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Re: [Merge] lp:~m2j/openlp/work into lp:openlp


> No, I doubt most users will know the code page number,
I didn't said this. I n other words I wanted to say, that in other parts of the world the users are facing more encoding problems so they are more used to the codepage numbers. This is, why every web browser has a encoding selection at a central position.
> but they will know what language they speak.
Oh, no. Germany is a nice example. Germany is located in Central Europe. The fact, that it was assigned to Western Europe in the time of the cold war dosen't matter nowadays. I have to select Western European. Every German text has no problem with selecting Turkish and often also with Baltic. Only Central European has the potential to crash some characters.
> And as for lining up, that's not important because most stuff doesn't line up anyways.
Here the reason for lining up is not the consistence. It is the question what serves best to the user to find the right choice. Just try, how fast do you find one encoding and one area name in the different string formats (let's say Korean and CP-1251). [http://www.stud.uni-karlsruhe.de/~uratx/Ablage/Encoding_List.png]
Well, I'm not really motivated to discuss about a dialog which is seen once by only a part of the users, but I also don't like to make suboptimal solutions when I spend time to find the best one.
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