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[Merge] lp:~trb143/openlp/audit into lp:openlp


Tim Bentley has proposed merging lp:~trb143/openlp/audit into lp:openlp.

    Requested reviews:
    OpenLP Core (openlp-core)

Got hiding code working so here it is

Also added Bible code to allow two translations on same slide.  This works well apart from Esther 8:9 but that is impossible!!!!!
Your team OpenLP Core is subscribed to branch lp:openlp.
=== modified file 'openlp/core/lib/plugin.py'
--- openlp/core/lib/plugin.py	2009-10-10 12:10:05 +0000
+++ openlp/core/lib/plugin.py	2009-10-10 19:05:21 +0000
@@ -257,5 +257,7 @@
         Called by plugin to replace toolbar
-        self.mediadock.insertDock(self.name)
-        self.settings.insertTab(self.name)
+        if self.media_item is not None:
+            self.mediadock.insertDock(self.media_item, self.icon, self.weight)
+        if self.settings_tab is not None:
+            self.settings.insertTab(self.settings_tab, self.weight)

=== modified file 'openlp/core/lib/pluginmanager.py'
--- openlp/core/lib/pluginmanager.py	2009-10-07 05:09:35 +0000
+++ openlp/core/lib/pluginmanager.py	2009-10-10 19:05:21 +0000
@@ -90,7 +90,8 @@
                         __import__(modulename, globals(), locals(), [])
                     except ImportError, e:
-                        log.error(u'Failed to import module %s on path %s for reason %s', modulename, path, e.args[0])
+                        log.error(u'Failed to import module %s on path %s for reason %s',
+                                   modulename, path, e.args[0])
         plugin_classes = Plugin.__subclasses__()
         self.plugins = []
         plugin_objects = []
@@ -139,8 +140,7 @@
                 if plugin.media_item is not None:
                     log.debug(u'Inserting media manager item from %s' % \
-                    mediadock.addDock(plugin.name,
-                        plugin.media_item, plugin.icon)
+                    mediadock.addDock(plugin.media_item, plugin.icon, plugin.weight)
     def hook_settings_tabs(self, settingsform=None):

=== modified file 'openlp/core/ui/mediadockmanager.py'
--- openlp/core/ui/mediadockmanager.py	2009-10-08 05:02:39 +0000
+++ openlp/core/ui/mediadockmanager.py	2009-10-10 19:05:21 +0000
@@ -31,21 +31,31 @@
     def __init__(self, mediaDock):
         self.mediaDock = mediaDock
-    def addDock(self, name,  media_item, icon):
-        log.info(u'Adding %s dock' % name)
+    def addDock(self, media_item, icon, weight):
+        log.info(u'Adding %s dock' % media_item.title)
         id = self.mediaDock.addItem(
-                        media_item, icon, media_item.title)
-    def insertDock(self, name):
-        log.debug(u'Inserting %s dock' % name)
-        for tab_index in range(0, self.mediaDock.count()):
-            #print self.mediaDock.widget(tab_index).ConfigSection,  name
-            if self.mediaDock.widget(tab_index).ConfigSection == name.lower():
-                self.mediaDock.setItemEnabled(tab_index, True)
+            media_item, icon, media_item.title)
+    def insertDock(self, media_item, icon, weight):
+        """
+        This should insert a dock item at a given location
+        This does not work as it gives a Segmentation error.
+        For now add at end of stack if not present
+        """
+        log.debug(u'Inserting %s dock' % media_item.title)
+        match = False
+        for dock_index in range(0, self.mediaDock.count()):
+            if self.mediaDock.widget(dock_index).ConfigSection == media_item.title.lower():
+                match = True
+                break
+        if not match:
+            self.mediaDock.addItem(media_item, icon, media_item.title)
     def removeDock(self, name):
         log.debug(u'remove %s dock' % name)
-        for tab_index in range(0, self.mediaDock.count()):
-            #print "rd", self.mediaDock.widget(tab_index).ConfigSection, name
-            if self.mediaDock.widget(tab_index).ConfigSection == name.lower():
-                self.mediaDock.setItemEnabled(tab_index, False)
+        for dock_index in range(0, self.mediaDock.count()):
+            if self.mediaDock.widget(dock_index) is not None:
+                if self.mediaDock.widget(dock_index).ConfigSection == name.lower():
+                    self.mediaDock.widget(dock_index).hide()
+                    self.mediaDock.removeItem(dock_index)

=== modified file 'openlp/core/ui/settingsform.py'
--- openlp/core/ui/settingsform.py	2009-10-08 05:02:39 +0000
+++ openlp/core/ui/settingsform.py	2009-10-10 19:05:21 +0000
@@ -48,16 +48,18 @@
     def addTab(self, name,  tab):
         log.info(u'Adding %s tab' % tab.title())
-        id = self.SettingsTabWidget.addTab(tab, tab.title())
+        self.SettingsTabWidget.addTab(tab, tab.title())
-    def insertTab(self, name):
-        log.debug(u'Inserting %s tab' % name)
-        for tab_index in range(0, self.SettingsTabWidget.count()):
+    def insertTab(self, tab, location):
+        log.debug(u'Inserting %s tab' % tab.title())
+        self.SettingsTabWidget.insertTab(location + 13, tab, tab.title())
+        #for tab_index in range(0, self.SettingsTabWidget.count()):
             #print self.SettingsTabWidget.widget(tab_index).title()
-            if self.SettingsTabWidget.widget(tab_index).title() == name:
+            #if self.SettingsTabWidget.widget(tab_index).title() == name:
                 #print "Insert match"
                 #print self.SettingsTabWidget.widget(tab_index).isVisible()
-                self.SettingsTabWidget.setTabEnabled(tab_index, True)
+                #self.SettingsTabWidget.setTabEnabled(tab_index, True)
+                #self.SettingsTabWidget.removeTab(tab_index)
                 #print self.SettingsTabWidget.widget(tab_index).isVisible()
@@ -65,12 +67,14 @@
         log.debug(u'remove %s tab' % name)
         #print ">>>>>>>>>>> remove settings"
         for tab_index in range(0, self.SettingsTabWidget.count()):
-            #print "rt", self.SettingsTabWidget.widget(tab_index).title(), name
-            if self.SettingsTabWidget.widget(tab_index).title() == name:
-                #print "remove match"
-                #print self.SettingsTabWidget.widget(tab_index).isVisible()
-                self.SettingsTabWidget.setTabEnabled(tab_index, False)
-                #print self.SettingsTabWidget.widget(tab_index).isVisible()
+            if self.SettingsTabWidget.widget(tab_index) is not None:
+                #print "rt", self.SettingsTabWidget.widget(tab_index).title(), name
+                if self.SettingsTabWidget.widget(tab_index).title() == name:
+                    #print "remove match"
+                    #print self.SettingsTabWidget.widget(tab_index).isVisible()
+                    #self.SettingsTabWidget.setTabEnabled(tab_index, False)
+                    self.SettingsTabWidget.removeTab(tab_index)
+                    #print self.SettingsTabWidget.widget(tab_index).isVisible()
     def accept(self):
         for tab_index in range(0, self.SettingsTabWidget.count()):

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/bibles/bibleplugin.py'
--- openlp/plugins/bibles/bibleplugin.py	2009-10-08 05:02:39 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/bibles/bibleplugin.py	2009-10-10 19:05:21 +0000
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@
     def get_media_manager_item(self):
         # Create the BibleManagerItem object
-        return BibleMediaItem(self, self.icon, u'Bible Verses')
+        return BibleMediaItem(self, self.icon, u'Bibles')
     def add_import_menu_item(self, import_menu):
         self.ImportBibleItem = QtGui.QAction(import_menu)

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/mediaitem.py'
--- openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/mediaitem.py	2009-10-09 22:46:35 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/mediaitem.py	2009-10-10 19:05:21 +0000
@@ -110,17 +110,22 @@
         self.QuickLayout.addWidget(self.ClearQuickSearchComboBox, 3, 1, 1, 1)
+        self.QuickSecondBibleComboBox = QtGui.QComboBox(self.QuickTab)
+        self.QuickSecondBibleComboBox.setObjectName(u'SecondBible')
+        self.QuickVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.QuickSecondBibleComboBox)
         self.QuickMessage = QtGui.QLabel(self.QuickTab)
         self.SearchTabWidget.addTab(self.QuickTab, 'Quick')
-        QuickSpacerItem = QtGui.QSpacerItem(20, 40, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum,
+        QuickSpacerItem = QtGui.QSpacerItem(20, 35, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum,
         self.QuickLayout.addItem(QuickSpacerItem, 4, 2, 1, 1)
         # Add the Advanced Search tab
         self.AdvancedTab = QtGui.QWidget()
-        self.AdvancedLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout(self.AdvancedTab)
+        self.AdvancedVerticalLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.AdvancedTab)
+        self.AdvancedVerticalLayout.setObjectName("verticalLayout")
+        self.AdvancedLayout = QtGui.QGridLayout()
@@ -171,6 +176,10 @@
         self.AdvancedSearchButton = QtGui.QPushButton(self.AdvancedTab)
         self.AdvancedLayout.addWidget(self.AdvancedSearchButton, 5, 3, 1, 1)
+        self.AdvancedVerticalLayout.addLayout(self.AdvancedLayout)
+        self.AdvancedSecondBibleComboBox = QtGui.QComboBox(self.AdvancedTab)
+        self.AdvancedSecondBibleComboBox.setObjectName(u'SecondBible')
+        self.AdvancedVerticalLayout.addWidget(self.AdvancedSecondBibleComboBox)
         self.SearchTabWidget.addTab(self.AdvancedTab, u'Advanced')
         # Add the search tab widget to the page layout
@@ -240,17 +249,23 @@
     def loadBibles(self):
         log.debug(u'Loading Bibles')
+        self.QuickSecondBibleComboBox.clear()
+        self.AdvancedSecondBibleComboBox.clear()
+        self.QuickSecondBibleComboBox.addItem(u'')
+        self.AdvancedSecondBibleComboBox.addItem(u'')
         bibles = self.parent.biblemanager.get_bibles(BibleMode.Full)
         # load bibles into the combo boxes
         for bible in bibles:
+            self.QuickSecondBibleComboBox.addItem(bible)
         # Without HTTP
         bibles = self.parent.biblemanager.get_bibles(BibleMode.Partial)
         first = True
         # load bibles into the combo boxes
         for bible in bibles:
+            self.AdvancedSecondBibleComboBox.addItem(bible)
             if first:
                 first = False
                 # use the first bible as the trigger
@@ -337,16 +352,13 @@
         for item in items:
             bitem = self.ListView.item(item.row())
             text = unicode((bitem.data(QtCore.Qt.UserRole)).toString())
-            verse = text[:text.find(u'(')]
+            search_verse = text[:text.find(u'(')]
             bible = text[text.find(u'(') + 1:-1]
-            self.searchByReference(bible, verse)
+            self.searchByReference(bible, search_verse)
             book = self.search_results[0].book.name
             chapter = unicode(self.search_results[0].chapter)
             verse = unicode(self.search_results[0].verse)
             text = self.search_results[0].text
-            #Paragraph style force new line per verse
-            if self.parent.settings_tab.layout_style == 1:
-                text = text + u'\n\n'
             if self.parent.settings_tab.display_style == 1:
                 loc = self.formatVerse(old_chapter, chapter, verse, u'(u', u')')
             elif  self.parent.settings_tab.display_style == 2:
@@ -356,18 +368,41 @@
                 loc = self.formatVerse(old_chapter, chapter, verse, u'', u'')
             old_chapter = chapter
-            bible_text = bible_text + u' '+ loc + u' '+ text
-            #if we are verse per slide then create slide
-            if self.parent.settings_tab.layout_style == 0:
-                raw_slides.append(bible_text)
-                bible_text = u''
-            service_item.title = book + u' ' + loc
-            footer = book + u' (' + self.version + u' ' + self.copyright +u')'
+            footer = u'%s (%s %s)' % (book, self.version, self.copyright)
             #If not found throws and error so add.s
+            #If we want to use a 2nd translation / version
+            bible2 = u''
+            if self.SearchTabWidget.currentIndex() == 0:
+                bible2 = unicode(self.QuickSecondBibleComboBox.currentText())
+            else:
+                bible2 = unicode(self.AdvancedSecondBibleComboBox.currentText())
+            if len(bible2) > 0:
+                self.searchByReference(bible2, search_verse)
+                footer = u'%s (%s %s)' % (book, self.version, self.copyright)
+                #If not found throws and error so add.s
+                try:
+                    raw_footer.index(footer)
+                except:
+                    raw_footer.append(footer)
+                bible_text = u'%s %s \n\n\n %s %s)' % \
+                    (loc, text, loc, self.search_results[0].text)
+                raw_slides.append(bible_text)
+                bible_text = u''
+            else:
+                #Paragraph style force new line per verse
+                if self.parent.settings_tab.layout_style == 1:
+                    text = text + u'\n\n'
+                bible_text = u'%s %s %s' % (bible_text, loc, text)
+                #if we are verse per slide then create slide
+                if self.parent.settings_tab.layout_style == 0:
+                    raw_slides.append(bible_text)
+                    bible_text = u''
+            service_item.title = u'%s %s' % (book, loc)
         if  len(self.parent.settings_tab.bible_theme) == 0:
             service_item.theme = None

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/custom/customplugin.py'
--- openlp/plugins/custom/customplugin.py	2009-10-03 13:08:18 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/custom/customplugin.py	2009-10-10 19:05:21 +0000
@@ -54,7 +54,19 @@
     def get_media_manager_item(self):
         # Create the CustomManagerItem object
-        return CustomMediaItem(self, self.icon, u'Custom Slides')
+        return CustomMediaItem(self, self.icon, u'Custom')
+    def can_be_disabled(self):
+        return True
+    def initialise(self):
+        log.info(u'Plugin Initialising')
+        Plugin.initialise(self)
+        self.insert_toolbox_item()
+    def finalise(self):
+        log.info(u'Plugin Finalise')
+        self.remove_toolbox_item()
     def about(self):
         return u'<b>Custom Plugin</b> <br>This plugin allows slides to be displayed on the screen in the same way songs are. The difference between this plugin and songs is this plugin provides greater freedom.<br><br>This is a core plugin and cannot be made inactive</b>'

Follow ups