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[Merge] lp:~sam92/openlp/bug-1170231 into lp:openlp


Samuel Mehrbrodt has proposed merging lp:~sam92/openlp/bug-1170231 into lp:openlp.

Requested reviews:
  OpenLP Core (openlp-core)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1170231 in OpenLP: "Debug messages in bibles/lib/db are wrong"

For more details, see:

Fix debug messages

[SUCCESS] http://ci.openlp.org/job/Branch-01-Pull/260/
[SUCCESS] http://ci.openlp.org/job/Branch-02-Functional-Tests/221/
[SUCCESS] http://ci.openlp.org/job/Branch-03-Interface-Tests/170/
[SUCCESS] http://ci.openlp.org/job/Branch-04-Windows_Tests/131/
[FAILURE] http://ci.openlp.org/job/Branch-05-Code-Analysis/87/
Your team OpenLP Core is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~sam92/openlp/bug-1170231 into lp:openlp.
=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/db.py'
--- openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/db.py	2014-04-01 17:32:19 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/bibles/lib/db.py	2014-04-08 21:25:06 +0000
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@
         :param testament: *Defaults to 1.* The testament_reference_id from
             bibles_resources.sqlite of the testament this book belongs to.
-        log.debug('BibleDB.create_book("%s", "%s")', name, bk_ref_id)
+        log.debug('BibleDB.create_book("%s", "%s")' % (name, bk_ref_id))
         book = Book.populate(name=name, book_reference_id=bk_ref_id, testament_reference_id=testament)
         return book
@@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
         :param book: The book object
-        log.debug('BibleDB.update_book("%s")', book.name)
+        log.debug('BibleDB.update_book("%s")' % book.name)
         return self.save_object(book)
     def delete_book(self, db_book):
@@ -211,7 +211,7 @@
         :param db_book: The book object.
-        log.debug('BibleDB.delete_book("%s")', db_book.name)
+        log.debug('BibleDB.delete_book("%s")' % db_book.name)
         if self.delete_object(Book, db_book.id):
             return True
         return False
@@ -225,7 +225,7 @@
         :param text_list: A dict of the verses to be inserted. The key is the verse number, and the value is the
         verse text.
-        log.debug('BibleDBcreate_chapter("%s", "%s")', book_id, chapter)
+        log.debug('BibleDBcreate_chapter("%s", "%s")' % (book_id, chapter))
         # Text list has book and chapter as first two elements of the array.
         for verse_number, verse_text in text_list.items():
             verse = Verse.populate(
@@ -267,7 +267,7 @@
         if not isinstance(value, str):
             value = str(value)
-        log.debug('BibleDB.save_meta("%s/%s")', key, value)
+        log.debug('BibleDB.save_meta("%s/%s")' % (key, value))
         meta = self.get_object(BibleMeta, key)
         if meta:
             meta.value = value
@@ -281,7 +281,7 @@
         :param book: The name of the book to return.
-        log.debug('BibleDB.get_book("%s")', book)
+        log.debug('BibleDB.get_book("%s")' % book)
         return self.get_object_filtered(Book, Book.name.like(book + '%'))
     def get_books(self):
@@ -292,17 +292,17 @@
         return self.get_all_objects(Book, order_by_ref=Book.id)
-    def get_book_by_book_ref_id(self, id):
+    def get_book_by_book_ref_id(self, ref_id):
         Return a book object from the database.
-        :param id: The reference id of the book to return.
+        :param ref_id: The reference id of the book to return.
-        log.debug('BibleDB.get_book_by_book_ref_id("%s")', id)
-        return self.get_object_filtered(Book, Book.book_reference_id.like(id))
+        log.debug('BibleDB.get_book_by_book_ref_id("%s")' % ref_id)
+        return self.get_object_filtered(Book, Book.book_reference_id.like(ref_id))
     def get_book_ref_id_by_name(self, book, maxbooks, language_id=None):
-        log.debug('BibleDB.get_book_ref_id_by_name:("%s", "%s")', book, language_id)
+        log.debug('BibleDB.get_book_ref_id_by_name:("%s", "%s")' % (book, language_id))
         book_id = None
         if BiblesResourcesDB.get_book(book, True):
             book_temp = BiblesResourcesDB.get_book(book, True)
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
         :param book: The name of the book, according to the selected language.
         :param language_selection:  The language selection the user has chosen in the settings section of the Bible.
-        log.debug('get_book_ref_id_by_localised_name("%s", "%s")', book, language_selection)
+        log.debug('get_book_ref_id_by_localised_name("%s", "%s")' % (book, language_selection))
         from openlp.plugins.bibles.lib import LanguageSelection, BibleStrings
         book_names = BibleStrings().BookNames
         # escape reserved characters
@@ -376,14 +376,14 @@
                 [(u'35', 1, 1, 1), (u'35', 2, 2, 3)]
         :param show_error:
-        log.debug('BibleDB.get_verses("%s")', reference_list)
+        log.debug('BibleDB.get_verses("%s")' % reference_list)
         verse_list = []
         book_error = False
         for book_id, chapter, start_verse, end_verse in reference_list:
             db_book = self.get_book_by_book_ref_id(book_id)
             if db_book:
                 book_id = db_book.book_reference_id
-                log.debug('Book name corrected to "%s"', db_book.name)
+                log.debug('Book name corrected to "%s"' % db_book.name)
                 if end_verse == -1:
                     end_verse = self.get_verse_count(book_id, chapter)
                 verses = self.session.query(Verse) \
@@ -395,7 +395,7 @@
-                log.debug('OpenLP failed to find book with id "%s"', book_id)
+                log.debug('OpenLP failed to find book with id "%s"' % book_id)
                 book_error = True
         if book_error and show_error:
@@ -414,7 +414,7 @@
             contains spaces, it will split apart and AND'd on the list of
-        log.debug('BibleDB.verse_search("%s")', text)
+        log.debug('BibleDB.verse_search("%s")' % text)
         verses = self.session.query(Verse)
         if text.find(',') > -1:
             keywords = ['%%%s%%' % keyword.strip() for keyword in text.split(',')]
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@
         :param book: The book object to get the chapter count for.
-        log.debug('BibleDB.get_chapter_count("%s")', book.name)
+        log.debug('BibleDB.get_chapter_count("%s")' % book.name)
         count = self.session.query(func.max(Verse.chapter)).join(Book).filter(
             Book.book_reference_id == book.book_reference_id).scalar()
         if not count:
@@ -447,7 +447,7 @@
         :param book_ref_id: The book reference id.
         :param chapter: The chapter to get the verse count for.
-        log.debug('BibleDB.get_verse_count("%s", "%s")', book_ref_id, chapter)
+        log.debug('BibleDB.get_verse_count("%s", "%s")' % (book_ref_id, chapter))
         count = self.session.query(func.max(Verse.verse)).join(Book) \
             .filter(Book.book_reference_id == book_ref_id) \
             .filter(Verse.chapter == chapter) \
@@ -563,7 +563,7 @@
         :param name: The name or abbreviation of the book.
         :param lower: True if the comparison should be only lowercase
-        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_book("%s")', name)
+        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_book("%s")' % name)
         if not isinstance(name, str):
             name = str(name)
         if lower:
@@ -592,7 +592,7 @@
         :param string: The string to search for in the book names or abbreviations.
-        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_book_like("%s")', string)
+        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_book_like("%s")' % string)
         if not isinstance(string, str):
             name = str(string)
         books = BiblesResourcesDB.run_sql(
@@ -611,17 +611,17 @@
             return None
-    def get_book_by_id(id):
+    def get_book_by_id(book_id):
         Return a book by id.
-        :param id: The id of the book.
+        :param book_id: The id of the book.
-        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_book_by_id("%s")', id)
-        if not isinstance(id, int):
-            id = int(id)
+        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_book_by_id("%s")' % book_id)
+        if not isinstance(book_id, int):
+            book_id = int(book_id)
         books = BiblesResourcesDB.run_sql(
-            'SELECT id, testament_id, name, abbreviation, chapters FROM book_reference WHERE id = ?', (id, ))
+            'SELECT id, testament_id, name, abbreviation, chapters FROM book_reference WHERE id = ?', (book_id, ))
         if books:
             return {
                 'id': books[0][0],
@@ -641,7 +641,7 @@
         :param book_ref_id: The id of a book.
         :param chapter: The chapter number.
-        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_chapter("%s", "%s")', book_ref_id, chapter)
+        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_chapter("%s", "%s")' % (book_ref_id, chapter))
         if not isinstance(chapter, int):
             chapter = int(chapter)
         chapters = BiblesResourcesDB.run_sql(
@@ -664,7 +664,7 @@
         :param book_ref_id: The id of the book.
-        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_chapter_count("%s")', book_ref_id)
+        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_chapter_count("%s")' % book_ref_id)
         details = BiblesResourcesDB.get_book_by_id(book_ref_id)
         if details:
             return details['chapters']
@@ -678,7 +678,7 @@
         :param book_ref_id: The id of the book.
         :param chapter: The number of the chapter.
-        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_verse_count("%s", "%s")', book_ref_id, chapter)
+        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_verse_count("%s", "%s")' % (book_ref_id, chapter))
         details = BiblesResourcesDB.get_chapter(book_ref_id, chapter)
         if details:
             return details['verse_count']
@@ -691,7 +691,7 @@
         :param source: The name or abbreviation of the book.
-        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_download_source("%s")', source)
+        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_download_source("%s")' % source)
         if not isinstance(source, str):
             source = str(source)
         source = source.title()
@@ -712,7 +712,7 @@
         :param source: The source of the web_bible.
-        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_webbibles("%s")', source)
+        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_webbibles("%s")' % source)
         if not isinstance(source, str):
             source = str(source)
         source = BiblesResourcesDB.get_download_source(source)
@@ -737,7 +737,7 @@
         :param abbreviation: The abbreviation of the web_bible.
         :param source: The source of the web_bible.
-        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_webbibles("%s", "%s")', abbreviation, source)
+        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_webbibles("%s", "%s")' % (abbreviation, source))
         if not isinstance(abbreviation, str):
             abbreviation = str(abbreviation)
         if not isinstance(source, str):
@@ -765,7 +765,7 @@
         :param name: The name to search the id.
         :param language_id: The language_id for which language should be searched
-        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_alternative_book_name("%s", "%s")', name, language_id)
+        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_alternative_book_name("%s", "%s")' % (name, language_id))
         if language_id:
             books = BiblesResourcesDB.run_sql(
                 'SELECT book_reference_id, name FROM alternative_book_names WHERE language_id = ? ORDER BY id',
@@ -784,7 +784,7 @@
         :param name: The name or abbreviation of the language.
-        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_language("%s")', name)
+        log.debug('BiblesResourcesDB.get_language("%s")' % name)
         if not isinstance(name, str):
             name = str(name)
         language = BiblesResourcesDB.run_sql(
@@ -880,7 +880,7 @@
         :param name: The name to search the id.
         :param language_id: The language_id for which language should be searched
-        log.debug('AlternativeBookNamesDB.get_book_reference_id("%s", "%s")', name, language_id)
+        log.debug('AlternativeBookNamesDB.get_book_reference_id("%s", "%s")' % (name, language_id))
         if language_id:
             books = AlternativeBookNamesDB.run_sql(
                 'SELECT book_reference_id, name FROM alternative_book_names WHERE language_id = ?', (language_id, ))
@@ -901,8 +901,8 @@
         :param book_reference_id: The book_reference_id of the book.
         :param language_id: The language to which the alternative book name belong.
-        log.debug('AlternativeBookNamesDB.create_alternative_book_name("%s", "%s", "%s")',
-                  name, book_reference_id, language_id)
+        log.debug('AlternativeBookNamesDB.create_alternative_book_name("%s", "%s", "%s")' %
+                  (name, book_reference_id, language_id))
         return AlternativeBookNamesDB.run_sql(
             'INSERT INTO alternative_book_names(book_reference_id, language_id, name) '
             'VALUES (?, ?, ?)', (book_reference_id, language_id, name), True)

=== modified file 'tests/functional/openlp_core_lib/test_ui.py'
--- tests/functional/openlp_core_lib/test_ui.py	2014-03-26 12:06:48 +0000
+++ tests/functional/openlp_core_lib/test_ui.py	2014-04-08 21:25:06 +0000
@@ -81,3 +81,20 @@
         self.assertIsInstance(btnbox, QtGui.QDialogButtonBox)
         self.assertEqual(1, len(btnbox.buttons()))
         self.assertEqual(QtGui.QDialogButtonBox.HelpRole, btnbox.buttonRole(btnbox.buttons()[0]))
+    def test_create_valign_selection_widgets(self):
+        """
+        Test creating a combo box for valign selection
+        """
+        # GIVEN: A dialog
+        dialog = QtGui.QDialog()
+        # WHEN: We create the widgets
+        label, combo = create_valign_selection_widgets(dialog)
+        # THEN: We should get a label and a combobox.
+        self.assertEqual(translate('OpenLP.Ui', '&Vertical Align:'), label.text())
+        self.assertIsInstance(combo, QtGui.QComboBox)
+        self.assertEqual(combo, label.buddy())
+        for text in [UiStrings().Top, UiStrings().Middle, UiStrings().Bottom]:
+            self.assertTrue(combo.findText(text) >= 0)

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