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[Merge] lp:~m2j/openlp/bibleserver.com into lp:openlp


m2j has proposed merging lp:~m2j/openlp/bibleserver.com into lp:openlp.

Requested reviews:
  Tim Bentley (trb143)

Rewritten openlp.plugins.bibles.lib.parse_reference() function.
Localization of bible reference separators.
Non-breaking space between verse numbers and verse text.
Web-Import from bibleserver.com
Replaced commas in title strings of biblegateway.csv => completely updated the file

Two known issues:
The localized separators are still hard coded and need GUI configuration.
Not all of the new bibles are full usable, because OpenLP has still unlocalized code for the book names (applies also to other bible imports like OSIS).
Your team OpenLP Core is subscribed to branch lp:openlp.
=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/bibles/forms/bibleimportform.py'
--- openlp/plugins/bibles/forms/bibleimportform.py	2010-12-11 12:07:38 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/bibles/forms/bibleimportform.py	2010-12-17 22:19:58 +0000
@@ -43,10 +43,12 @@
     Unknown = -1
     Crosswalk = 0
     BibleGateway = 1
+    Bibleserver = 2
     Names = {
         0: u'Crosswalk',
-        1: u'BibleGateway'
+        1: u'BibleGateway',
+        2: u'Bibleserver'
@@ -232,8 +234,7 @@
             The index of the combo box.
-        bibles = [unicode(translate('BiblesPlugin.ImportWizardForm', bible)) for
-            bible in self.web_bible_list[index].keys()]
+        bibles = self.web_bible_list[index].keys()
         for bible in bibles:
@@ -338,31 +339,27 @@
         Load the list of Crosswalk and BibleGateway bibles.
-        # Load and store Crosswalk Bibles.
+        # Load Crosswalk Bibles.
         filepath = AppLocation.get_directory(AppLocation.PluginsDir)
         filepath = os.path.join(filepath, u'bibles', u'resources')
         books_file = None
             self.web_bible_list[WebDownload.Crosswalk] = {}
             books_file = open(
-                os.path.join(filepath, u'crosswalkbooks.csv'), 'r')
+                os.path.join(filepath, u'crosswalkbooks.csv'), 'rb')
             dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(books_file.read(1024))
             books_reader = csv.reader(books_file, dialect)
             for line in books_reader:
-                ver = line[0]
-                name = line[1]
-                if not isinstance(ver, unicode):
-                    ver = unicode(ver, u'utf8')
-                if not isinstance(name, unicode):
-                    name = unicode(name, u'utf8')
+                ver = unicode(line[0], u'utf-8')
+                name = unicode(line[1], u'utf-8')
                 self.web_bible_list[WebDownload.Crosswalk][ver] = name.strip()
         except IOError:
             log.exception(u'Crosswalk resources missing')
             if books_file:
-        # Load and store BibleGateway Bibles.
+        # Load BibleGateway Bibles.
         books_file = None
             self.web_bible_list[WebDownload.BibleGateway] = {}
@@ -384,6 +381,26 @@
             if books_file:
+        # Load and Bibleserver Bibles.
+        filepath = AppLocation.get_directory(AppLocation.PluginsDir)
+        filepath = os.path.join(filepath, u'bibles', u'resources')
+        books_file = None
+        try:
+            self.web_bible_list[WebDownload.Bibleserver] = {}
+            books_file = open(
+                os.path.join(filepath, u'bibleserver.csv'), 'rb')
+            dialect = csv.Sniffer().sniff(books_file.read(1024))
+            books_file.seek(0)
+            books_reader = csv.reader(books_file, dialect)
+            for line in books_reader:
+                ver = unicode(line[0], u'utf-8')
+                name = unicode(line[1], u'utf-8')
+                self.web_bible_list[WebDownload.Bibleserver][ver] = name.strip()
+        except IOError, UnicodeError:
+            log.exception(u'Bibelserver resources missing')
+        finally:
+            if books_file:
+                books_file.close()
     def getFileName(self, title, editbox):
         filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, title,
@@ -457,6 +474,9 @@
             elif download_location == WebDownload.BibleGateway:
                 bible = \
+            elif download_location == WebDownload.Bibleserver:
+                bible = \
+                    self.web_bible_list[WebDownload.Bibleserver][bible_version]
             importer = self.manager.import_bible(

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/bibles/forms/bibleimportwizard.py'
--- openlp/plugins/bibles/forms/bibleimportwizard.py	2010-12-11 12:07:38 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/bibles/forms/bibleimportwizard.py	2010-12-17 22:19:58 +0000
@@ -208,6 +208,7 @@
+        self.locationComboBox.addItem(u'')
         self.downloadOptionsLayout.setWidget(0, QtGui.QFormLayout.FieldRole,
         self.bibleLabel = QtGui.QLabel(self.downloadOptionsTab)
@@ -388,6 +389,8 @@
             translate('BiblesPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Crosswalk'))
             translate('BiblesPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'BibleGateway'))
+        self.locationComboBox.setItemText(2,
+            translate('BiblesPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Bibleserver'))
             translate('BiblesPlugin.ImportWizardForm', 'Bible:'))

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/__init__.py'
--- openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/__init__.py	2010-10-11 20:47:00 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/__init__.py	2010-12-17 22:19:58 +0000
@@ -32,134 +32,164 @@
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
-BIBLE_REFERENCE = re.compile(
-    r'^([\w ]+?) *([0-9]+)'          # Initial book and chapter
-    r'(?: *[:|v|V] *([0-9]+))?'      # Verse for first chapter
-    r'(?: *- *([0-9]+|end$))?'       # Range for verses or chapters
-    r'(?:(?:,([0-9]+))?'             # Second chapter
-    r' *[,|:|v|V] *([0-9]+|end$)'    # More range for verses or chapters
-    r'(?: *- *([0-9]+|end$))?)?$',   # End of second verse range
-    re.UNICODE)
-def check_end(match_group):
-    """
-    Check if a regular expression match group contains the text u'end' or
-    should be converted to an int.
-    ``match_group``
-        The match group to check.
-    """
-    if match_group == u'end':
-        return -1
+def get_reference_match(match_type):
+    local_separator = unicode(u':;;\s*[:vV]\s*;;-;;\s*-\s*;;,;;\s*,\s*;;end'
+        ).split(u';;') # English
+    # local_separator = unicode(u',;;\s*,\s*;;-;;\s*-\s*;;.;;\.;;[Ee]nde'
+    #   ).split(u';;') # German
+    separators = {
+        u'sep_v_display': local_separator[0], u'sep_v': local_separator[1],
+        u'sep_r_display': local_separator[2], u'sep_r': local_separator[3],
+        u'sep_l_display': local_separator[4], u'sep_l': local_separator[5],
+        u'sep_e': local_separator[6]}
+    # verse range match: (<chapter>:)?<verse>(-(<chapter>:)?<verse>?)?
+    range_string = str(r'(?:(?P<from_chapter>[0-9]+)%(sep_v)s)?(?P<from_verse>'
+        r'[0-9]+)(?P<range_to>%(sep_r)s(?:(?:(?P<to_chapter>[0-9]+)%(sep_v)s)?'
+        r'(?P<to_verse>[0-9]+)|%(sep_e)s)?)?') % separators
+    if match_type == u'range':
+        return re.compile(r'^\s*' + range_string + r'\s*$', re.UNICODE)
+    elif match_type == u'range_separator':
+        return re.compile(separators[u'sep_l'])
+    elif match_type == u'full':
+        # full reference match: <book>(<range>(,|(?=$)))+
+        return re.compile(str(r'^\s*(?!\s)(?P<book>[\d]*[^\d]+)(?<!\s)\s*'
+           r'(?P<ranges>(?:' + range_string + r'(?:%(sep_l)s|(?=\s*$)))+)\s*$')
+               % separators, re.UNICODE)
-        return int(match_group)
+        return separators[match_type]
 def parse_reference(reference):
-    This is the über-awesome function that takes a person's typed in string
-    and converts it to a reference list, a list of references to be queried
-    from the Bible database files.
-    The ``BIBLE_REFERENCE`` constant regular expression produces the following
-    match groups:
-    0. (match string)
-        This is a special group consisting of the whole string that matched.
-    1. ``[\w ]+``
-        The book the reference is from.
-    2. ``[0-9]+``
-        The first (or only) chapter in the reference.
-    3. ``None`` or ``[0-9]+``
-        ``None``, or the only verse, or the first verse in a verse range or,
-        the start verse in a chapter range.
-    4. ``None`` or ``[0-9]+`` or ``end``
-        ``None``, or the end verse of the first verse range, or the end chapter
-        of a chapter range.
-    5. ``None`` or ``[0-9]+``
-        ``None``, or the second chapter in multiple (non-ranged) chapters.
-    6. ``None`` or ``[0-9]+`` or ``end``
-        ``None``, the start of the second verse range. or the end of a chapter
-        range.
-    7. ``None`` or ``[0-9]+`` or ``end``
-        ``None``, or the end of the second verse range.
+    This is the next generation über-awesome function that takes a person's
+    typed in string and converts it to a reference list, a list of references to
+    be queried from the Bible database files.
+    This is a user manual like description, how the references are working.
+    - Each reference starts with the book name. A chapter name is manditory.
+        ``John 3`` refers to Gospel of John chapter 3
+    - A reference range can be given after a range separator.
+        ``John 3-5`` refers to John chapters 3 to 5
+    - Single verses can be addressed after a verse separator
+        ``John 3:16`` refers to John chapter 3 verse 16
+        ``John 3:16-4:3`` refers to John chapter 3 verse 16 to chapter 4 verse 3
+    - After a verse reference all further single values are treat as verse in
+      the last selected chapter.
+        ``John 3:16-18`` refers to John chapter 3 verses 16 to 18
+    - After a list separator it is possible to refer to additional verses. They
+      are build analog to the first ones. This way it is possible to define each
+      number of verse references. It is not possible to refer to verses in
+      additional books.
+        ``John 3:16,18`` refers to John chapter 3 verses 16 and 18
+        ``John 3:16-18,20`` refers to John chapter 3 verses 16 to 18 and 20
+        ``John 3:16-18,4:1`` refers to John chapter 3 verses 16 to 18 and
+        chapter 3 verse 1
+    - If there is a range separator without further verse declaration the last
+      refered chapter is addressed until the end.
+    ``range_string`` is a regular expression which matches for verse range
+    declarations:
+    1. ``(?:(?P<from_chapter>[0-9]+)%(sep_v)s)?'
+        It starts with a optional chapter reference ``from_chapter`` followed by
+        a verse separator.
+    2. ``(?P<from_verse>[0-9]+)``
+        The verse reference ``from_verse`` is manditory
+    3.  ``(?P<range_to>%(sep_r)s(?:`` ...  ``|%(sep_e)s)?)?``
+        A ``range_to`` declaration is optional. It starts with a range separator
+        and contains optional a chapter and verse declaration or a end
+        separator.
+    4.  ``(?:(?P<to_chapter>[0-9]+)%(sep_v)s)?``
+        The ``to_chapter`` reference with separator is equivalent to group 1.
+    5. ``(?P<to_verse>[0-9]+)``
+        The ``to_verse`` reference is equivalent to group 2.
+    The full reference is matched against get_reference_match(u'full'). This
+    regular expression looks like this:
+    1. ``^\s*(?!\s)(?P<book>[\d]*[^\d]+)(?<!\s)\s*``
+        The ``book`` group starts with the first non-whitespace character. There
+        are optional leading digits followed by non-digits. The group ends
+        before the whitspace in front of the next digit.
+    2. ``(?P<ranges>(?:`` + range_string + ``(?:%(sep_l)s|(?=\s*$)))+)\s*$``
+        The second group contains all ``ranges``. This can be multiple
+        declarations of a range_string separated by a list separator.
     The reference list is a list of tuples, with each tuple structured like
-        (book, chapter, start_verse, end_verse)
+        (book, chapter, from_verse, to_verse)
         The bible reference to parse.
     Returns None or a reference list.
-    reference = reference.strip()
     log.debug('parse_reference("%s")', reference)
-    unified_ref_list = []
-    match = BIBLE_REFERENCE.match(reference)
+    match = get_reference_match(u'full').match(reference)
     if match:
         log.debug(u'Matched reference %s' % reference)
-        book = match.group(1)
-        chapter = int(match.group(2))
-        if match.group(7):
-            # Two verse ranges
-            vr1_start = int(match.group(3))
-            vr1_end = int(match.group(4))
-            unified_ref_list.append((book, chapter, vr1_start, vr1_end))
-            vr2_start = int(match.group(6))
-            vr2_end = check_end(match.group(7))
-            if match.group(5):
-                # One verse range per chapter
-                chapter2 = int(match.group(5))
-                unified_ref_list.append((book, chapter2, vr2_start, vr2_end))
-            else:
-                unified_ref_list.append((book, chapter, vr2_start, vr2_end))
-        elif match.group(6):
-            # Chapter range with verses
-            if match.group(3):
-                vr1_start = int(match.group(3))
-            else:
-                vr1_start = 1
-            if match.group(2) == match.group(4):
-                vr1_end = int(match.group(6))
-                unified_ref_list.append((book, chapter, vr1_start, vr1_end))
-            else:
-                vr1_end = -1
-                unified_ref_list.append((book, chapter, vr1_start, vr1_end))
-                vr2_end = check_end(match.group(6))
-                if int(match.group(4)) > chapter:
-                    for i in range(chapter + 1, int(match.group(4)) + 1):
-                        if i == int(match.group(4)):
-                            unified_ref_list.append((book, i, 1, vr2_end))
-                        else:
-                            unified_ref_list.append((book, i, 1, -1))
-        elif match.group(4):
-            # Chapter range or chapter and verse range
-            if match.group(3):
-                vr1_start = int(match.group(3))
-                vr1_end = check_end(match.group(4))
-                if vr1_end == -1 or vr1_end > vr1_start:
-                    unified_ref_list.append((book, chapter, vr1_start, vr1_end))
-                else:
-                    log.debug(u'Ambiguous reference: %s' % reference)
-                    return None
-            elif match.group(4) != u'end':
-                for i in range(chapter, int(match.group(4)) + 1):
-                    unified_ref_list.append((book, i, 1, -1))
-            else:
-                log.debug(u'Unsupported reference: %s' % reference)
-                return None
-        elif match.group(3):
-            # Single chapter and verse
-            verse = int(match.group(3))
-            unified_ref_list.append((book, chapter, verse, verse))
-        else:
-            # Single chapter
-            unified_ref_list.append((book, chapter, -1, -1))
+        book = match.group(u'book')
+        ranges = match.group(u'ranges')
+        range_list = get_reference_match(u'range_separator').split(ranges)
+        ref_list = []
+        chapter = None
+        for this_range in range_list:
+            range_match = get_reference_match(u'range').match(this_range)
+            from_chapter = range_match.group(u'from_chapter')
+            from_verse = range_match.group(u'from_verse')
+            has_range = range_match.group(u'range_to')
+            to_chapter = range_match.group(u'to_chapter')
+            to_verse = range_match.group(u'to_verse')
+            if from_chapter:
+                from_chapter = int(from_chapter)
+            if from_verse:
+                from_verse = int(from_verse)
+            if to_chapter:
+                to_chapter = int(to_chapter)
+            if to_verse:
+                to_verse = int(to_verse)
+            # Fill chapter fields with reasonable values.
+            if from_chapter:
+                chapter = from_chapter
+            elif chapter:
+                from_chapter = chapter
+            else:
+                from_chapter = from_verse
+                from_verse = None
+            if to_chapter:
+                if to_chapter < from_chapter:
+                    continue
+                else:
+                    chapter = to_chapter
+            elif to_verse:
+                if chapter:
+                    to_chapter = chapter
+                else:
+                    to_chapter = to_verse
+                    to_verse = None
+            # Append references to the list
+            if has_range:
+                if not from_verse:
+                    from_verse = 1
+                if not to_verse:
+                    to_verse = -1
+                if to_chapter > from_chapter:
+                    ref_list.append((book, from_chapter, from_verse, -1))
+                    for i in range(from_chapter + 1, to_chapter - 1):
+                        ref_list.append((book, i, 1, -1))
+                    ref_list.append((book, to_chapter, 1, to_verse))
+                elif to_verse >= from_verse or to_verse == -1:
+                    ref_list.append((book, from_chapter, from_verse, to_verse))
+            elif from_verse:
+                ref_list.append((book, from_chapter, from_verse, from_verse))
+            else:
+                ref_list.append((book, from_chapter, 1, -1))
+        return ref_list
         log.debug(u'Invalid reference: %s' % reference)
         return None
-    return unified_ref_list
 class SearchResults(object):

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/http.py'
--- openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/http.py	2010-12-16 17:11:02 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/http.py	2010-12-17 22:19:58 +0000
@@ -240,6 +240,66 @@
         return SearchResults(bookname, chapter, verse_list)
+class BSExtract(object):
+    """
+    Extract verses from Bibleserver.com
+    """
+    def __init__(self,proxyurl=None):
+        log.debug(u'init %s', proxyurl)
+        self.proxyurl = proxyurl
+    def get_bible_chapter(self, version, bookname, chapter):
+        """
+        Access and decode bibles via Bibleserver mobile website
+        ``version``
+            The version of the bible like NIV for New International Version
+        ``bookname``
+            Text name of bible book e.g. Genesis, 1. John, 1John or Offenbarung
+        ``chapter``
+            Chapter number
+        """
+        log.debug(u'get_bible_chapter %s,%s,%s', version, bookname, chapter)
+        chapter_url = u'http://m.bibleserver.com/text/%s/%s%s' % \
+            (version, bookname, chapter)
+        log.debug(u'URL: %s', chapter_url)
+        page = None
+        try:
+            page = urllib2.urlopen(chapter_url)
+            Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events')
+        except urllib2.URLError:
+            log.exception(u'The web bible page could not be downloaded.')
+        finally:
+            if not page:
+                return None
+        soup = None
+        try:
+            soup = BeautifulSoup(page)
+        except HTMLParseError:
+            log.exception(u'BeautifulSoup could not parse the bible page.')
+        finally:
+            if not soup:
+                return None
+        Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events')
+        try:
+            content = soup.find(u'div', u'content').find(u'div').findAll(u'div')
+        except:
+            log.exception(u'No verses found.')
+        finally:
+            if not content:
+                return None
+        verse_number = re.compile(r'v(\d{2})(\d{3})(\d{3}) verse')
+        verses = {}
+        for verse in content:
+            Receiver.send_message(u'openlp_process_events')
+            versenumber = int(verse_number.sub(r'\3', verse[u'class']))
+            verses[versenumber] = verse.contents[1].rstrip(u'\n')
+        return SearchResults(bookname, chapter, verses)
 class CWExtract(object):
     Extract verses from CrossWalk/BibleStudyTools
@@ -426,8 +486,10 @@
         log.debug(u'source = %s', self.download_source)
         if self.download_source.lower() == u'crosswalk':
             ev = CWExtract(self.proxy_server)
-        else:
+        elif self.download_source.lower() == u'biblegateway':
             ev = BGExtract(self.proxy_server)
+        elif self.download_source.lower() == u'bibleserver':
+            ev = BSExtract(self.proxy_server)
         return ev.get_bible_chapter(self.download_name, book, chapter)
     def get_books(self):

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/manager.py'
--- openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/manager.py	2010-12-11 12:07:38 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/manager.py	2010-12-17 22:19:58 +0000
@@ -112,6 +112,7 @@
     def get_availability(format):
         return BibleFormat._format_availability.get(format, True)
 class BibleManager(object):
     The Bible manager which holds and manages all the Bibles.
@@ -311,7 +312,7 @@
                 'Scripture Reference Error'),
                 translate('BiblesPlugin.BibleManager', 'You did not enter a '
                 'search keyword.\nYou can separate different keywords by a '
-                'space to search for all of your keywords and you can seperate '
+                'space to search for all of your keywords and you can separate '
                 'them by a comma to search for one of them.'))
             return None
@@ -356,3 +357,4 @@
 BibleFormat.set_availability(BibleFormat.OpenLP1, has_openlp1)
 __all__ = [u'BibleFormat']

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/mediaitem.py'
--- openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/mediaitem.py	2010-12-13 14:24:16 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/mediaitem.py	2010-12-17 22:19:58 +0000
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@
 from openlp.core.lib import MediaManagerItem, Receiver, BaseListWithDnD, \
     ItemCapabilities, translate
 from openlp.plugins.bibles.forms import BibleImportForm
+from openlp.plugins.bibles.lib import get_reference_match
 log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@@ -553,12 +554,15 @@
         bible = unicode(self.AdvancedVersionComboBox.currentText())
         second_bible = unicode(self.AdvancedSecondBibleComboBox.currentText())
         book = unicode(self.AdvancedBookComboBox.currentText())
-        chapter_from = int(self.AdvancedFromChapter.currentText())
-        chapter_to = int(self.AdvancedToChapter.currentText())
-        verse_from = int(self.AdvancedFromVerse.currentText())
-        verse_to = int(self.AdvancedToVerse.currentText())
-        versetext = u'%s %s:%s-%s:%s' % (book, chapter_from, verse_from,
-            chapter_to, verse_to)
+        chapter_from = self.AdvancedFromChapter.currentText()
+        chapter_to = self.AdvancedToChapter.currentText()
+        verse_from = self.AdvancedFromVerse.currentText()
+        verse_to = self.AdvancedToVerse.currentText()
+        verse_separator = get_reference_match(u'sep_v_display')
+        range_separator = get_reference_match(u'sep_r_display')
+        verse_range = chapter_from + verse_separator + verse_from + \
+            range_separator + chapter_to + verse_separator + verse_to
+        versetext = u'%s %s' % (book, verse_range)
         self.search_results = self.parent.manager.get_verses(bible, versetext)
         if second_bible:
             self.second_search_results = self.parent.manager.get_verses(
@@ -709,7 +713,7 @@
         obj = reference[QtCore.QString(key)]
         if isinstance(obj, QtCore.QVariant):
             obj = obj.toPyObject()
-        return unicode(obj)
+        return unicode(obj).strip()
     def generateSlideData(self, service_item, item=None, xmlVersion=False):
@@ -750,21 +754,21 @@
                     second_copyright, second_permissions)
                 if footer not in raw_footer:
-                bible_text = u'%s %s\n\n%s %s' % (verse_text, text, verse_text,
+                bible_text = u'%s\u00a0%s\n\n%s\u00a0%s' % (verse_text, text, verse_text,
                 bible_text = u''
             # If we are 'Verse Per Slide' then create a new slide.
             elif self.parent.settings_tab.layout_style == 0:
-                bible_text = u'%s %s' % (verse_text, text)
+                bible_text = u'%s\u00a0%s' % (verse_text, text)
                 bible_text = u''
             # If we are 'Verse Per Line' then force a new line.
             elif self.parent.settings_tab.layout_style == 1:
-                bible_text = u'%s %s %s\n' % (bible_text, verse_text, text)
+                bible_text = u'%s %s\u00a0%s\n' % (bible_text, verse_text, text)
             # We have to be 'Continuous'.
-                bible_text = u'%s %s %s\n' % (bible_text, verse_text, text)
+                bible_text = u'%s %s\u00a0%s\n' % (bible_text, verse_text, text)
             if first_item:
                 start_item = item
                 first_item = False
@@ -816,36 +820,31 @@
             The last item of a range.
+        verse_separator = get_reference_match(u'sep_v_display')
+        range_separator = get_reference_match(u'sep_r_display')
         old_bitem = self.listView.item(old_item.row())
-        old_chapter = int(self._decodeQtObject(old_bitem, 'chapter'))
-        old_verse = int(self._decodeQtObject(old_bitem, 'verse'))
+        old_chapter = self._decodeQtObject(old_bitem, 'chapter')
+        old_verse = self._decodeQtObject(old_bitem, 'verse')
         start_bitem = self.listView.item(start_item.row())
         start_book = self._decodeQtObject(start_bitem, 'book')
-        start_chapter = int(self._decodeQtObject(start_bitem, 'chapter'))
-        start_verse = int(self._decodeQtObject(start_bitem, 'verse'))
+        start_chapter = self._decodeQtObject(start_bitem, 'chapter')
+        start_verse = self._decodeQtObject(start_bitem, 'verse')
         start_bible = self._decodeQtObject(start_bitem, 'bible')
         start_second_bible = self._decodeQtObject(start_bitem, 'second_bible')
         if start_second_bible:
-            if start_verse == old_verse and start_chapter == old_chapter:
-                title = u'%s %s:%s (%s, %s)' % (start_book, start_chapter,
-                    start_verse, start_bible, start_second_bible)
-            elif start_chapter == old_chapter:
-                title = u'%s %s:%s-%s (%s, %s)' % (start_book, start_chapter,
-                    start_verse, old_verse, start_bible, start_second_bible)
-            else:
-                title = u'%s %s:%s-%s:%s (%s, %s)' % (start_book, start_chapter,
-                    start_verse, old_chapter, old_verse, start_bible,
-                    start_second_bible)
-        else:
-            if start_verse == old_verse and start_chapter == old_chapter:
-                title = u'%s %s:%s (%s)' % (start_book, start_chapter,
-                    start_verse, start_bible)
-            elif start_chapter == old_chapter:
-                title = u'%s %s:%s-%s (%s)' % (start_book, start_chapter,
-                    start_verse, old_verse, start_bible)
-            else:
-                title = u'%s %s:%s-%s:%s (%s)' % (start_book, start_chapter,
-                    start_verse, old_chapter, old_verse, start_bible)
+            bibles = u'%s, %s' % (start_bible, start_second_bible)
+        else:
+            bibles = start_bible
+        if start_chapter == old_chapter:
+            if start_verse == old_verse:
+                verse_range = start_chapter + verse_separator + start_verse
+            else:
+                verse_range = start_chapter + verse_separator + start_verse + \
+                range_separator + old_verse
+        else:
+            verse_range = start_chapter + verse_separator + start_verse + \
+                range_separator + old_chapter + verse_separator + old_verse
+        title = u'%s %s (%s)' % (start_book, verse_range, bibles)
         return title
     def checkTitle(self, item, old_item):
@@ -907,9 +906,10 @@
             The verse number (int).
+        verse_separator = get_reference_match(u'sep_v_display')
         if not self.parent.settings_tab.show_new_chapters or \
             old_chapter != chapter:
-            verse_text = u'%s:%s' % (chapter, verse)
+            verse_text = unicode(chapter) + verse_separator + unicode(verse)
             verse_text = u'%s' % verse
         if self.parent.settings_tab.display_style == 1:

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/openlp1.py' (properties changed: +x to -x)
=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/bibles/resources/biblegateway.csv'
--- openlp/plugins/bibles/resources/biblegateway.csv	2010-09-14 18:18:47 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/bibles/resources/biblegateway.csv	2010-12-17 22:19:58 +0000
@@ -1,80 +1,81 @@
+João Ferreira de Almeida Atualizada,AA
+التفسير التطبيقى للكتاب المقدس,ALAB
+Amplified Bible,AMP
 Amuzgo de Guerrero,AMU
-Arabic Life Application Bible,ALAB 
-Bulgarian Bible,BULG
-1940 Bulgarian Bible,BG1940 
-Chinanteco de Comaltepec,CCO 
-Cakchiquel Occidental,CKW 
-Haitian Creole Version,HCV 
-Slovo na cestu,SNC 
-Dette er Biblen på dansk,DN1933 
-Hoffnung für Alle,HOF 
-Luther Bibel 1545,LUTH1545 
-New International Version,NIV
-New American Standard Bible,NASB 
-The Message,MSG 
-Amplified Bible,AMP 
-New Living Translation,NLT 
-King James Version,KJV 
-English Standard Version,ESV 
-Contemporary English Version,CEV 
-New King James Version,NKJV 
-New Century Version,NCV 
-21st Century King James Version,KJ21 
-American Standard Version,ASV 
-Young's Literal Translation,YLT 
-Darby Translation,DARBY 
-Holman Christian Standard Bible,HCSB 
-New International Reader's Version,NIRV 
-Wycliffe New Testament,WYC 
-Worldwide English (New Testament),WE 
-New International Version - UK,NIVUK 
-Today's New International Version,TNIV 
+American Standard Version,ASV
+La Bible du Semeur,BDS
+Български 1940,BG1940
+Chinanteco de Comaltepec,CCO
+Contemporary English Version,CEV
+Cakchiquel Occidental,CKW
+聖經和合本 (简体中文),CUVS
+聖經和合本 (繁体中文),CUV
+Darby Translation,DARBY
+Dette er Biblen på dansk,DN1933
+Det Norsk Bibelselskap 1930,DNB1930
+English Standard Version,ESV
+GOD’S WORD Translation,GW
+Holman Christian Standard Bible,HCSB
+Kreyòl ayisyen bib,HCV
+Hiligaynon Bible,HLGN
+Hoffnung für Alle,HOF
+Het Boek,HTB
+Icelandic Bible,ICELAND
+Jacalteco – Oriental,JAC
+21st Century King James Version,KJ21
+King James Version,KJV
+La Biblia de las Américas,LBLA
+Levande Bibeln,LB
+La Parola è Vita,LM
+La Nuova Diodati,LND
+Louis Segond,LSG
+Luther Bibel 1545,LUTH1545
+Māori Bible,MAORI
+Македонски Новиот Завет,MNT
+The Message,MSG
+Mam de Comitancillo Central,MVC
+Mam de Todos Santos Cuchumatán,MVJ
+New American Standard Bible,NASB
+New Century Version,NCV
+Náhuatl de Guerrero,NGU
+New International Reader's Version,NIRV
+New International Version 1984,NIV1984
+New International Version 2010,NIV
+New International Version - UK,NIVUK
+New King James Version,NKJV
+New Living Translation,NLT
+Nádej pre kazdého,NPK
+Nueva Versión Internacional,NVI
+O Livro,OL
+Quiché – Centro Occidental,QUT
+Reimer 2001,REIMER
+Română Cornilescu,RMNN
+Новый перевод на русский язык,RUSV
+Reina-Valera Antigua,RVA
 Reina-Valera 1960,RVR1960
-Nueva Versión Internacional,NVI 
-Reina-Valera 1995,RVR1995 
-Reina-Valera Antigua,RVA 
-Biblia en Lenguaje Sencillo,BLS 
-La Biblia de las Américas,LBLA 
-Louis Segond,LSG 
-La Bible du Semeur,BDS 
-1881 Westcott-Hort New Testament,WHNU 
-1550 Stephanus New Testament,TR1550 
-1894 Scrivener New Testament,TR1894 
-The Westminster Leningrad Codex,WLC 
-Hiligaynon Bible,HLGN 
-Croatian Bible,CRO 
-Hungarian Károli,KAR 
-Icelandic Bible,ICELAND 
-La Nuova Diodati,LND 
-La Parola è Vita,LM 
-Jacalteco, Oriental,JAC
-Korean Bible,KOREAN 
-Maori Bible,MAORI 
-Macedonian New Testament,MNT 
-Mam, Central,MVC 
-Mam de Todos Santos Chuchumatán,MVJ 
-Reimer 2001,REIMER 
-Náhuatl de Guerrero,NGU 
-Het Boek,HTB 
-Det Norsk Bibelselskap 1930,DNB1930 
-Levande Bibeln,LB 
-O Livro,OL 
-João Ferreira de Almeida Atualizada,AA 
-Quiché, Centro Occidental,QUT 
-Russian Synodal Version,RUSV 
-Slovo Zhizny,SZ 
-Nádej pre kazdého,NPK 
-Albanian Bible,ALB 
-Levande Bibeln,SVL 
-Svenska 1917,SV1917 
-Swahili New Testament,SNT 
-Ang Salita ng Diyos,SND 
-Ukrainian Bible,UKR 
-1934 Vietnamese Bible,VIET 
-Chinese Union Version (Simplified),CUVS 
-Chinese Union Version (Traditional),CUV
\ No newline at end of file
+Reina-Valera 1995,RVR1995
+Slovo na cestu,SNC
+Ang Salita ng Diyos,SND
+Swahili New Testament,SNT
+Svenska 1917,SV1917
+Levande Bibeln,SVL
+Создать страницу,SZ
+Traducción en lenguaje actual,TLA
+New Romanian Translation,TLCR
+Today’s New International Version 2005,TNIV
+Textus Receptus Stephanus 1550,TR1550
+Textus Receptus Scrivener 1894,TR1894
+Українська Біблія. Переклад Івана Огієнка,UKR
+Kinh Thánh tiếng Việt 1934,VIET
+Worldwide English (New Testament),WE
+Codex Vaticanus Westcott-Hort 1881,WHNU
+Westminster Leningrad Codex,WLC
+Wycliffe New Testament,WYC
+Young's Literal Translation,YLT

=== added file 'openlp/plugins/bibles/resources/bibleserver.csv'
--- openlp/plugins/bibles/resources/bibleserver.csv	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/bibles/resources/bibleserver.csv	2010-12-17 22:19:58 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+عربي, ARA
+Bible – překlad 21. století, B21
+Bible du Semeur, BDS
+Българската Библия, BLG
+Český ekumenický překlad, CEP
+Hrvatski, CRO
+Священное Писание, CRS
+Version La Biblia al Dia, CST
+中文和合本(简体), CUVS
+Bibelen på hverdagsdansk, DK
+Revidierte Elberfelder, ELB
+Einheitsübersetzung, EU
+Gute Nachricht Bibel, GNB
+Hoffnung für alle, HFA
+Hungarian, HUN
+Het Boek, HTB
+La Parola è Vita, ITA
+IBS-fordítás (Új Károli), KAR
+King James Version, KJV
+Luther 1984, LUT
+Septuaginta, LXX
+Neue Genfer Übersetzung, NGÜ
+New International Readers Version, NIRV
+New International Version, NIV
+Neues Leben, NL
+En Levende Bok (NOR), NOR
+Nádej pre kazdého, NPK
+Noua traducere în limba românã, NTR
+Nueva Versión Internacional, NVI
+הברית הישנה, OT
+Słowo Życia, POL
+O Livro, PRT
+Новый перевод на русский язык, RUS
+Slovo na cestu, SNC
+Schlachter 2000, SLT
+En Levande Bok (SWE), SVL
+Today's New International Version, TNIV
+Türkçe, TR
+Biblia Vulgata, VUL

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/bibles/resources/crosswalkbooks.csv'
--- openlp/plugins/bibles/resources/crosswalkbooks.csv	2010-09-14 18:18:47 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/bibles/resources/crosswalkbooks.csv	2010-12-17 22:19:58 +0000
@@ -24,4 +24,4 @@
 The Darby Translation,dby
 The Webster Bible,wbt
 The Latin Vulgate,vul
-Weymouth New Testament,wnt
\ No newline at end of file
+Weymouth New Testament,wnt