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Bug#944738: Bug#944738: openjdk-11: diff for NMU version 11.0.8+10-1.1


On Mon, Sep 28, 2020 at 02:05:24PM +0200, Matthias Klose wrote:
> On 9/24/20 7:47 PM, tony mancill wrote:
> > Control: tags 944738 + pending
> > 
> > Hello Matthias,
> > 
> > I've prepared an NMU for openjdk-11 (versioned as 11.0.8+10-1.1) and
> > uploaded it to DELAYED/15. Please feel free to tell me if I should delay
> > it longer or remove the upload from the queue.
> please could you stop doing these NMUs? There's no reason to fast-track those
> before the next regular updates.  Disappointed about that communication style,
> after your words at FOSDEM, nothing happened and then suddenly you start NMUing.

Hi Matthias,

Yes, I will both cease and also remove these NMUs from the upload queue
if you would prefer that.  Regarding communication, we have been
discussing the bug in the BTS since September 18th and I announced my
intention to NMU on September 20th:

> Once the upload is ready (see below), I will upload it as an NMU to
> the delayed queue if we haven't heard back from Matthias.


I assumed that you saw the traffic - after all, you did see the nmudiff
email - but would you prefer a direct cc: in the future?

Regarding the sudden activity - in my opinion, the jlink bug is serious.
Part of the functionality of the JDK was broken in order to support
reproducible builds - and so I was trying to help address that.  I'm
grateful that Julian discovered the root cause.

As for what's happened since we spoke at FOSDEM, I will follow up
privately, as I don't think it matters for the list.  Regardless, I
didn't intend to disappoint.  Let's use this as an opportunity to learn
how to better interact with the OpenJDK team.



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Follow ups
