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[Merge] lp:~j-corwin/openlp/bug-1094198b into lp:openlp


Jonathan Corwin has proposed merging lp:~j-corwin/openlp/bug-1094198b into lp:openlp.

Requested reviews:
  OpenLP Core (openlp-core)

For more details, see:

2.1 version.

Fix import of settings.

- QSettings exports the 'general' group as '%General' but appears in some circumstances (Linux?) to struggle to import this again. Try and compensate.

- Support the import of the 'players' section

- Change the setting group validation to skip those it doesn't know. Just test for an expected setting earlier instead. Also fix the error message.
Your team OpenLP Core is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~j-corwin/openlp/bug-1094198b into lp:openlp.
=== modified file 'openlp/core/ui/mainwindow.py'
--- openlp/core/ui/mainwindow.py	2012-12-29 20:56:56 +0000
+++ openlp/core/ui/mainwindow.py	2013-01-02 22:38:21 +0000
@@ -468,6 +468,7 @@
         self.serviceManagerSettingsSection = u'servicemanager'
         self.songsSettingsSection = u'songs'
         self.themesSettingsSection = u'themes'
+        self.playersSettingsSection = u'players'
         self.displayTagsSection = u'displayTags'
         self.headerSection = u'SettingsImport'
         self.serviceNotSaved = False
@@ -824,6 +825,7 @@
+        setting_sections.extend([self.playersSettingsSection])
@@ -832,6 +834,15 @@
         settings = Settings()
         import_settings = Settings(import_file_name, Settings.IniFormat)
+        # Lets do a basic sanity check. If it contains this string we can
+        # assume it was created by OpenLP and so we'll load what we can
+        # from it, and just silently ignore anything we don't recognise
+        if import_settings.value(u'SettingsImport/type', u'') != u'OpenLP_settings_export':
+            QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, translate('OpenLP.MainWindow', 'Import settings'),
+                translate('OpenLP.MainWindow', 'The file you have selected does not appear to be a valid OpenLP '
+                    'settings file.\n\nProcessing has terminated and no changes have been made.'),
+                QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok))
+            return
         import_keys = import_settings.allKeys()
         for section_key in import_keys:
             # We need to handle the really bad files.
@@ -841,17 +852,12 @@
                 section = u'unknown'
                 key = u''
             # Switch General back to lowercase.
-            if section == u'General':
+            if section == u'General' or section == u'%General':
                 section = u'general'
                 section_key = section + "/" + key
             # Make sure it's a valid section for us.
             if not section in setting_sections:
-                QtGui.QMessageBox.critical(self, translate('OpenLP.MainWindow', 'Import settings'),
-                    translate('OpenLP.MainWindow', 'The file you selected does appear to be a valid OpenLP '
-                        'settings file.\n\nSection [%s] is not valid \n\n'
-                        'Processing has terminated and no changed have been made.').replace('%s', section),
-                    QtGui.QMessageBox.StandardButtons(QtGui.QMessageBox.Ok))
-                return
+                continue
         # We have a good file, import it.
         for section_key in import_keys:
             value = import_settings.value(section_key, None)

Follow ups