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[Merge] lp:~wesleystout/openlp/documentation into lp:openlp


Wesley Stout has proposed merging lp:~wesleystout/openlp/documentation into lp:openlp.

Requested reviews:
  OpenLP Core (openlp-core)

For more details, see:

Have updated a little with bibles, and configure openlp, I also think I have bzr setup correctly now so when i commit it doesn't push, I did bork that just a little bit a minute ago by pushing before I was ready but I think MAYBE I have that fixed now.
Your team OpenLP Core is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~wesleystout/openlp/documentation into lp:openlp.
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/bibles.rst'
--- documentation/manual/source/bibles.rst	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ documentation/manual/source/bibles.rst	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,186 @@
+Managing Bibles in OpenLP is a relatively simple process. There are also 
+converters provided to get data from other formats into OpenLP.
+Bible Importer
+If you are using an earlier version of OpenLP or come from another software 
+package, you may be able to convert your existing database to work in OpenLP
+2.0. To access the Bible Importer :menuselection:`File --> Import --> Bible`.
+You May also enter the Bible Importer by clicking the :guilabel:`Import Icon:`
+.. image:: pics/themeimportexport.png
+You will then see the Bible Importer window, click :guilabel:`Next`.
+.. image:: pics/bibleimport01.png
+After clicking :guilabel:`Next` you can select from the various types of 
+software that OpenLP will convert Bibles from.
+.. image:: pics/bibleimport02.png
+Click on the file folder icon to choose the file of the Bible database you
+want to import. See the following sections for information on the different 
+formats that OpenLP will import.
+Importing from OpenLP Version 1
+Converting from OpenLP Version 1 is a simple process. You will first need to 
+locate your Version 1 Bibles.
+Windows XP::
+    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\openlp.org\Data\Bibles\
+Windows Vista / Windows 7::
+    C:\ProgramData\openlp.org\Data\Bibles\
+OpenLP Version 1 Bibles have the `.bible` file extension. After selecting
+all the OpenLP Version 1 Bibles you want to convert, click :guilabel:`Next` 
+.. image:: pics/bibleimportdetails1.png
+Enter your Bible name and copyright details. Click :guilabel:`Next`. It may
+take some time to convert your Bibles so please be patient.
+.. image:: pics/bibleimportfinished1.png
+When the import has finished then click :guilabel:`Finish` and you should now be 
+ready to use your OpenLP Version 1 Bibles.
+Importing OSIS Bibles
+**About OSIS Formatted Bibles**
+OSIS is a format intended to provide a common format for Bibles. More
+information can be found out here: http://www.bibletechnologies.net/
+Importing OSIS files is very simple. Select your OSIS Bible file and click
+.. image:: pics/bibleimportdetails1.png
+Enter you Bible name and copyright details. Click :guilabel:`Next`. It may take
+some time to convert your Bibles so please be patient.
+.. image:: pics/bibleimportfinished1.png
+Click :guilabel:`Finish` and you should now be ready to use your OpenLP Version
+1 Bibles.
+If you have any software installed that is part of the Sword Project http://www.crosswire.org/sword/index.jsp
+You can easily convert Bibles from that software to OSIS format. This will work
+in all platforms, but the command is case sensitive across all platforms. To
+convert a Bible you would type::
+    mod2osis biblename > biblename.osis
+For example if I wanted to convert a King James Version Bible I would type
+something similar to this::
+    mod2osis KJV > kjv.osis
+You may also wish to dictate a file location for the conversion to place the osis file for example::
+    mod2osis KJV > /home/user/bibles/kjv.osis
+Importing OpenSong Bibles
+Converting from OpenSong you will need to locate your bibles database. In the 
+later versions of OpenSong you are asked to define the location of this. The 
+songs will be located in a folder named :guilabel:`Bibles`. This folder should
+contain files with all your bibles in them without a file extension. (file.xmms).
+When you have located this folder you will then need to select the bible from
+the folder. 
+You may also import downloaded bibles from OpenSong the process is the same,
+except you will need to extract the bible from a zip file. This is usually done
+by right clicking on the downloaded file and select `Extract` or `Extract Here`.
+After selecting the OpenSong Bibles you want to convert, click :guilabel:`Next` 
+.. image:: pics/bibleimportdetails1.png
+Enter your Bible name and copyright details. Click :guilabel:`Next`. It may
+take some time to convert your Bibles so please be patient.
+.. image:: pics/bibleimportfinished1.png
+When the import has finished then click :guilabel:`Finish` and you should now be 
+ready to use your OpenSong Bibles.
+Importing Web Download Bibles
+**About Web Download**
+OpenLP provides a Web Download method to import Bibles when you do not have a
+locally installed Bible available. The Web Download method registers the Bible
+in OpenLP, just like the others, but only downloads the verses as you need them.
+This import is not meant to be used as your sole source for Bibles, but rather
+as an emergency resource.
+To use the web download feature select web download from the import wizard.
+.. image:: pics/bibleimport01.png
+You can now select from several options of location to download from, and also
+what Bible translation you need. You will probably want to choose the location 
+from where you get the best performance or that has the translation you need.
+.. image:: pics/webbible1.png
+You can also select a proxy server if needed from the `Proxy Server` tab. Your
+network administrator will know if this is necessary, in most cases this will
+not be needed
+.. image:: pics/webbibleproxy1.png
+After selecting your download location and the Bible you wish to use, click
+:guilabel:`Next` When your import is completed click :guilabel:`Finish`
+.. image:: pics/biblewebcomplete.png
+You should now be ready to use the web bible.
+Importing CSV formatted Bibles
+If you have a Bible in .csv format OpenLP will also import it. CSV Bibles will
+consist of two files a `books` file and a `verse` file.
+Select CSV from the list of Bible types to import.
+.. image:: pics/bibleimport02.png
+You are now ready to select your .csv files, you will need to slect both your 
+books and verse file location.
+.. image:: pics/csvimport1.png
+After you have selected the file locations you can click :guilabel:`Next`
+.. image:: pics/bibleimportfinished1.png
+Click :guilabel:`Finish` and you should now be ready to use your imported CSV
+Searching for scripture

=== modified file 'documentation/manual/source/conf.py'
--- documentation/manual/source/conf.py	2010-10-16 19:38:23 +0000
+++ documentation/manual/source/conf.py	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
 # OpenLP documentation build configuration file, created by
-# sphinx-quickstart on Fri Jul 10 17:20:40 2009.
+# sphinx-quickstart on Thu Sep 30 21:24:54 2010.
 # This file is execfile()d with the current directory set to its containing dir.
@@ -11,19 +11,22 @@
 # All configuration values have a default; values that are commented out
 # serve to show the default.
+import sys
 import os
-import sys
 # If extensions (or modules to document with autodoc) are in another directory,
 # add these directories to sys.path here. If the directory is relative to the
 # documentation root, use os.path.abspath to make it absolute, like shown here.
-#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(os.path.join('..', '..')))
+#sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('.'))
 # -- General configuration -----------------------------------------------------
+# If your documentation needs a minimal Sphinx version, state it here.
+#needs_sphinx = '1.0'
 # Add any Sphinx extension module names here, as strings. They can be extensions
 # coming with Sphinx (named 'sphinx.ext.*') or your custom ones.
-#extensions = ['sphinx.ext.autodoc']
+extensions = []
 # Add any paths that contain templates here, relative to this directory.
 templates_path = ['_templates']
@@ -32,14 +35,14 @@
 source_suffix = '.rst'
 # The encoding of source files.
-source_encoding = 'utf-8'
+#source_encoding = 'utf-8-sig'
 # The master toctree document.
 master_doc = 'index'
 # General information about the project.
 project = u'OpenLP'
-copyright = u'2004-2010 Raoul Snyman'
+copyright = u'2010, Raoul Snyman'
 # The version info for the project you're documenting, acts as replacement for
 # |version| and |release|, also used in various other places throughout the
@@ -48,7 +51,7 @@
 # The short X.Y version.
 version = '2.0'
 # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-release = '1.9.3'
+release = '2.0'
 # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
 # for a list of supported languages.
@@ -60,12 +63,9 @@
 # Else, today_fmt is used as the format for a strftime call.
 #today_fmt = '%B %d, %Y'
-# List of documents that shouldn't be included in the build.
-#unused_docs = []
-# List of directories, relative to source directory, that shouldn't be searched
-# for source files.
-exclude_trees = []
+# List of patterns, relative to source directory, that match files and
+# directories to ignore when looking for source files.
+exclude_patterns = ['_build']
 # The reST default role (used for this markup: `text`) to use for all documents.
 #default_role = None
@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
 # If true, the current module name will be prepended to all description
 # unit titles (such as .. function::).
-add_module_names = False
+#add_module_names = True
 # If true, sectionauthor and moduleauthor directives will be shown in the
 # output. They are ignored by default.
@@ -90,40 +90,33 @@
 # -- Options for HTML output ---------------------------------------------------
-# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages.  Major themes that come with
-# Sphinx are currently 'default' and 'sphinxdoc'.
+# The theme to use for HTML and HTML Help pages.  See the documentation for
+# a list of builtin themes.
 html_theme = 'default'
 # Theme options are theme-specific and customize the look and feel of a theme
 # further.  For a list of options available for each theme, see the
 # documentation.
-html_theme_options = {
-    'sidebarbgcolor': '#3a60a9',
-    'relbarbgcolor': '#203b6f',
-    'footerbgcolor': '#26437c',
-    'headtextcolor': '#203b6f',
-    'linkcolor': '#26437c',
-    'sidebarlinkcolor': '#ceceff'
+#html_theme_options = {}
 # Add any paths that contain custom themes here, relative to this directory.
 #html_theme_path = []
 # The name for this set of Sphinx documents.  If None, it defaults to
 # "<project> v<release> documentation".
-html_title = u'OpenLP 2.0 User Manual'
+#html_title = None
 # A shorter title for the navigation bar.  Default is the same as html_title.
 #html_short_title = None
 # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top
 # of the sidebar.
-#html_logo = None
+html_logo = 'pics/logo.png'
 # The name of an image file (within the static path) to use as favicon of the
 # docs.  This file should be a Windows icon file (.ico) being 16x16 or 32x32
 # pixels large.
-#html_favicon = None
+html_favicon = 'pics/openlp.ico'
 # Add any paths that contain custom static files (such as style sheets) here,
 # relative to this directory. They are copied after the builtin static files,
@@ -146,7 +139,7 @@
 #html_additional_pages = {}
 # If false, no module index is generated.
-#html_use_modindex = True
+#html_domain_indices = True
 # If false, no index is generated.
 #html_use_index = True
@@ -157,16 +150,22 @@
 # If true, links to the reST sources are added to the pages.
 #html_show_sourcelink = True
+# If true, "Created using Sphinx" is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
+#html_show_sphinx = True
+# If true, "(C) Copyright ..." is shown in the HTML footer. Default is True.
+#html_show_copyright = True
 # If true, an OpenSearch description file will be output, and all pages will
 # contain a <link> tag referring to it.  The value of this option must be the
 # base URL from which the finished HTML is served.
 #html_use_opensearch = ''
-# If nonempty, this is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
-#html_file_suffix = ''
+# This is the file name suffix for HTML files (e.g. ".xhtml").
+#html_file_suffix = None
 # Output file base name for HTML help builder.
-htmlhelp_basename = 'OpenLP-2.0-manual'
+htmlhelp_basename = 'OpenLPdoc'
 # -- Options for LaTeX output --------------------------------------------------
@@ -180,8 +179,8 @@
 # Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
 # (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]).
 latex_documents = [
-  ('index', 'OpenLP.tex', u'OpenLP 2.0 User Manual',
-   u'Raoul Snyman', 'manual'),
+  ('index', 'OpenLP.tex', u'OpenLP Documentation',
+   u'Wesley Stout', 'manual'),
 # The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
@@ -192,6 +191,12 @@
 # not chapters.
 #latex_use_parts = False
+# If true, show page references after internal links.
+#latex_show_pagerefs = False
+# If true, show URL addresses after external links.
+#latex_show_urls = False
 # Additional stuff for the LaTeX preamble.
 #latex_preamble = ''
@@ -199,10 +204,14 @@
 #latex_appendices = []
 # If false, no module index is generated.
-#latex_use_modindex = True
-# A dictionary that contains LaTeX snippets that override those Sphinx usually
-# puts into the generated .tex files.
-latex_elements = {
-    'fontpkg': '\\usepackage{helvet}'
+#latex_domain_indices = True
+# -- Options for manual page output --------------------------------------------
+# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
+# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
+man_pages = [
+    ('index', 'openlp', u'OpenLP Documentation',
+     [u'Wesley Stout'], 1)

=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/configure.rst'
--- documentation/manual/source/configure.rst	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ documentation/manual/source/configure.rst	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+Configuring OpenLP
+OpenLP has many options you can configure to suit your needs. Most options are
+self-explanatory and we will quickly review them.
+To configure OpenLP, click on :menuselection:`Settings --> Configure OpenLP...`
+The plugins you have activated will have configure options. If all the plugins
+are activated there will be 9 tabs across the top  you can configure.
+General Tab
+.. image:: pics/configuregeneral.png
+To select the monitor you want to display OpenLP on, click the drop-down box 
+and choose. 
+Display if a single screen
+When this box is selected, you will be able to see your display on a separate 
+window on the monitor you are using. Click the display and push the Esc key
+on your keyboard to close the display window.
+Application Startup
+**Show blank screen warning:**
+When this box is selected, you will get a warning when opening OpenLP that the output display has been blanked. You may have blanked it and shut down the program and this will warn you it is still blanked.
+**Automatically open the last service:**
+When this box is selected, OpenLP will remember the last service you were working on when you closed the program.
+**Show the splash screen:**
+When this box it selected, the OpenLP logo will be displayed in the center of the screen until the program opens. This is useful to know if the program is opening.
+Application Settings
+**Prompt to save before starting a new service**
+When this box is selected, OpenLP will prompt you to save the service you are
+working on before starting a new service.
+**Automatically preview next item in service**
+When this box is selected, the next item in the Service Manager will show in the
+Preview pane.
+**Slide loop delay** 
+This setting is the time delay in seconds if you want to continuously loop
+images, verses, or lyrics. 
+CCLI Details
+**CCLI number** 
+If you subscribe to CCLI, this box is for your License number. This number is
+also displayed in the Song Footer box.
+**SongSelect username** 
+Enter your username for SongSelect.
+**SongSelect password**
+Enter your password for SongSelect. The username and password entries will let 
+you automatically login to SongSelect web site through OpenLP.
+Display Position
+This setting will default to your computer monitor. It also overrides the
+output display combo box.  If your projector display is different, select the
+Override display position and make the changes here to match your projector 
+display. This option also comes in handy when you have the Display if a single 
+screen box selected. You can make the display smaller so it does not cover your 
+whole screen.
+Themes Tab
+.. image:: pics/configurethemes.png
+Global Theme
+Choose the theme you would like to use as your default global theme from the
+drop down box. The theme selected appears below. The global theme use is
+determined by the Theme Level you have selected.
+Theme Level
+Choose from one of three options for the default use of your theme.
+**Song Level:**
+With this level selected, your theme is associated with the song. The theme is
+controlled by adding or editing a song in the Song editor and  your song theme
+takes priority. If your song does not have a theme associated with it, OpenLP
+will use the theme set in the Service Manager. If you do not associate a theme
+when adding Bible verses to the Service Manager, the verses will default to the
+theme use in the Service Manager.
+**Service Level:** 
+With this level selected, your theme is controlled at the top of the Service
+Manager. Select your default service theme there. This setting will override
+your Song theme. 
+**Global Level:**
+With this level selected, all songs and verses will use the theme selected on
+the left in the Global Theme drop down.
+Advanced Tab
+.. image:: pics/configureadvanced.png
+UI Settings (user interface)
+**Number of recent files to display:**
+Set this number for OpenLP to remember your last files open. These will show 
+under File.
+**Remember active media manager tab on startup:**
+With this box selected OpenLP media manager will open on the same tab that it
+was closed on.
+**Double-click to send items straight to live:**
+With this box selected, double-clicking on anything in the Media Manager will
+immediately send it live.
+**Expand new service items on creation:**
+With this box selected, everything you add to the Service Manager will be
+expanded so you can see all the verses, lyrics and presentations, line by line.
+When you open OpenLP, everything will automatically be expanded in the Service
+Songs Tab
+.. image:: pics/configuresongs.png
+Songs Mode
+**Enable search as you type:**
+With this box selected, Media Manager/Songs will display the song you are
+searching for as you are typing. If this box is not selected, you need to type
+in your search box and then click on the Search button.
+**Display verses on live tool bar:**
+With this box selected, and m2j fixes it, a Go To drop down box is available on
+the live toolbar to select any part of the verse type you want displayed live. 
+**Update service from song edit:**
+With this box selected and you edit a song in the media manager, the results
+will also change the song if it is added to the Service Manager. If this box
+is not selected, your song edit changes will only be available in the Service
+Manager if you add it again.
+**Add missing songs when opening service:**
+With this box selected, if you open an order of service created on another
+computer, or if one of the songs are no longer in your Media Manager, it will
+automatically enter the song in your Songs Media Manager. 
+Bibles Tab
+.. image:: pics/configurebibles.png
+Verse Display
+**Only show new chapter numbers:**
+With this box selected, the live display of the verse will only show the
+chapter number and verse for the first verse, and just the verse numbers after
+that. If the chapter changes, the new chapter number will be displayed with the
+verse number for the first line, and only the verse number displayed thereafter.
+**Display style:**
+This option will put brackets around the chapter and verse numbers. You may
+select No Brackets or your bracket stlye from the drop down menu.
+**Layout stlye:**
+There are three options to determine how your Bible verses are displayed. 
+`Verse Per Slide` will display one verse per slide.
+`Verse Per Line` will start each verse on a new line until the slide is full.
+`Continuous` will run all verses together separated by verse number and chapter
+if chapter is selected to show above.
+**Note: Changes do not affect verses already in the service.** 
+**Display second Bible verses:**
+OpenLP has the ability to display the same verse in two different Bible
+versions for comparison. With this option selected, there will be a Second
+choice in the Bible Media Manager to use this option.   
+**Bible theme:**
+You may select your default Bible theme from this drop down box. This selected
+theme will only be used if your `Theme Level` is set at `Song Level`.
+**Note: Changes do not affect verses already in the service.** 
+Presentations Tab
+.. image:: pics/configurepresentations.png
+Available Controllers
+OpenLP has the ability to import OpenOffice Impress or Microsoft PowerPoint
+presentations, and use Impress, PowerPoint, or PowerPoint Viewer to display
+them and they are controlled from within OpenLP. Please remember that in order
+to use this function, you must have Impress, PowerPoint or PowerPoint Viewer
+installed on your computer because OpenLP uses these programs to open and run
+the presentation. You may select your default controller here in this tab. 
+**Allow presentation application to be overridden**
+With this option selected, you will see `Present using` area with a dropdown box on the Presentations toolbar  in Media Manager which gives you the option to select the presentation program you want to use.
+Media Tab
+.. image:: pics/configuremedia.png
+Media Display
+**Use Phonon for video playback**
+If you are having trouble displaying media, selecting this box could help.
+Custom Tab:
+.. image:: pics/configurecustom.png
+Custom Display
+**Display Footer**
+With this option selected, your Custom slide Title will be displayed in the
+**Note: If you have an entry in the Credits box of your custom slide, title and
+credits will always be displayed.**
+Alerts Tab
+.. image:: pics/configurealerts.png
+**Font name:** 
+Choose your desired font from the drop down menu
+**Font color:**
+Choose your font color here.
+**Background color:** 
+Choose the background color the font will be displayed on.
+**Font size:** 
+This will adjust the size of the font.
+**Alert timeout:**
+This setting will determine how long your Alert will be displayed on the screen,
+in seconds.
+Choose the location where you want the alert displayed on the
+screen, Top, Middle or Bottom.
+Your choices will be displayed here.
+Remotes Tab
+.. image:: pics/configureremotes.png
+OpenLP gives you the ability to control your Service Manager from a remote
+computer through a web browser. For example, one use for this would be if you
+have a missionary with a PowerPoint presentation, it may be easier for that 
+missionary to remotely connect to your projection computer and change the
+slides when he wants to. 
+To use this feature you will need to be on a network, wired or wireless, know
+the IP address of the projection computer and enter that IP address and port 
+number in the remote computer's web browser.
+To find your projection computer's IP address for Windows, open Command Prompt
+and type in “ipconfig” (without quotations), press Enter key and your IP
+address will show. In Linux, open Terminal and type “ifconfig” (without
+quotations), and use the IP address after “inet addr:” The IP address will
+always have a format of xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx where x is one to three digits long.
+Server Settings
+Serve on IP address: Put your projection computer's IP address here. 
+Port Number
+ You can use the default port number or change it to another number.
+With these two settings written down, open a web browser in the remote computer
+and enter the IP address followed by a colon and then the port number, ie: 
+  then press enter. You should now have access to the OpenLP
+Controller. If it does not come up, you either entered the wrong IP address, 
+port number or one or both computer's are not connected to the network. 

=== modified file 'documentation/manual/source/dualmonitors.rst'
--- documentation/manual/source/dualmonitors.rst	2010-10-19 18:54:43 +0000
+++ documentation/manual/source/dualmonitors.rst	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
 The first step in getting OpenLP working on your system is to setup your
 computer properly for dual monitors. This is not very difficult, but the steps
-do vary depending on operating system.
+will vary depending on operating system.
 Most modern computers do have the ability for dual monitors. To be certain
 check your computer's documentation. A typical desktop computer capable of dual
@@ -18,16 +18,15 @@
 .. image:: pics/dvi.png
-A laptop computer setup only varies slightly, generally you will need only one
+A laptop computer setup varies only slightly, generally you will need only one
 of outputs pictured above since your laptops screen serves as one of the
-monitors. Sometimes with older laptops a key stroke generally involving the
-:kbd:`Fn` key and another key is required to enable the second monitor on
+monitors. Sometimes older laptops require a key stroke generally involving the
+:kbd:`Fn` key and another key to enable the second monitor on laptops.
 Some computers also incorporate the use of :abbr:`S-Video (Separate Video)` or
 :abbr:`HDMI (High-Definition Multimedia Interface)` connections.
-A typical OpenLP set up consist of your normal single monitor setup, with your
+A typical OpenLP setup consist of your normal single monitor setup, with your
 projector setup as the second monitor. With the option of extending your
 desktop across the second monitor, or your operating system's equivalent.
@@ -46,17 +45,18 @@
 The more traditional way is also fairly straight forward. Go to
 :guilabel:`Control Panel` and click on :guilabel:`Display`. This will open up
-the :guilabel:`Display` dialog. You can also bypass this step by right click on
-a blank area on your desktop and selecting :guilabel:`Resolution`.
+the :guilabel:`Display` dialog. You can also bypass this step by right clicking 
+on a blank area on your desktop and selecting :guilabel:`Resolution`.
 .. image:: pics/winsevendisplay.png
 Then click on the :guilabel:`Adjust resolution` link in the left pane. Enable
-your projector and make sure that the selected value for :guilabel:`Multiple
-displays` is :guilabel:`Extend these displays`.
+your projector and make sure the selected value for :guilabel:`Multiple displays` is :guilabel:`Extend these displays`.
 .. image:: pics/winsevenresolution.png
+**Note:** Windows 7 Starter Edition does **NOT** support extending your desktop.
 Windows Vista
@@ -66,7 +66,7 @@
 .. image:: pics/vistapersonalize.png
 From the :guilabel:`Personalization` window click on :guilabel:`Display
-Settings`. Then enable the montior that represents your projector and make sure
+Settings`. Then enable the monitor that represents your projector and make sure
 you have checked :guilabel:`Extend the desktop onto this monitor`.
 .. image:: pics/vistadisplaysettings.png

=== modified file 'documentation/manual/source/index.rst'
--- documentation/manual/source/index.rst	2010-12-01 19:55:05 +0000
+++ documentation/manual/source/index.rst	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000
@@ -13,9 +13,13 @@
+   quickstart
+   bibles
+   themes
+   configure
 Indices and tables

=== modified file 'documentation/manual/source/mediamanager.rst'
--- documentation/manual/source/mediamanager.rst	2010-11-03 02:07:05 +0000
+++ documentation/manual/source/mediamanager.rst	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000
@@ -7,20 +7,21 @@
 `Media Manager` contains all the bibles, songs, presentations, media, and 
 everything else that you will project through OpenLP.
-Enabling the Plugins
+Enabling OpenLP Features
-You may need to enable the plugins that came with OpenLP. As you can see below
-this is what the `Media Manager` looks like with all the plugins enabled.
+You may need to enable some of the features of OpenLP. As you can see below
+this is what the `Media Manager` looks like with all the features enabled.
 .. image:: pics/mediamanager.png
-To enable the plugins navigate to :menuselection:`Settings --> Plugins` or
-press `F7`. You will then want to click on the plugin to the left that you want
-to enable and select **active** from the drop down box to the right.
+To enable different features navigate to :menuselection:`Settings --> Plugins`
+or press `F7`. You will then want to click on the plugin to the left that you
+want to enable and select **active** from the drop down box to the right.
 .. image:: pics/plugins.png
-Now you should be ready to add content to OpenLP check out the section of this
-guide on the individual plugins.
+Now you should be ready to add content to OpenLP. Please note some items that
+can be enabled are not visible in OpenLP but operate behind the scenes, such
+as the `Remotes Plugin`.

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Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/addsong.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/addsong.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/addsongservice1.png'
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=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/addsongservice2.png'
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=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/authorstopicsbooks.png'
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=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/bibleimport01.png'
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=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/bibleimport02.png'
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=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/bibleimportdetails1.png'
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=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/bibleimportfinished1.png'
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=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/biblewebcomplete.png'
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--- documentation/manual/source/pics/bzr_log.R4V9Fl	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ documentation/manual/source/pics/bzr_log.R4V9Fl	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000
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+-------------- This line and the following will be ignored --------------
+  documentation/manual/source/pics/bibleimport1.png
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+  documentation/manual/source/pics/bibleimportdetails.png
+  documentation/manual/source/pics/bibleimportfinished.png
+  documentation/manual/source/pics/biblewebcomplete.png
+  documentation/manual/source/pics/configureadvanced.png
+  documentation/manual/source/pics/csvimport1.png
+  documentation/manual/source/pics/csvimport2.png
+  documentation/manual/source/pics/webbible1.png
+  documentation/manual/source/pics/webbibleproxy1.png

=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/configureadvanced.png'
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=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/configurecustom.png'
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=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/configuregeneral.png'
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=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/configuremedia.png'
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=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/configurepresentations.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/configurepresentations.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/configurepresentations.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/configureremotes.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/configureremotes.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/configureremotes.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/configuresongs.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/configuresongs.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/configuresongs.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/configurethemes.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/configurethemes.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/configurethemes.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/createthemeicon.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/createthemeicon.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/createthemeicon.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/csvimport1.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/csvimport1.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/csvimport1.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/csvimport2.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/csvimport2.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/csvimport2.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/logo.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/logo.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/logo.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/openlp.ico'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/openlp.ico	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/openlp.ico	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/previewsong1.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/previewsong1.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/previewsong1.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/previewsong2.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/previewsong2.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/previewsong2.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/sendsonglive1.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/sendsonglive1.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/sendsonglive1.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/sendsonglive2.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/sendsonglive2.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/sendsonglive2.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor1.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor1.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor1.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor11.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor11.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor11.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor2.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor2.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor2.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor3.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor3.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor3.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor4.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor4.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor4.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor5.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor5.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor5.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor6.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor6.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor6.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor7.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor7.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor7.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor8.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor8.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor8.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor9.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor9.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/songeditor9.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/songs12.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/songs12.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/songs12.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/songs13.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/songs13.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/songs13.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/songs14.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/songs14.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/songs14.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/songs15.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/songs15.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/songs15.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/songs16.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/songs16.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/songs16.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/songs17.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/songs17.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/songs17.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/themeeditbutton.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/themeeditbutton.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/themeeditbutton.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/themeimportexport.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/themeimportexport.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/themeimportexport.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/thememanager1.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/thememanager1.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/thememanager1.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard1.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard1.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard1.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard2.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard2.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard2.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard3.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard3.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard3.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
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Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard4.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard4.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard5.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard5.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard5.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
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Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard6.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard6.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
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Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard7.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard7.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
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Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard8.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard8.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard9.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard9.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizard9.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizardwelcome.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizardwelcome.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/themewizardwelcome.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/webbible1.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/webbible1.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/webbible1.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/pics/webbibleproxy1.png'
Binary files documentation/manual/source/pics/webbibleproxy1.png	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000 and documentation/manual/source/pics/webbibleproxy1.png	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000 differ
=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/quickstart.rst'
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+++ documentation/manual/source/quickstart.rst	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+OpenLP Quick Start Guide
+Thank you for choosing OpenLP. The developers of OpenLP have attempted to make
+OpenLP intuitive and easy to use. This Quick Start Guide will help you to get
+going quickly. 
+Bible Importer

=== modified file 'documentation/manual/source/songs.rst'
--- documentation/manual/source/songs.rst	2010-11-27 14:58:27 +0000
+++ documentation/manual/source/songs.rst	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000
@@ -97,4 +97,292 @@
 Press :guilabel:`Finish` and you will now be ready to use your songs imported
 from CCLI SongSelect.
+Importing from EasyWorship
+To import your songs from EasyWorship you need to find the database file.
+Locate the file here:
+Windows Vista / Windows 7::
+    C:\ProgramData\Documents\Softouch\EasyWorship\Default\Databases\Data\Songs.DB
+Windows XP::
+    C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\Softouch\EasyWorship\Default\Databases\Data\Songs.DB
+After selecting your EasyWorship database file click :guilabel:`Next` 
+.. image:: pics/finishedimport.png
+Once the importer is complete click :guilabel:`Finish` your EasyWorship songs
+are now ready to use.
+Importing From Songs of Fellowship
+To import songs from Songs of Fellowship simply select the .rtf file from the 
+book you are wanting to import and click :guilabel:`Next`. This import may take
+some time so be patient, but when completed you should have your Songs of
+Fellowship songs in OpenLP.
+.. image:: pics/finishedimport.png
+Once the import is completed click :guilabel:`Finish` to use your songs.
+Manually Entering New Songs
+There maybe times when you need to manually need to enter in a new song with 
+out importing. To do this click on the add song icon 
+.. image:: pics/addsong.png
+This will bring up the song editor window
+.. image:: pics/songeditor1.png
+Next you will want to add the song title and an alternate title if any
+.. image:: pics/songeditor2.png
+You are now ready to add verses, choruses, etc to your new song. Do this by 
+clicking the :guilabel:`Add` button.
+.. image:: pics/songeditor3.png
+Enter your lyrics into the text box, then select the correct `Verse Type` from
+the menu and also enter the correct number.
+.. image:: pics/songeditor4.png
+When you are satisfied click the :guilabel:`Save` button. Then repeat the 
+process to add additional lyrics.
+.. image:: pics/songeditor5.png
+When you have all of your lyrics entered then you can optionally enter the
+order of the song to help while projecting the song live. An example would be
+`V1 C1 V2 C1` This would be the order of verse 1 followed by the chorus 
+followed by verse 2 followed by the chorus. 
+You are now ready to move on to the :guilabel:`Authors, Topics & Song Book Tab`
+.. image:: pics/songeditor6.png
+First you will need to add the author(s) to the song. Simply select the author
+from the list and click :guilabel:`Add to Song` If the author is not available
+click on :guilabel:`Manage Authors, Topics, Song Books`
+.. image:: pics/songeditor7.png
+From the left select from Authors, Topics or Song Books. Click :guilabel:`Authors`
+then click :guilabel:`Add`
+.. image:: pics/songeditor8.png
+Enter in your authors information then click :guilabel:`Save` Repeat this 
+process to add authors as needed.
+Next you will want to add any topics associated with the song or any song book 
+information. To add that info simply follow the same process as adding authors
+from the Authors Topics and Song Books Manager. Topic and song book info is 
+optional and not required but can be very useful to help track songs.
+.. image:: pics/songeditor9.png
+After you are finished with the Author, Topic, and Song Book info you can now 
+go to the :guilabel:`Theme, Copyright Info & Comments` tab.
+.. image:: pics/songeditor11.png
+You can now select a theme for the song. If you do not select a theme the
+global theme or service level theme will be used for the song. You can also 
+enter any copyright or CCLI information and also include notes about the song.
+When you are finished you can click :guilabel:`Save` to save the song and make 
+it ready for you to use in your services.
+Editing Songs
+Editing songs is very similar to adding a new song. First select the song from 
+the songs tab of the Media Manager. Right clicking and then select :guilabel:`Edit Song`
+.. image:: pics/songs12.png
+or you can select the song and press the song edit icon
+.. image:: pics/songs13.png
+This will open up the `Song Editor`. From the `Title & Lyrics` tab you can edit
+the title, alternate title, lyrics and the verse order.
+Editing the title and alternate title just require changing the text in the 
+text box.
+To edit the lyrics select the verse you want to edit and click the :guilabel:`Edit`
+.. image:: pics/songeditor4.png
+You can edit the text of the selected verse and also change the `Verse Type`
+click :guilabel:`Save` when you are satisfied with your changes.
+To add a single verse click the :guilabel:`Add` to add a verse and to delete a
+single verse select the verse from the `Lyrics List` and click :guilabel:`Delete`
+You can also edit all the lyrics of a song including all verses at once. To do 
+this click :guilabel:`Edit All`
+.. image:: pics/songs15.png
+This gives you the ability to edit lyrics across all verses. You can also add
+verses by selecting the correct verse type and number and clicking :guilabel:`Insert`
+when you are satisfied with your changes click :guilabel:`Save`.
+From the `Authors, Topics, & Song Book` tab you can edit information about the 
+author, add any related topics, or song books.
+.. image:: pics/songeditor9.png
+To add an author to the song select the author from the drop menu and click
+:guilabel:`Add to Song` to remove an author click on the author and click
+To add a topic to the song select the topic from the drop menu and click
+:guilabel:`Add to Song` to remove an topic click on the author and click
+You can change the song book by selecting the correct book from the Song Book
+drop menu and entering the correct number into the text box.
+If you need to add an author, topic, or song book, click the 
+:guilabel:`Manage Authors, Topics, Song Books` button.
+From the left select from Authors, Topics or Song Books. Click :guilabel:`Authors`
+then click :guilabel:`Add`
+.. image:: pics/songeditor8.png
+Enter in your authors information then click :guilabel:`Save` Repeat this 
+process to add authors as needed.
+Next you will want to add any topics associated with the song or any song book 
+information. To add that info simply follow the same process as adding authors
+from the Authors Topics and Song Books Manager. Topic and song book info is 
+optional and not required but can be very useful to help track songs.
+After you are finished with the Author, Topic, and Song Book info you can now 
+go to the :guilabel:`Theme, Copyright Info & Comments` tab.
+.. image:: pics/songeditor11.png
+You can now select a theme for the song. If you do not select a theme the
+global theme or service level theme will be used for the song. You can also 
+enter any copyright or CCLI information and also include notes about the song.
+When you are finished you can click :guilabel:`Save` to save the song and make 
+it ready for you to use in your services.
+Deleting Songs
+**Warning -** when you delete a song it can not be recovered. Please be certain
+that you will not need the song again before deleting.
+To delete a song select the song.
+.. image:: pics/songs16.png
+You can delete the song by right clicking the song and selecting delete. Or by 
+selecting the song and pressing the delete icon.
+.. image:: pics/songs17.png 
+Previewing Songs
+Previewing a song can be very helpful before sending it live. You can check for
+mistakes in the song, the song order, etc. Please check out the documentation
+for the `Preview Pane` for more details on previewing items. You can preview a
+song two ways.
+Highlight the song you would like to preview by clicking on the song title. 
+Then click the :guilabel:`Preview Button`. You should now see your song in the
+`Preview Pane` of OpenLP.
+.. image:: pics/previewsong1.png
+You may also preview a song by `right clicking` on the song title and selecting
+`Preview Song`.
+.. image:: pics/previewsong2.png
+Adding Song to Your Service
+The `Service Manager` is where you organize your worship service using OpenLP.
+It is the most common place for you to send content `live` or to the `Display
+Window` Please see the section of the documentation on the `Service Manager` 
+for more details on managing your service and service files.
+You can send a song to the `Service Manager` two ways.
+Highlight the song you desire to send live, then click the `Add the Selected
+Song to Service` Button.
+.. image:: pics/addsongservice1.png
+Or you may right click on the song you wish to add to the service, and then 
+select :guilabel:`Add to Service`
+.. image:: pics/addsongservice2.png
+Sending Song Directly Live
+You can also send a song directly `Live` this means to the `Display Window` or
+to your projector. 
+To send a song live click on the desired song to send live and then click on
+the :guilabel:`Send the Selected Song Live` Button.
+.. image:: pics/sendsonglive1.png
+Or, you may send a song live by right clicking on the song you wish to send
+live and select `Show Live`
+.. image:: pics/sendsonglive2.png
+Editing Authors Topics and Books
+To edit the authors topics and books associated with the song you can do this
+through the editing or adding of new songs, or by selecting the `Maintain the
+List of Authors Topics and Books` Button.
+.. image:: pics/authorstopicsbooks.png
+You should now see the window to work with Authors, Topics, Songs and Books.
+.. image:: pics/songeditor7.png
+From the left select from Authors, Topics or Song Books. Click :guilabel:`Authors`
+then click :guilabel:`Add`
+.. image:: pics/songeditor8.png
+Enter in your authors information then click :guilabel:`Save` Repeat this 
+process to add authors as needed.
+Next you will want to add any topics associated with the song or any song book 
+information. To add that info simply follow the same process as adding authors
+from the Authors Topics and Song Books Manager. Topic and song book info is 
+optional and not required but can be very useful to help track songs.

=== added file 'documentation/manual/source/themes.rst'
--- documentation/manual/source/themes.rst	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ documentation/manual/source/themes.rst	2010-12-27 14:37:17 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,191 @@
+The `Theme Manager` is where you can set backgrounds, fonts, and colors to the 
+style you desire. From the theme manager you can create a new theme, Edit a 
+theme, Delete a theme, Import a theme, and Export a theme.
+.. image:: /pics/thememanager1.png
+Creating New Themes
+Click the :guilabel:`Create Theme Icon` to Create a new theme   
+.. image:: /pics/createthemeicon.png 
+This will bring up the `Theme Wizard`
+.. image:: /pics/themewizardwelcome.png
+Click :guilabel:`Next`. You have 3 choices in the drop down menu for Background
+type: Solid Color, Gradient, or Image.
+.. image:: /pics/themewizard1.png 
+Solid color: select solid color and click on the black button next to Color. 
+You will have the option of choosing among the colors you see or entering your
+.. image:: /pics/themewizard2.png
+Gradient: choose the two colors, First and Second, you want to fade together 
+and the Gradient drop down will let you determine the directions of the fade.
+.. image:: /pics/themewizard3.png
+Image: Click on the folder to find and select your image. Openlp accepts a 
+variety of image types. 
+.. image:: /pics/themewizard4.png
+**Note:** If possible, try to use the same size image as your projector is
+When finished with your selection for background, click the :guilabel:`Next`
+This is the area where you will select and define your font characteristics for the Display text.
+.. image:: /pics/themewizard5.png
+**Font:** Choose the font you would like to use from the drop down.
+**Color:** Choose the color of your font.
+**Size:** The size of your font determines how many lines are shown per slide.
+As you change the font size, the lines per slide will change.
+**Line Spacing:** This setting determines how much space you want between
+lines. This setting will also change the lines per slide. 
+**Outline:** If you desire an outline around your font, select the Outline box,
+choose your color and size of the outline.
+**Shadow:** If you desire a shadow around your font, select the Shadow box and 
+choose your color and size of the shadow.  
+**Bold Display:** select the box for Bold font
+**Italic Display:** select the box for Italic font
+When you are finished selecting your font details click the :guilabel:`Next`
+**Footer Area Font Details**
+This page determines the Font, Font Color, and size of the font for the footer.
+The footer is where the Title of the song, Author or Authors, Copyright and 
+CCLI License are displayed.
+.. image:: /pics/themewizard6.png
+When you are finished setting your footer font details, click :guilabel:`Next`.
+**Text Formatting Details**
+This page determines the alignment of the text on your slide and the transition from one slide to the next. 
+.. image:: /pics/themewizard7.png
+**Horizontal Align** the text to the Left, Right or Center of the screen.
+**Vertical Align** the text to the Top, Middle or bottom of the screen.
+When this box is selected, switching slides will fade out from one and fade in to
+the next. When the box is not selected, slide changing will be instant.
+When you are finished setting your Text Formatting Details, click :guilabel:`Next`.
+**Output Area Locations**
+This page gives you the ability to position your Main area or Footer area to a
+specific area of the screen using the x and y positions. ie: if you do not want
+your footer on the bottom left, you can make the adjustment here. 
+You can resize the Width and the Height of the Main Area and the Footer Area.
+ie: If you have a temporary or permanent obstacle in one part of the viewing
+area, you can resize the Main or Footer area and use x and y positions to
+display in a different position on the screen.
+.. image:: /pics/themewizard8.png
+You can also change the Width and the Height of the Main Area of the Footer Area.
+When you are finished setting your Output Area Locations, click :guilabel:`Next`.
+Save and Preview
+.. image:: /pics/themewizard9.png
+**Theme Name:** Enter your theme name here.
+The Preview shows the choices you made when setting up the previous pages plus, 
+shows all the edit effects possible so you can see what the impact is on all possible font colors and characteristics.
+If you are satisfied with your selections, click :guilabel:`Finish`. If you 
+want to make a change, use the :guilabel:`Back` button.
+Editing Themes
+Now that you created your theme, and you show it on the projector and there is
+something you don't like, you can easily Edit your theme either by clicking the
+Theme Edit Button:
+.. image:: /pics/themeeditbutton.png
+Or by right-clicking your theme and selecting the appropriate action.
+Deleting Themes
+The Delete Button:
+.. image:: /pics/songs17.png
+will delete a selected theme or by right-clicking your theme and selecting 
+the appropriate action.
+**Note:** deleting the currently selected global theme is not possible.
+Exporting Themes
+If you would like to transfer a theme from one computer to another, click on 
+the theme you want to Export, click the last button in the Theme Manager:
+.. image:: /pics/themeimportexport.png
+choose the folder you want to save your theme and click the OK button.
+Importing Themes
+The fourth button in the Theme Manager:
+.. image:: /pics/themeimportexport.png
+will allow you to Import an Exported theme. Click the Import button, select the
+folder and the theme file, and click OK. Your imported theme will be in the 
+Theme Manager. Import Theme will also handle version 1 Exports
+Rename Theme
+If you created a theme and want to change the name of it, right-click your
+theme and click Rename theme and enter the new name.
+Copy Theme
+Now that you created a theme with all the attributes you like, you can
+right-click the theme, click on Copy theme, choose your new name and click OK.
+You now have a duplicate of your first theme that you can edit the way you want.
+Set as Global default
+If you right-click your theme, you have the option to set the theme as Global
+default. This option is covered in greater detail under “Configure OpenLP. 

Follow ups