fontconfig.properties might still
be used as a fallback if querying the system fontconfig fails for some

So since then the fontconfig.properties shipped in openjdk-7 has
actually been unused on any system with working fontconfig. Maybe it
can be dropped.