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[Merge] lp:~aljsteiner/openlp/openlp into lp:openlp


Albert Steiner has proposed merging lp:~aljsteiner/openlp/openlp into lp:openlp.

Requested reviews:
  OpenLP Core (openlp-core)

This re-enables the import of OpenLp1 databases, and fixes the bug #652380.  It requires that python2.6 contain all of the sqlite code that was in dashing daniel original release.
Your team OpenLP Core is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~aljsteiner/openlp/openlp into lp:openlp.
=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/songs/forms/songimportform.py'
--- openlp/plugins/songs/forms/songimportform.py	2010-11-26 14:23:48 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/songs/forms/songimportform.py	2010-12-07 19:44:09 +0000
@@ -57,9 +57,9 @@
         self.finishButton = self.button(QtGui.QWizard.FinishButton)
         self.cancelButton = self.button(QtGui.QWizard.CancelButton)
-        if not SongFormat.get_availability(SongFormat.OpenLP1):
-            self.openLP1DisabledWidget.setVisible(True)
-            self.openLP1ImportWidget.setVisible(False)
+ #       if not SongFormat.get_availability(SongFormat.OpenLP1):
+ #           self.openLP1DisabledWidget.setVisible(True)
+ #           self.openLP1ImportWidget.setVisible(False)
         if not SongFormat.get_availability(SongFormat.SongsOfFellowship):

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/songs/forms/songimportwizard.py'
--- openlp/plugins/songs/forms/songimportwizard.py	2010-09-30 05:04:43 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/songs/forms/songimportwizard.py	2010-12-07 19:44:09 +0000
@@ -1,379 +1,376 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=80 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
-# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection                                      #
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Raoul Snyman                                        #
-# Portions copyright (c) 2008-2010 Tim Bentley, Jonathan Corwin, Michael      #
-# Gorven, Scott Guerrieri, Meinert Jordan, Andreas Preikschat, Christian      #
-# Richter, Philip Ridout, Maikel Stuivenberg, Martin Thompson, Jon Tibble,    #
-# Carsten Tinggaard, Frode Woldsund                                           #
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it     #
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free  #
-# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.                              #
-#                                                                             #
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or       #
-# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for    #
-# more details.                                                               #
-#                                                                             #
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along     #
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59  #
-# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA                          #
-from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
-from openlp.core.lib import build_icon, translate
-class Ui_SongImportWizard(object):
-    def setupUi(self, songImportWizard):
-        self.openIcon = build_icon(u':/general/general_open.png')
-        self.deleteIcon = build_icon(u':/general/general_delete.png')
-        songImportWizard.setObjectName(u'songImportWizard')
-        songImportWizard.resize(550, 386)
-        songImportWizard.setModal(True)
-        songImportWizard.setWizardStyle(QtGui.QWizard.ModernStyle)
-        songImportWizard.setOptions(
-            QtGui.QWizard.IndependentPages |
-            QtGui.QWizard.NoBackButtonOnStartPage |
-            QtGui.QWizard.NoBackButtonOnLastPage)
-        self.welcomePage = QtGui.QWizardPage()
-        self.welcomePage.setObjectName(u'welcomePage')
-        self.welcomePage.setPixmap(QtGui.QWizard.WatermarkPixmap,
-            QtGui.QPixmap(u':/wizards/wizard_importsong.bmp'))
-        self.welcomeLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.welcomePage)
-        self.welcomeLayout.setSpacing(8)
-        self.welcomeLayout.setMargin(0)
-        self.welcomeLayout.setObjectName(u'welcomeLayout')
-        self.welcomeTextLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
-        self.welcomeTextLayout.setSpacing(8)
-        self.welcomeTextLayout.setObjectName(u'welcomeTextLayout')
-        self.titleLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.welcomePage)
-        self.titleLabel.setObjectName(u'TitleLabel')
-        self.welcomeTextLayout.addWidget(self.titleLabel)
-        self.welcomeTopSpacer = QtGui.QSpacerItem(20, 40,
-            QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Fixed)
-        self.welcomeTextLayout.addItem(self.welcomeTopSpacer)
-        self.informationLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.welcomePage)
-        self.informationLabel.setWordWrap(True)
-        self.informationLabel.setMargin(10)
-        self.informationLabel.setObjectName(u'InformationLabel')
-        self.welcomeTextLayout.addWidget(self.informationLabel)
-        self.welcomeBottomSpacer = QtGui.QSpacerItem(20, 40,
-            QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
-        self.welcomeTextLayout.addItem(self.welcomeBottomSpacer)
-        self.welcomeLayout.addLayout(self.welcomeTextLayout)
-        songImportWizard.addPage(self.welcomePage)
-        self.sourcePage = QtGui.QWizardPage()
-        self.sourcePage.setObjectName(u'SourcePage')
-        self.sourceLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.sourcePage)
-        self.sourceLayout.setSpacing(8)
-        self.sourceLayout.setMargin(20)
-        self.sourceLayout.setObjectName(u'SourceLayout')
-        self.formatLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        self.formatLayout.setSpacing(8)
-        self.formatLayout.setObjectName(u'FormatLayout')
-        self.formatLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.sourcePage)
-        self.formatLabel.setObjectName(u'FormatLabel')
-        self.formatLayout.addWidget(self.formatLabel)
-        self.formatComboBox = QtGui.QComboBox(self.sourcePage)
-        sizePolicy = QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding,
-            QtGui.QSizePolicy.Fixed)
-        sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0)
-        sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0)
-        sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(
-            self.formatComboBox.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth())
-        self.formatComboBox.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy)
-        self.formatComboBox.setObjectName(u'formatComboBox')
-        self.formatLayout.addWidget(self.formatComboBox)
-        self.formatSpacer = QtGui.QSpacerItem(40, 20,
-            QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum)
-        self.formatLayout.addItem(self.formatSpacer)
-        self.sourceLayout.addLayout(self.formatLayout)
-        self.formatStackedWidget = QtGui.QStackedWidget(self.sourcePage)
-        self.formatStackedWidget.setObjectName(u'FormatStackedWidget')
-        # OpenLP 2.0
-        self.addSingleFileSelectItem(u'openLP2')
-        # openlp.org 1.x
-        self.addSingleFileSelectItem(u'openLP1', None, True)
-        # OpenLyrics
-        self.addMultiFileSelectItem(u'openLyrics', u'OpenLyrics', True)
-        # set OpenLyrics to disabled by default
-        self.openLyricsDisabledWidget.setVisible(True)
-        self.openLyricsImportWidget.setVisible(False)
-        # Open Song
-        self.addMultiFileSelectItem(u'openSong', u'OpenSong')
-        # Words of Worship
-        self.addMultiFileSelectItem(u'wordsOfWorship')
-        # CCLI File import
-        self.addMultiFileSelectItem(u'ccli')
-        # Songs of Fellowship
-        self.addMultiFileSelectItem(u'songsOfFellowship', None, True)
-        # Generic Document/Presentation import
-        self.addMultiFileSelectItem(u'generic', None, True)
-        # EasyWorship
-        self.addSingleFileSelectItem(u'ew')
-        # Words of Worship
-        self.addMultiFileSelectItem(u'songBeamer')
-#        Commented out for future use.
-#        self.addSingleFileSelectItem(u'csv', u'CSV')
-        self.sourceLayout.addWidget(self.formatStackedWidget)
-        songImportWizard.addPage(self.sourcePage)
-        self.importPage = QtGui.QWizardPage()
-        self.importPage.setObjectName(u'importPage')
-        self.importLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.importPage)
-        self.importLayout.setSpacing(8)
-        self.importLayout.setMargin(50)
-        self.importLayout.setObjectName(u'importLayout')
-        self.importProgressLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.importPage)
-        self.importProgressLabel.setObjectName(u'importProgressLabel')
-        self.importLayout.addWidget(self.importProgressLabel)
-        self.importProgressBar = QtGui.QProgressBar(self.importPage)
-        self.importProgressBar.setProperty(u'value', 0)
-        self.importProgressBar.setInvertedAppearance(False)
-        self.importProgressBar.setObjectName(u'importProgressBar')
-        self.importLayout.addWidget(self.importProgressBar)
-        songImportWizard.addPage(self.importPage)
-        self.retranslateUi(songImportWizard)
-        self.formatStackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(0)
-        QtCore.QObject.connect(self.formatComboBox,
-            QtCore.SIGNAL(u'currentIndexChanged(int)'),
-            self.formatStackedWidget.setCurrentIndex)
-        QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(songImportWizard)
-    def retranslateUi(self, songImportWizard):
-        songImportWizard.setWindowTitle(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Song Import Wizard'))
-        self.titleLabel.setText(
-            u'<span style="font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">%s</span>' % \
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
-                'Welcome to the Song Import Wizard'))
-        self.informationLabel.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
-                'This wizard will help you to import songs from a variety of '
-                'formats. Click the next button below to start the process by '
-                'selecting a format to import from.'))
-        self.sourcePage.setTitle(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Select Import Source'))
-        self.sourcePage.setSubTitle(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
-            'Select the import format, and where to import from.'))
-        self.formatLabel.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Format:'))
-        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(0,
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'OpenLP 2.0'))
-        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(1,
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'openlp.org 1.x'))
-        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(2,
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'OpenLyrics'))
-        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(3,
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'OpenSong'))
-        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(4,
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Words of Worship'))
-        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(5,
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'CCLI/SongSelect'))
-        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(6,
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Songs of Fellowship'))
-        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(7,
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
-            'Generic Document/Presentation'))
-        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(8,
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'EasyWorship'))
-        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(9,
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'SongBeamer'))
-#        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(9,
-#            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'CSV'))
-        self.openLP2FilenameLabel.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Filename:'))
-        self.openLP2BrowseButton.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Browse...'))
-        self.openLP1FilenameLabel.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Filename:'))
-        self.openLP1BrowseButton.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Browse...'))
-        self.openLP1DisabledLabel.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'The openlp.org 1.x '
-            'importer has been disabled due to a missing Python module. If '
-            'you want to use this importer, you will need to install the '
-            '"python-sqlite" module.'))
-        #self.openLyricsAddButton.setText(
-        #    translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Add Files...'))
-        #self.openLyricsRemoveButton.setText(
-        #    translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Remove File(s)'))
-        self.openLyricsDisabledLabel.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'The OpenLyrics '
-            'importer has not yet been developed, but as you can see, we are '
-            'still intending to do so. Hopefully it will be in the next '
-            'release.'))
-        self.openSongAddButton.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Add Files...'))
-        self.openSongRemoveButton.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Remove File(s)'))
-        self.wordsOfWorshipAddButton.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Add Files...'))
-        self.wordsOfWorshipRemoveButton.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Remove File(s)'))
-        self.ccliAddButton.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Add Files...'))
-        self.ccliRemoveButton.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Remove File(s)'))
-        self.songsOfFellowshipAddButton.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Add Files...'))
-        self.songsOfFellowshipRemoveButton.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Remove File(s)'))
-        self.songsOfFellowshipDisabledLabel.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'The Songs of '
-            'Fellowship importer has been disabled because OpenLP cannot '
-            'find OpenOffice.org on your computer.'))
-        self.genericAddButton.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Add Files...'))
-        self.genericRemoveButton.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Remove File(s)'))
-        self.genericDisabledLabel.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'The generic document/'
-            'presentation importer has been disabled because OpenLP cannot '
-            'find OpenOffice.org on your computer.'))
-        self.ewFilenameLabel.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Filename:'))
-        self.ewBrowseButton.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Browse...'))
-        self.songBeamerAddButton.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Add Files...'))
-        self.songBeamerRemoveButton.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Remove File(s)'))
-#        self.csvFilenameLabel.setText(
-#            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Filename:'))
-#        self.csvBrowseButton.setText(
-#            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Browse...'))
-        self.importPage.setTitle(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Importing'))
-        self.importPage.setSubTitle(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
-                'Please wait while your songs are imported.'))
-        self.importProgressLabel.setText(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Ready.'))
-        self.importProgressBar.setFormat(
-            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', '%p%'))
-    def addSingleFileSelectItem(self, prefix, obj_prefix=None,
-        can_disable=False):
-        if not obj_prefix:
-            obj_prefix = prefix
-        page = QtGui.QWidget()
-        page.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'Page')
-        if can_disable:
-            importWidget = self.disablableWidget(page, prefix, obj_prefix)
-        else:
-            importWidget = page
-        importLayout = QtGui.QFormLayout(importWidget)
-        importLayout.setMargin(0)
-        importLayout.setSpacing(8)
-        if can_disable:
-            importLayout.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'ImportLayout')
-        else:
-            importLayout.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'Layout')
-        filenameLabel = QtGui.QLabel(importWidget)
-        filenameLabel.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'FilenameLabel')
-        importLayout.setWidget(0, QtGui.QFormLayout.LabelRole, filenameLabel)
-        fileLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        fileLayout.setSpacing(8)
-        fileLayout.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'FileLayout')
-        filenameEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit(importWidget)
-        filenameEdit.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'FilenameEdit')
-        fileLayout.addWidget(filenameEdit)
-        browseButton = QtGui.QToolButton(importWidget)
-        browseButton.setIcon(self.openIcon)
-        browseButton.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'BrowseButton')
-        fileLayout.addWidget(browseButton)
-        importLayout.setLayout(0, QtGui.QFormLayout.FieldRole, fileLayout)
-        self.formatStackedWidget.addWidget(page)
-        setattr(self, prefix + u'Page', page)
-        setattr(self, prefix + u'FilenameLabel', filenameLabel)
-        setattr(self, prefix + u'FileLayout', fileLayout)
-        setattr(self, prefix + u'FilenameEdit', filenameEdit)
-        setattr(self, prefix + u'BrowseButton', browseButton)
-        if can_disable:
-            setattr(self, prefix + u'ImportLayout', importLayout)
-        else:
-            setattr(self, prefix + u'Layout', importLayout)
-        self.formatComboBox.addItem(u'')
-    def addMultiFileSelectItem(self, prefix, obj_prefix=None,
-        can_disable=False):
-        if not obj_prefix:
-            obj_prefix = prefix
-        page = QtGui.QWidget()
-        page.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'Page')
-        if can_disable:
-            importWidget = self.disablableWidget(page, prefix, obj_prefix)
-        else:
-            importWidget = page
-        importLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(importWidget)
-        importLayout.setMargin(0)
-        importLayout.setSpacing(8)
-        if can_disable:
-            importLayout.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'ImportLayout')
-        else:
-            importLayout.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'Layout')
-        fileListWidget = QtGui.QListWidget(importWidget)
-        fileListWidget.setSelectionMode(
-            QtGui.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection)
-        fileListWidget.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'FileListWidget')
-        importLayout.addWidget(fileListWidget)
-        buttonLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
-        buttonLayout.setSpacing(8)
-        buttonLayout.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'ButtonLayout')
-        addButton = QtGui.QPushButton(importWidget)
-        addButton.setIcon(self.openIcon)
-        addButton.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'AddButton')
-        buttonLayout.addWidget(addButton)
-        buttonSpacer = QtGui.QSpacerItem(40, 20,
-            QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum)
-        buttonLayout.addItem(buttonSpacer)
-        removeButton = QtGui.QPushButton(importWidget)
-        removeButton.setIcon(self.deleteIcon)
-        removeButton.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'RemoveButton')
-        buttonLayout.addWidget(removeButton)
-        importLayout.addLayout(buttonLayout)
-        self.formatStackedWidget.addWidget(page)
-        setattr(self, prefix + u'Page', page)
-        setattr(self, prefix + u'FileListWidget', fileListWidget)
-        setattr(self, prefix + u'ButtonLayout', buttonLayout)
-        setattr(self, prefix + u'ButtonSpacer', buttonSpacer)
-        setattr(self, prefix + u'AddButton', addButton)
-        setattr(self, prefix + u'RemoveButton', removeButton)
-        if can_disable:
-            setattr(self, prefix + u'ImportLayout', importLayout)
-        else:
-            setattr(self, prefix + u'Layout', importLayout)
-        self.formatComboBox.addItem(u'')
-    def disablableWidget(self, page, prefix, obj_prefix):
-        layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(page)
-        layout.setMargin(0)
-        layout.setSpacing(0)
-        layout.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'Layout')
-        disabledWidget = QtGui.QWidget(page)
-        disabledWidget.setVisible(False)
-        disabledWidget.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'DisabledWidget')
-        disabledLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(disabledWidget)
-        disabledLayout.setMargin(0)
-        disabledLayout.setSpacing(8)
-        disabledLayout.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'DisabledLayout')
-        disabledLabel = QtGui.QLabel(disabledWidget)
-        disabledLabel.setWordWrap(True)
-        disabledLabel.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'DisabledLabel')
-        disabledLayout.addWidget(disabledLabel)
-        layout.addWidget(disabledWidget)
-        importWidget = QtGui.QWidget(page)
-        importWidget.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'ImportWidget')
-        layout.addWidget(importWidget)
-        setattr(self, prefix + u'Layout', layout)
-        setattr(self, prefix + u'DisabledWidget', disabledWidget)
-        setattr(self, prefix + u'DisabledLayout', disabledLayout)
-        setattr(self, prefix + u'DisabledLabel', disabledLabel)
-        setattr(self, prefix + u'ImportWidget', importWidget)
-        return importWidget
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=80 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
+# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection                                      #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Raoul Snyman                                        #
+# Portions copyright (c) 2008-2010 Tim Bentley, Jonathan Corwin, Michael      #
+# Gorven, Scott Guerrieri, Meinert Jordan, Andreas Preikschat, Christian      #
+# Richter, Philip Ridout, Maikel Stuivenberg, Martin Thompson, Jon Tibble,    #
+# Carsten Tinggaard, Frode Woldsund                                           #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it     #
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free  #
+# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.                              #
+#                                                                             #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or       #
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for    #
+# more details.                                                               #
+#                                                                             #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along     #
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59  #
+# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA                          #
+from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
+from openlp.core.lib import build_icon, translate
+class Ui_SongImportWizard(object):
+    def setupUi(self, songImportWizard):
+        self.openIcon = build_icon(u':/general/general_open.png')
+        self.deleteIcon = build_icon(u':/general/general_delete.png')
+        songImportWizard.setObjectName(u'songImportWizard')
+        songImportWizard.resize(550, 386)
+        songImportWizard.setModal(True)
+        songImportWizard.setWizardStyle(QtGui.QWizard.ModernStyle)
+        songImportWizard.setOptions(
+            QtGui.QWizard.IndependentPages |
+            QtGui.QWizard.NoBackButtonOnStartPage |
+            QtGui.QWizard.NoBackButtonOnLastPage)
+        self.welcomePage = QtGui.QWizardPage()
+        self.welcomePage.setObjectName(u'welcomePage')
+        self.welcomePage.setPixmap(QtGui.QWizard.WatermarkPixmap,
+            QtGui.QPixmap(u':/wizards/wizard_importsong.bmp'))
+        self.welcomeLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout(self.welcomePage)
+        self.welcomeLayout.setSpacing(8)
+        self.welcomeLayout.setMargin(0)
+        self.welcomeLayout.setObjectName(u'welcomeLayout')
+        self.welcomeTextLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout()
+        self.welcomeTextLayout.setSpacing(8)
+        self.welcomeTextLayout.setObjectName(u'welcomeTextLayout')
+        self.titleLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.welcomePage)
+        self.titleLabel.setObjectName(u'TitleLabel')
+        self.welcomeTextLayout.addWidget(self.titleLabel)
+        self.welcomeTopSpacer = QtGui.QSpacerItem(20, 40,
+            QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Fixed)
+        self.welcomeTextLayout.addItem(self.welcomeTopSpacer)
+        self.informationLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.welcomePage)
+        self.informationLabel.setWordWrap(True)
+        self.informationLabel.setMargin(10)
+        self.informationLabel.setObjectName(u'InformationLabel')
+        self.welcomeTextLayout.addWidget(self.informationLabel)
+        self.welcomeBottomSpacer = QtGui.QSpacerItem(20, 40,
+            QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
+        self.welcomeTextLayout.addItem(self.welcomeBottomSpacer)
+        self.welcomeLayout.addLayout(self.welcomeTextLayout)
+        songImportWizard.addPage(self.welcomePage)
+        self.sourcePage = QtGui.QWizardPage()
+        self.sourcePage.setObjectName(u'SourcePage')
+        self.sourceLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.sourcePage)
+        self.sourceLayout.setSpacing(8)
+        self.sourceLayout.setMargin(20)
+        self.sourceLayout.setObjectName(u'SourceLayout')
+        self.formatLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        self.formatLayout.setSpacing(8)
+        self.formatLayout.setObjectName(u'FormatLayout')
+        self.formatLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.sourcePage)
+        self.formatLabel.setObjectName(u'FormatLabel')
+        self.formatLayout.addWidget(self.formatLabel)
+        self.formatComboBox = QtGui.QComboBox(self.sourcePage)
+        sizePolicy = QtGui.QSizePolicy(QtGui.QSizePolicy.MinimumExpanding,
+            QtGui.QSizePolicy.Fixed)
+        sizePolicy.setHorizontalStretch(0)
+        sizePolicy.setVerticalStretch(0)
+        sizePolicy.setHeightForWidth(
+            self.formatComboBox.sizePolicy().hasHeightForWidth())
+        self.formatComboBox.setSizePolicy(sizePolicy)
+        self.formatComboBox.setObjectName(u'formatComboBox')
+        self.formatLayout.addWidget(self.formatComboBox)
+        self.formatSpacer = QtGui.QSpacerItem(40, 20,
+            QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum)
+        self.formatLayout.addItem(self.formatSpacer)
+        self.sourceLayout.addLayout(self.formatLayout)
+        self.formatStackedWidget = QtGui.QStackedWidget(self.sourcePage)
+        self.formatStackedWidget.setObjectName(u'FormatStackedWidget')
+        # OpenLP 2.0
+        self.addSingleFileSelectItem(u'openLP2')
+        # openlp.org 1.x
+        self.addSingleFileSelectItem(u'openLP1')
+        # OpenLyrics
+        self.addMultiFileSelectItem(u'openLyrics', u'OpenLyrics', True)
+        # set OpenLyrics to disabled by default
+        self.openLyricsDisabledWidget.setVisible(True)
+        self.openLyricsImportWidget.setVisible(False)
+        # Open Song
+        self.addMultiFileSelectItem(u'openSong', u'OpenSong')
+        # Words of Worship
+        self.addMultiFileSelectItem(u'wordsOfWorship')
+        # CCLI File import
+        self.addMultiFileSelectItem(u'ccli')
+        # Songs of Fellowship
+        self.addMultiFileSelectItem(u'songsOfFellowship', None, True)
+        # Generic Document/Presentation import
+        self.addMultiFileSelectItem(u'generic', None, True)
+        # EasyWorship
+        self.addSingleFileSelectItem(u'ew')
+        # Words of Worship
+        self.addMultiFileSelectItem(u'songBeamer')
+#        Commented out for future use.
+#        self.addSingleFileSelectItem(u'csv', u'CSV')
+        self.sourceLayout.addWidget(self.formatStackedWidget)
+        songImportWizard.addPage(self.sourcePage)
+        self.importPage = QtGui.QWizardPage()
+        self.importPage.setObjectName(u'importPage')
+        self.importLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self.importPage)
+        self.importLayout.setSpacing(8)
+        self.importLayout.setMargin(50)
+        self.importLayout.setObjectName(u'importLayout')
+        self.importProgressLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.importPage)
+        self.importProgressLabel.setObjectName(u'importProgressLabel')
+        self.importLayout.addWidget(self.importProgressLabel)
+        self.importProgressBar = QtGui.QProgressBar(self.importPage)
+        self.importProgressBar.setProperty(u'value', 0)
+        self.importProgressBar.setInvertedAppearance(False)
+        self.importProgressBar.setObjectName(u'importProgressBar')
+        self.importLayout.addWidget(self.importProgressBar)
+        songImportWizard.addPage(self.importPage)
+        self.retranslateUi(songImportWizard)
+        self.formatStackedWidget.setCurrentIndex(0)
+        QtCore.QObject.connect(self.formatComboBox,
+            QtCore.SIGNAL(u'currentIndexChanged(int)'),
+            self.formatStackedWidget.setCurrentIndex)
+        QtCore.QMetaObject.connectSlotsByName(songImportWizard)
+    def retranslateUi(self, songImportWizard):
+        songImportWizard.setWindowTitle(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Song Import Wizard'))
+        self.titleLabel.setText(
+            u'<span style="font-size:14pt; font-weight:600;">%s</span>' % \
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
+                'Welcome to the Song Import Wizard'))
+        self.informationLabel.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
+                'This wizard will help you to import songs from a variety of '
+                'formats. Click the next button below to start the process by '
+                'selecting a format to import from.'))
+        self.sourcePage.setTitle(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Select Import Source'))
+        self.sourcePage.setSubTitle(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
+            'Select the import format, and where to import from.'))
+        self.formatLabel.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Format:'))
+        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(0,
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'OpenLP 2.0'))
+        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(1,
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'openlp.org 1.x'))
+        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(2,
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'OpenLyrics'))
+        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(3,
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'OpenSong'))
+        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(4,
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Words of Worship'))
+        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(5,
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'CCLI/SongSelect'))
+        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(6,
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Songs of Fellowship'))
+        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(7,
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
+            'Generic Document/Presentation'))
+        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(8,
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'EasyWorship'))
+        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(9,
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'SongBeamer'))
+#        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(9,
+#            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'CSV'))
+        self.openLP2FilenameLabel.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Filename:'))
+        self.openLP2BrowseButton.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Browse...'))
+        self.openLP1FilenameLabel.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Filename:'))
+        self.openLP1BrowseButton.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Browse...'))
+        self.formatComboBox.setItemText(1,
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'openlp.org 1.x'))
+        #self.openLyricsAddButton.setText(
+        #    translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Add Files...'))
+        #self.openLyricsRemoveButton.setText(
+        #    translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Remove File(s)'))
+        self.openLyricsDisabledLabel.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'The OpenLyrics '
+            'importer has not yet been developed, but as you can see, we are '
+            'still intending to do so. Hopefully it will be in the next '
+            'release.'))
+        self.openSongAddButton.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Add Files...'))
+        self.openSongRemoveButton.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Remove File(s)'))
+        self.wordsOfWorshipAddButton.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Add Files...'))
+        self.wordsOfWorshipRemoveButton.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Remove File(s)'))
+        self.ccliAddButton.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Add Files...'))
+        self.ccliRemoveButton.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Remove File(s)'))
+        self.songsOfFellowshipAddButton.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Add Files...'))
+        self.songsOfFellowshipRemoveButton.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Remove File(s)'))
+        self.songsOfFellowshipDisabledLabel.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'The Songs of '
+            'Fellowship importer has been disabled because OpenLP cannot '
+            'find OpenOffice.org on your computer.'))
+        self.genericAddButton.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Add Files...'))
+        self.genericRemoveButton.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Remove File(s)'))
+        self.genericDisabledLabel.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'The generic document/'
+            'presentation importer has been disabled because OpenLP cannot '
+            'find OpenOffice.org on your computer.'))
+        self.ewFilenameLabel.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Filename:'))
+        self.ewBrowseButton.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Browse...'))
+        self.songBeamerAddButton.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Add Files...'))
+        self.songBeamerRemoveButton.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Remove File(s)'))
+#        self.csvFilenameLabel.setText(
+#            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Filename:'))
+#        self.csvBrowseButton.setText(
+#            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Browse...'))
+        self.importPage.setTitle(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Importing'))
+        self.importPage.setSubTitle(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
+                'Please wait while your songs are imported.'))
+        self.importProgressLabel.setText(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Ready.'))
+        self.importProgressBar.setFormat(
+            translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm', '%p%'))
+    def addSingleFileSelectItem(self, prefix, obj_prefix=None,
+        can_disable=False):
+        if not obj_prefix:
+            obj_prefix = prefix
+        page = QtGui.QWidget()
+        page.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'Page')
+        if can_disable:
+            importWidget = self.disablableWidget(page, prefix, obj_prefix)
+        else:
+            importWidget = page
+        importLayout = QtGui.QFormLayout(importWidget)
+        importLayout.setMargin(0)
+        importLayout.setSpacing(8)
+        if can_disable:
+            importLayout.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'ImportLayout')
+        else:
+            importLayout.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'Layout')
+        filenameLabel = QtGui.QLabel(importWidget)
+        filenameLabel.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'FilenameLabel')
+        importLayout.setWidget(0, QtGui.QFormLayout.LabelRole, filenameLabel)
+        fileLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        fileLayout.setSpacing(8)
+        fileLayout.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'FileLayout')
+        filenameEdit = QtGui.QLineEdit(importWidget)
+        filenameEdit.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'FilenameEdit')
+        fileLayout.addWidget(filenameEdit)
+        browseButton = QtGui.QToolButton(importWidget)
+        browseButton.setIcon(self.openIcon)
+        browseButton.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'BrowseButton')
+        fileLayout.addWidget(browseButton)
+        importLayout.setLayout(0, QtGui.QFormLayout.FieldRole, fileLayout)
+        self.formatStackedWidget.addWidget(page)
+        setattr(self, prefix + u'Page', page)
+        setattr(self, prefix + u'FilenameLabel', filenameLabel)
+        setattr(self, prefix + u'FileLayout', fileLayout)
+        setattr(self, prefix + u'FilenameEdit', filenameEdit)
+        setattr(self, prefix + u'BrowseButton', browseButton)
+        if can_disable:
+            setattr(self, prefix + u'ImportLayout', importLayout)
+        else:
+            setattr(self, prefix + u'Layout', importLayout)
+        self.formatComboBox.addItem(u'')
+    def addMultiFileSelectItem(self, prefix, obj_prefix=None,
+        can_disable=False):
+        if not obj_prefix:
+            obj_prefix = prefix
+        page = QtGui.QWidget()
+        page.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'Page')
+        if can_disable:
+            importWidget = self.disablableWidget(page, prefix, obj_prefix)
+        else:
+            importWidget = page
+        importLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(importWidget)
+        importLayout.setMargin(0)
+        importLayout.setSpacing(8)
+        if can_disable:
+            importLayout.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'ImportLayout')
+        else:
+            importLayout.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'Layout')
+        fileListWidget = QtGui.QListWidget(importWidget)
+        fileListWidget.setSelectionMode(
+            QtGui.QAbstractItemView.ExtendedSelection)
+        fileListWidget.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'FileListWidget')
+        importLayout.addWidget(fileListWidget)
+        buttonLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout()
+        buttonLayout.setSpacing(8)
+        buttonLayout.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'ButtonLayout')
+        addButton = QtGui.QPushButton(importWidget)
+        addButton.setIcon(self.openIcon)
+        addButton.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'AddButton')
+        buttonLayout.addWidget(addButton)
+        buttonSpacer = QtGui.QSpacerItem(40, 20,
+            QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Minimum)
+        buttonLayout.addItem(buttonSpacer)
+        removeButton = QtGui.QPushButton(importWidget)
+        removeButton.setIcon(self.deleteIcon)
+        removeButton.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'RemoveButton')
+        buttonLayout.addWidget(removeButton)
+        importLayout.addLayout(buttonLayout)
+        self.formatStackedWidget.addWidget(page)
+        setattr(self, prefix + u'Page', page)
+        setattr(self, prefix + u'FileListWidget', fileListWidget)
+        setattr(self, prefix + u'ButtonLayout', buttonLayout)
+        setattr(self, prefix + u'ButtonSpacer', buttonSpacer)
+        setattr(self, prefix + u'AddButton', addButton)
+        setattr(self, prefix + u'RemoveButton', removeButton)
+        if can_disable:
+            setattr(self, prefix + u'ImportLayout', importLayout)
+        else:
+            setattr(self, prefix + u'Layout', importLayout)
+        self.formatComboBox.addItem(u'')
+    def disablableWidget(self, page, prefix, obj_prefix):
+        layout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(page)
+        layout.setMargin(0)
+        layout.setSpacing(0)
+        layout.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'Layout')
+        disabledWidget = QtGui.QWidget(page)
+        disabledWidget.setVisible(False)
+        disabledWidget.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'DisabledWidget')
+        disabledLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(disabledWidget)
+        disabledLayout.setMargin(0)
+        disabledLayout.setSpacing(8)
+        disabledLayout.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'DisabledLayout')
+        disabledLabel = QtGui.QLabel(disabledWidget)
+        disabledLabel.setWordWrap(True)
+        disabledLabel.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'DisabledLabel')
+        disabledLayout.addWidget(disabledLabel)
+        layout.addWidget(disabledWidget)
+        importWidget = QtGui.QWidget(page)
+        importWidget.setObjectName(obj_prefix + u'ImportWidget')
+        layout.addWidget(importWidget)
+        setattr(self, prefix + u'Layout', layout)
+        setattr(self, prefix + u'DisabledWidget', disabledWidget)
+        setattr(self, prefix + u'DisabledLayout', disabledLayout)
+        setattr(self, prefix + u'DisabledLabel', disabledLabel)
+        setattr(self, prefix + u'ImportWidget', importWidget)
+        return importWidget

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/songs/lib/importer.py'
--- openlp/plugins/songs/lib/importer.py	2010-09-30 05:04:43 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/songs/lib/importer.py	2010-12-07 19:44:09 +0000
@@ -26,16 +26,17 @@
 from opensongimport import OpenSongImport
 from olpimport import OpenLPSongImport
+from olp1import import OpenLP1SongImport
 from wowimport import WowImport
 from cclifileimport import CCLIFileImport
 from ewimport import EasyWorshipSongImport
 from songbeamerimport import SongBeamerImport
 # Imports that might fail
-    from olp1import import OpenLP1SongImport
-    has_openlp1 = True
-except ImportError:
-    has_openlp1 = False
+#    from olp1import import OpenLP1SongImport
+#    has_openlp1 = True
+#except ImportError:
+#    has_openlp1 = False
     from sofimport import SofImport
     has_sof = True
@@ -122,7 +123,7 @@
     def get_availability(format):
         return SongFormat._format_availability.get(format, True)
-SongFormat.set_availability(SongFormat.OpenLP1, has_openlp1)
+#SongFormat.set_availability(SongFormat.OpenLP1, has_openlp1)
 SongFormat.set_availability(SongFormat.SongsOfFellowship, has_sof)
 SongFormat.set_availability(SongFormat.Generic, has_ooo)

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/songs/lib/olp1import.py'
--- openlp/plugins/songs/lib/olp1import.py	2010-11-03 18:03:28 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/songs/lib/olp1import.py	2010-12-07 19:44:09 +0000
@@ -1,164 +1,165 @@
-# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-# vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=80 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
-# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection                                      #
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Raoul Snyman                                        #
-# Portions copyright (c) 2008-2010 Tim Bentley, Jonathan Corwin, Michael      #
-# Gorven, Scott Guerrieri, Meinert Jordan, Andreas Preikschat, Christian      #
-# Richter, Philip Ridout, Maikel Stuivenberg, Martin Thompson, Jon Tibble,    #
-# Carsten Tinggaard, Frode Woldsund                                           #
-# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
-# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it     #
-# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free  #
-# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.                              #
-#                                                                             #
-# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
-# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or       #
-# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for    #
-# more details.                                                               #
-#                                                                             #
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along     #
-# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59  #
-# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA                          #
-The :mod:`olp1import` module provides the functionality for importing
-openlp.org 1.x song databases into the current installation database.
-import logging
-import chardet
-import sqlite
-from openlp.core.lib import translate
-from songimport import SongImport
-log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-class OpenLP1SongImport(SongImport):
-    """
-    The :class:`OpenLP1SongImport` class provides OpenLP with the ability to
-    import song databases from installations of openlp.org 1.x.
-    """
-    last_encoding = u'windows-1252'
-    def __init__(self, manager, **kwargs):
-        """
-        Initialise the import.
-        ``manager``
-            The song manager for the running OpenLP installation.
-        ``filename``
-            The database providing the data to import.
-        """
-        SongImport.__init__(self, manager)
-        self.import_source = kwargs[u'filename']
-    def decode_string(self, raw, guess):
-        """
-        Use chardet to detect the encoding of the raw string, and convert it
-        to unicode.
-        ``raw``
-            The raw bytestring to decode.
-        ``guess``
-            What chardet guessed the encoding to be.
-        """
-        if guess[u'confidence'] < 0.8:
-            codec = u'windows-1252'
-        else:
-            codec = guess[u'encoding']
-        try:
-            decoded = unicode(raw, codec)
-            self.last_encoding = codec
-        except UnicodeDecodeError:
-            log.exception(
-                u'Error in detecting openlp.org 1.x database encoding.')
-            try:
-                decoded = unicode(raw, self.last_encoding)
-            except UnicodeDecodeError:
-                # possibly show an error form
-                #self.import_wizard.showError(u'There was a problem '
-                #    u'detecting the encoding of a string')
-                decoded = raw
-        return decoded
-    def do_import(self):
-        """
-        Run the import for an openlp.org 1.x song database.
-        """
-        # Connect to the database
-        connection = sqlite.connect(self.import_source)
-        cursor = connection.cursor()
-        # Determine if we're using a new or an old DB
-        cursor.execute(u'SELECT name FROM sqlite_master '
-            u'WHERE type = \'table\' AND name = \'tracks\'')
-        table_list = cursor.fetchall()
-        new_db = len(table_list) > 0
-        # Count the number of records we need to import, for the progress bar
-        cursor.execute(u'SELECT COUNT(songid) FROM songs')
-        count = int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
-        success = True
-        self.import_wizard.importProgressBar.setMaximum(count)
-        # "cache" our list of authors
-        cursor.execute(u'SELECT authorid, authorname FROM authors')
-        authors = cursor.fetchall()
-        if new_db:
-            # "cache" our list of tracks
-            cursor.execute(u'SELECT trackid, fulltrackname FROM tracks')
-            tracks = cursor.fetchall()
-        # Import the songs
-        cursor.execute(u'SELECT songid, songtitle, lyrics || \'\' AS lyrics, '
-            u'copyrightinfo FROM songs')
-        songs = cursor.fetchall()
-        for song in songs:
-            self.set_defaults()
-            if self.stop_import_flag:
-                success = False
-                break
-            song_id = song[0]
-            guess = chardet.detect(song[2])
-            title = self.decode_string(song[1], guess)
-            lyrics = self.decode_string(song[2], guess).replace(u'\r', u'')
-            copyright = self.decode_string(song[3], guess)
-            self.import_wizard.incrementProgressBar(
-                unicode(translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
-                    'Importing "%s"...')) % title)
-            self.title = title
-            self.process_song_text(lyrics)
-            self.add_copyright(copyright)
-            cursor.execute(u'SELECT authorid FROM songauthors '
-                u'WHERE songid = %s' % song_id)
-            author_ids = cursor.fetchall()
-            for author_id in author_ids:
-                if self.stop_import_flag:
-                    success = False
-                    break
-                for author in authors:
-                    if author[0] == author_id[0]:
-                        self.parse_author(self.decode_string(author[1], guess))
-                        break
-            if self.stop_import_flag:
-                success = False
-                break
-            if new_db:
-                cursor.execute(u'SELECT trackid FROM songtracks '
-                    u'WHERE songid = %s ORDER BY listindex' % song_id)
-                track_ids = cursor.fetchall()
-                for track_id in track_ids:
-                    if self.stop_import_flag:
-                        success = False
-                        break
-                    for track in tracks:
-                        if track[0] == track_id[0]:
-                            self.add_media_file(self.decode_string(track[1],
-                                guess))
-                            break
-            if self.stop_import_flag:
-                success = False
-                break
-            self.finish()
-        return success
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=80 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
+# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection                                      #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2010 Raoul Snyman                                        #
+# Portions copyright (c) 2008-2010 Tim Bentley, Jonathan Corwin, Michael      #
+# Gorven, Scott Guerrieri, Meinert Jordan, Andreas Preikschat, Christian      #
+# Richter, Philip Ridout, Maikel Stuivenberg, Martin Thompson, Jon Tibble,    #
+# Carsten Tinggaard, Frode Woldsund                                           #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it     #
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free  #
+# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.                              #
+#                                                                             #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or       #
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for    #
+# more details.                                                               #
+#                                                                             #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along     #
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59  #
+# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA                          #
+The :mod:`olp1import` module provides the functionality for importing
+openlp.org 1.x song databases into the current installation database.
+import logging
+import chardet
+import sqlite
+from openlp.core.lib import translate
+from songimport import SongImport
+log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+class OpenLP1SongImport(SongImport):
+    """
+    The :class:`OpenLP1SongImport` class provides OpenLP with the ability to
+    import song databases from installations of openlp.org 1.x.
+    """
+    last_encoding = u'windows-1252'
+    def __init__(self, manager, **kwargs):
+        """
+        Initialise the import.
+        ``manager``
+            The song manager for the running OpenLP installation.
+        ``filename``
+            The database providing the data to import.
+        """
+        SongImport.__init__(self, manager)
+        self.import_source = kwargs[u'filename']
+    def decode_string(self, raw, guess):
+        """
+        Use chardet to detect the encoding of the raw string, and convert it
+        to unicode.
+        ``raw``
+            The raw bytestring to decode.
+        ``guess``
+            What chardet guessed the encoding to be.
+        """
+        if guess[u'confidence'] < 0.8:
+            codec = u'windows-1252'
+        else:
+            codec = guess[u'encoding']
+        try:
+            decoded = unicode(raw, codec)
+            self.last_encoding = codec
+        except UnicodeDecodeError:
+            log.exception(
+                u'Error in detecting openlp.org 1.x database encoding.')
+            try:
+                decoded = unicode(raw, u'windows-1252')
+            except UnicodeDecodeError:
+                # possibly show an error form
+                #self.import_wizard.showError(u'There was a problem '
+                #    u'detecting the encoding of a string')
+                decoded = raw
+        return decoded
+    def do_import(self):
+        """
+        Run the import for an openlp.org 1.x song database.
+        """
+        # Connect to the database
+        connection = sqlite.connect(self.import_source)
+        cursor = connection.cursor()
+        # Determine if we're using a new or an old DB
+        cursor.execute(u'SELECT name FROM sqlite_master '
+            u'WHERE type = \'table\' AND name = \'tracks\'')
+        table_list = cursor.fetchall()
+        new_db = len(table_list) > 0
+        # Count the number of records we need to import, for the progress bar
+        cursor.execute(u'SELECT COUNT(songid) FROM songs')
+        count = int(cursor.fetchone()[0])
+        success = True
+        self.import_wizard.importProgressBar.setMaximum(count)
+        # "cache" our list of authors
+        cursor.execute(u'SELECT authorid, authorname FROM authors')
+        authors = cursor.fetchall()
+        if new_db:
+            # "cache" our list of tracks
+            cursor.execute(u'SELECT trackid, fulltrackname FROM tracks')
+            tracks = cursor.fetchall()
+        # Import the songs
+        cursor.execute(u'SELECT songid, songtitle, lyrics || \'\' AS lyrics, '
+            u'copyrightinfo FROM songs')
+        songs = cursor.fetchall()
+        for song in songs:
+            self.set_defaults()
+            if self.stop_import_flag:
+                success = False
+                break
+            song_id = song[0]
+            guess = chardet.detect(song[2])
+            title = self.decode_string(song[1], guess)
+            lyrics = self.decode_string(song[2], guess).replace(u'\r', u'')
+            guess3 = chardet.detect(song[3])
+            copyright = self.decode_string(song[3], guess3)
+            self.import_wizard.incrementProgressBar(
+                unicode(translate('SongsPlugin.ImportWizardForm',
+                    'Importing "%s"...')) % title)
+            self.title = title
+            self.process_song_text(lyrics)
+            self.add_copyright(copyright)
+            cursor.execute(u'SELECT authorid FROM songauthors '
+                u'WHERE songid = %s' % song_id)
+            author_ids = cursor.fetchall()
+            for author_id in author_ids:
+                if self.stop_import_flag:
+                    success = False
+                    break
+                for author in authors:
+                    if author[0] == author_id[0]:
+                        self.parse_author(self.decode_string(author[1], guess))
+                        break
+            if self.stop_import_flag:
+                success = False
+                break
+            if new_db:
+                cursor.execute(u'SELECT trackid FROM songtracks '
+                    u'WHERE songid = %s ORDER BY listindex' % song_id)
+                track_ids = cursor.fetchall()
+                for track_id in track_ids:
+                    if self.stop_import_flag:
+                        success = False
+                        break
+                    for track in tracks:
+                        if track[0] == track_id[0]:
+                            self.add_media_file(self.decode_string(track[1],
+                                guess))
+                            break
+            if self.stop_import_flag:
+                success = False
+                break
+            self.finish()
+        return success

=== modified file 'scripts/openlp-1to2-converter.py'
--- scripts/openlp-1to2-converter.py	2010-07-27 09:32:52 +0000
+++ scripts/openlp-1to2-converter.py	2010-12-07 19:44:09 +0000
@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
                 + str(sys.exc_info()[1])
             errormsg = sys.exc_info()[1]
-        print 'There was a problem connecting to the old database:', errormsg
+        print 'There was a sqlite problem connecting to the old database:', errormsg
         return 1
         new_connection = sqlite3.connect(new_db)

Follow ups