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[Merge] lp:~alisonken1/openlp/strings_projector_pjlink into lp:openlp


Ken Roberts has proposed merging lp:~alisonken1/openlp/strings_projector_pjlink into lp:openlp.

Commit message:
Initial string format conversion from Python2 to Python3 style

Requested reviews:
  OpenLP Core (openlp-core)

For more details, see:

- Update string format to Python3 style
- Added projector lamp values test

Convert string format from Python2 
     '%s %s' % (value1, value2)
to Python3
     '{key1} {key2}'.format(key1=value1, key2=value2)

[SUCCESS] https://ci.openlp.io/job/Branch-01-Pull/1438/
[SUCCESS] https://ci.openlp.io/job/Branch-02-Functional-Tests/1355/
[SUCCESS] https://ci.openlp.io/job/Branch-03-Interface-Tests/1294/
[SUCCESS] https://ci.openlp.io/job/Branch-04a-Windows_Functional_Tests/1101/
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[SUCCESS] https://ci.openlp.io/job/Branch-05a-Code_Analysis/759/
[SUCCESS] https://ci.openlp.io/job/Branch-05b-Test_Coverage/627/

Your team OpenLP Core is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~alisonken1/openlp/strings_projector_pjlink into lp:openlp.
=== modified file 'openlp/core/lib/projector/db.py'
--- openlp/core/lib/projector/db.py	2016-01-06 20:02:39 +0000
+++ openlp/core/lib/projector/db.py	2016-04-16 08:21:40 +0000
@@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
         Returns a basic representation of a Manufacturer table entry.
-        return '<Manufacturer(name="%s")>' % self.name
+        return '<Manufacturer(name="{name}")>'.format(name=self.name)
     name = Column(String(30))
     models = relationship('Model',
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@
         Returns a basic representation of a Model table entry.
-        return '<Model(name=%s)>' % self.name
+        return '<Model(name={name})>'.format(name=self.name)
     manufacturer_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('manufacturer.id'))
     name = Column(String(20))
@@ -131,8 +131,9 @@
         Return basic representation of Source table entry.
-        return '<Source(pjlink_name="%s", pjlink_code="%s", text="%s")>' % \
-            (self.pjlink_name, self.pjlink_code, self.text)
+        return '<Source(pjlink_name="{name}", pjlink_code="{code}", text="{Text}")>'.format(name=self.pjlink_name,
+                                                                                            code=self.pjlink_code,
+                                                                                            text=self.text)
     model_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('model.id'))
     pjlink_name = Column(String(15))
     pjlink_code = Column(String(2))
@@ -162,11 +163,22 @@
         Return basic representation of Source table entry.
-        return '< Projector(id="%s", ip="%s", port="%s", pin="%s", name="%s", location="%s",' \
-            'notes="%s", pjlink_name="%s", manufacturer="%s", model="%s", other="%s",' \
-            'sources="%s", source_list="%s") >' % (self.id, self.ip, self.port, self.pin, self.name, self.location,
-                                                   self.notes, self.pjlink_name, self.manufacturer, self.model,
-                                                   self.other, self.sources, self.source_list)
+        return '< Projector(id="{data}", ip="{ip}", port="{port}", pin="{pin}", name="{name}", ' \
+            'location="{location}", notes="{notes}", pjlink_name="{pjlink_name}", ' \
+            'manufacturer="{manufacturer}", model="{model}", other="{other}", ' \
+            'sources="{sources}", source_list="{source_list}") >'.format(data=self.id,
+                                                                         ip=self.ip,
+                                                                         port=self.port,
+                                                                         pin=self.pin,
+                                                                         name=self.name,
+                                                                         location=self.location,
+                                                                         notes=self.notes,
+                                                                         pjlink_name=self.pjlink_name,
+                                                                         manufacturer=self.manufacturer,
+                                                                         model=self.model,
+                                                                         other=self.other,
+                                                                         sources=self.sources,
+                                                                         source_list=self.source_list)
     ip = Column(String(100))
     port = Column(String(8))
     pin = Column(String(20))
@@ -203,10 +215,11 @@
         Return basic representation of Source table entry.
-        return '<ProjectorSource(id="%s", code="%s", text="%s", projector_id="%s")>' % (self.id,
-                                                                                        self.code,
-                                                                                        self.text,
-                                                                                        self.projector_id)
+        return '<ProjectorSource(id="{data}", code="{code}", text="{text}", ' \
+            'projector_id="{projector_id}")>'.format(data=self.id,
+                                                     code=self.code,
+                                                     text=self.text,
+                                                     projector_id=self.projector_id)
     code = Column(String(3))
     text = Column(String(20))
     projector_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('projector.id'))
@@ -217,10 +230,11 @@
     Class to access the projector database.
     def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
-        log.debug('ProjectorDB().__init__(args="%s", kwargs="%s")' % (args, kwargs))
+        log.debug('ProjectorDB().__init__(args="{arg}", kwargs="{kwarg}")'.format(arg=args,
+                                                                                  kwarg=kwargs))
         super().__init__(plugin_name='projector', init_schema=self.init_schema)
-        log.debug('ProjectorDB() Initialized using db url %s' % self.db_url)
-        log.debug('Session: %s', self.session)
+        log.debug('ProjectorDB() Initialized using db url {db}'.format(db=self.db_url))
+        log.debug('Session: {session}'.format(session=self.session))
     def init_schema(self, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -240,13 +254,14 @@
         :param dbid: DB record id
         :returns: Projector() instance
-        log.debug('get_projector_by_id(id="%s")' % dbid)
+        log.debug('get_projector_by_id(id="{data}")'.format(data=dbid))
         projector = self.get_object_filtered(Projector, Projector.id == dbid)
         if projector is None:
             # Not found
-            log.warn('get_projector_by_id() did not find %s' % id)
+            log.warn('get_projector_by_id() did not find {data}'.format(data=id))
             return None
-        log.debug('get_projectorby_id() returning 1 entry for "%s" id="%s"' % (dbid, projector.id))
+        log.debug('get_projectorby_id() returning 1 entry for "{entry}" id="{data}"'.format(entry=dbid,
+                                                                                            data=projector.id))
         return projector
     def get_projector_all(self):
@@ -262,7 +277,7 @@
             return return_list
         for new_projector in new_list:
-        log.debug('get_all() returning %s item(s)' % len(return_list))
+        log.debug('get_all() returning {items} item(s)'.format(items=len(return_list)))
         return return_list
     def get_projector_by_ip(self, ip):
@@ -276,9 +291,10 @@
         projector = self.get_object_filtered(Projector, Projector.ip == ip)
         if projector is None:
             # Not found
-            log.warn('get_projector_by_ip() did not find %s' % ip)
+            log.warn('get_projector_by_ip() did not find {ip}'.format(ip=ip))
             return None
-        log.debug('get_projectorby_ip() returning 1 entry for "%s" id="%s"' % (ip, projector.id))
+        log.debug('get_projectorby_ip() returning 1 entry for "{ip}" id="{data}"'.format(ip=ip,
+                                                                                         data=projector.id))
         return projector
     def get_projector_by_name(self, name):
@@ -288,13 +304,14 @@
         :param name: Name of projector
         :returns: Projector() instance
-        log.debug('get_projector_by_name(name="%s")' % name)
+        log.debug('get_projector_by_name(name="{name}")'.format(name=name))
         projector = self.get_object_filtered(Projector, Projector.name == name)
         if projector is None:
             # Not found
-            log.warn('get_projector_by_name() did not find "%s"' % name)
+            log.warn('get_projector_by_name() did not find "{name}"'.format(name=name))
             return None
-        log.debug('get_projector_by_name() returning one entry for "%s" id="%s"' % (name, projector.id))
+        log.debug('get_projector_by_name() returning one entry for "{name}" id="{data}"'.format(name=name,
+                                                                                                data=projector.id))
         return projector
     def add_projector(self, projector):
@@ -308,13 +325,13 @@
         old_projector = self.get_object_filtered(Projector, Projector.ip == projector.ip)
         if old_projector is not None:
-            log.warn('add_new() skipping entry ip="%s" (Already saved)' % old_projector.ip)
+            log.warn('add_new() skipping entry ip="{ip}" (Already saved)'.format(ip=old_projector.ip))
             return False
         log.debug('add_new() saving new entry')
-        log.debug('ip="%s", name="%s", location="%s"' % (projector.ip,
-                                                         projector.name,
-                                                         projector.location))
-        log.debug('notes="%s"' % projector.notes)
+        log.debug('ip="{ip}", name="{name}", location="{location}"'.format(ip=projector.ip,
+                                                                           name=projector.name,
+                                                                           location=projector.location))
+        log.debug('notes="{notes}"'.format(notes=projector.notes))
         return self.save_object(projector)
     def update_projector(self, projector=None):
@@ -333,7 +350,7 @@
         if old_projector is None:
             log.error('Edit called on projector instance not in database - cancelled')
             return False
-        log.debug('(%s) Updating projector with dbid=%s' % (projector.ip, projector.id))
+        log.debug('({ip}) Updating projector with dbid={dbid}'.format(ip=projector.ip, dbid=projector.id))
         old_projector.ip = projector.ip
         old_projector.name = projector.name
         old_projector.location = projector.location
@@ -357,9 +374,9 @@
         deleted = self.delete_object(Projector, projector.id)
         if deleted:
-            log.debug('delete_by_id() Removed entry id="%s"' % projector.id)
+            log.debug('delete_by_id() Removed entry id="{data}"'.format(data=projector.id))
-            log.error('delete_by_id() Entry id="%s" not deleted for some reason' % projector.id)
+            log.error('delete_by_id() Entry id="{data}" not deleted for some reason'.format(data=projector.id))
         return deleted
     def get_source_list(self, projector):
@@ -395,9 +412,9 @@
         source_entry = self.get_object_filtered(ProjetorSource, ProjectorSource.id == source)
         if source_entry is None:
             # Not found
-            log.warn('get_source_by_id() did not find "%s"' % source)
+            log.warn('get_source_by_id() did not find "{source}"'.format(source=source))
             return None
-        log.debug('get_source_by_id() returning one entry for "%s""' % (source))
+        log.debug('get_source_by_id() returning one entry for "{source}""'.format(source=source))
         return source_entry
     def get_source_by_code(self, code, projector_id):
@@ -411,11 +428,14 @@
         source_entry = self.get_object_filtered(ProjectorSource,
                                                 and_(ProjectorSource.code == code,
                                                      ProjectorSource.projector_id == projector_id))
         if source_entry is None:
             # Not found
-            log.warn('get_source_by_id() did not find code="%s" projector_id="%s"' % (code, projector_id))
+            log.warn('get_source_by_id() not found')
+            log.warn('code="{code}" projector_id="{data}"'.format(code=code, data=projector_id))
             return None
-        log.debug('get_source_by_id() returning one entry for code="%s" projector_id="%s"' % (code, projector_id))
+        log.debug('get_source_by_id() returning one entry')
+        log.debug('code="{code}" projector_id="{data}"'.format(code=code, data=projector_id))
         return source_entry
     def add_source(self, source):
@@ -424,6 +444,8 @@
         :param source: ProjectorSource() instance to add
-        log.debug('Saving ProjectorSource(projector_id="%s" code="%s" text="%s")' % (source.projector_id,
-                                                                                     source.code, source.text))
+        log.debug('Saving ProjectorSource(projector_id="{data}" '
+                  'code="{code}" text="{text}")'.format(data=source.projector_id,
+                                                        code=source.code,
+                                                        text=source.text))
         return self.save_object(source)

=== modified file 'openlp/core/lib/projector/pjlink1.py'
--- openlp/core/lib/projector/pjlink1.py	2016-04-02 03:04:15 +0000
+++ openlp/core/lib/projector/pjlink1.py	2016-04-16 08:21:40 +0000
@@ -91,7 +91,8 @@
         :param poll_time: Time (in seconds) to poll connected projector
         :param socket_timeout: Time (in seconds) to abort the connection if no response
-        log.debug('PJlink(args="%s" kwargs="%s")' % (args, kwargs))
+        log.debug('PJlink(args={args} kwargs={kwargs})'.format(args=args,
+                                                               kwargs=kwargs))
         self.name = name
         self.ip = ip
         self.port = port
@@ -147,7 +148,8 @@
         Reset projector-specific information to default
-        log.debug('(%s) reset_information() connect status is %s' % (self.ip, self.state()))
+        log.debug('({ip}) reset_information() connect status is {state}'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                                state=self.state()))
         self.power = S_OFF
         self.pjlink_name = None
         self.manufacturer = None
@@ -170,7 +172,7 @@
         Connects signals to methods when thread is started.
-        log.debug('(%s) Thread starting' % self.ip)
+        log.debug('({ip}) Thread starting'.format(ip=self.ip))
         self.i_am_running = True
@@ -180,7 +182,7 @@
         Cleanups when thread is stopped.
-        log.debug('(%s) Thread stopped' % self.ip)
+        log.debug('({ip}) Thread stopped'.format(ip=self.ip))
         except TypeError:
@@ -206,7 +208,7 @@
         Aborts connection and closes socket in case of brain-dead projectors.
         Should normally be called by socket_timer().
-        log.debug('(%s) socket_abort() - Killing connection' % self.ip)
+        log.debug('({ip}) socket_abort() - Killing connection'.format(ip=self.ip))
     def poll_loop(self):
@@ -216,7 +218,7 @@
         if self.state() != self.ConnectedState:
-        log.debug('(%s) Updating projector status' % self.ip)
+        log.debug('({ip}) Updating projector status'.format(ip=self.ip))
         # Reset timer in case we were called from a set command
         if self.timer.interval() < self.poll_time:
             # Reset timer to 5 seconds
@@ -276,11 +278,17 @@
             self.status_connect = S_CONNECTED
             self.projector_status = status
         (status_code, status_message) = self._get_status(self.status_connect)
-        log.debug('(%s) status_connect: %s: %s' % (self.ip, status_code, status_message if msg is None else msg))
+        log.debug('({ip}) status_connect: {code}: "{message}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                      code=status_code,
+                                                                      message=status_message if msg is None else msg))
         (status_code, status_message) = self._get_status(self.projector_status)
-        log.debug('(%s) projector_status: %s: %s' % (self.ip, status_code, status_message if msg is None else msg))
+        log.debug('({ip}) projector_status: {code}: "{message}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                        code=status_code,
+                                                                        message=status_message if msg is None else msg))
         (status_code, status_message) = self._get_status(self.error_status)
-        log.debug('(%s) error_status: %s: %s' % (self.ip, status_code, status_message if msg is None else msg))
+        log.debug('({ip}) error_status: {code}: "{message}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                    code=status_code,
+                                                                    message=status_message if msg is None else msg))
         self.changeStatus.emit(self.ip, status, message)
@@ -291,27 +299,29 @@
         :param data: Optional data if called from another routine
-        log.debug('(%s) check_login(data="%s")' % (self.ip, data))
+        log.debug('({ip}) check_login(data="{data}")'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                             data=data))
         if data is None:
             # Reconnected setup?
             if not self.waitForReadyRead(2000):
                 # Possible timeout issue
-                log.error('(%s) Socket timeout waiting for login' % self.ip)
+                log.error('({ip}) Socket timeout waiting for login'.format(ip=self.ip))
             read = self.readLine(self.maxSize)
             dontcare = self.readLine(self.maxSize)  # Clean out the trailing \r\n
             if read is None:
-                log.warn('(%s) read is None - socket error?' % self.ip)
+                log.warn('({ip}) read is None - socket error?'.format(ip=self.ip))
             elif len(read) < 8:
-                log.warn('(%s) Not enough data read)' % self.ip)
+                log.warn('({ip}) Not enough data read)'.format(ip=self.ip))
             data = decode(read, 'ascii')
             # Possibility of extraneous data on input when reading.
             # Clean out extraneous characters in buffer.
             dontcare = self.readLine(self.maxSize)
-            log.debug('(%s) check_login() read "%s"' % (self.ip, data.strip()))
+            log.debug('({ip}) check_login() read "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                  data=data.strip()))
         # At this point, we should only have the initial login prompt with
         # possible authentication
         # PJLink initial login will be:
@@ -326,25 +336,28 @@
             # Process initial connection
             data_check = data.strip().split(' ')
-        log.debug('(%s) data_check="%s"' % (self.ip, data_check))
+        log.debug('({ip}) data_check="{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                      data=data_check))
         # Check for projector reporting an error
         if data_check[1].upper() == 'ERRA':
             # Authentication error
-            log.debug('(%s) emitting projectorAuthentication() signal' % self.name)
+            log.debug('({ip}) emitting projectorAuthentication() signal'.format(ip=self.name))
         elif data_check[1] == '0' and self.pin is not None:
             # Pin set and no authentication needed
-            log.debug('(%s) emitting projectorNoAuthentication() signal' % self.name)
+            log.debug('({ip}) emitting projectorNoAuthentication() signal'.format(ip=self.name))
         elif data_check[1] == '1':
             # Authenticated login with salt
-            log.debug('(%s) Setting hash with salt="%s"' % (self.ip, data_check[2]))
-            log.debug('(%s) pin="%s"' % (self.ip, self.pin))
+            log.debug('({ip}) Setting hash with salt="{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                      data=data_check[2]))
+            log.debug('({ip}) pin="{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                   data=self.pin))
             salt = qmd5_hash(salt=data_check[2].encode('ascii'), data=self.pin.encode('ascii'))
             salt = None
@@ -355,7 +368,7 @@
         self.send_command(cmd='CLSS', salt=salt)
         if (not self.no_poll) and (self.state() == self.ConnectedState):
-            log.debug('(%s) Starting timer' % self.ip)
+            log.debug('({ip}) Starting timer'.format(ip=self.ip))
             self.timer.setInterval(2000)  # Set 2 seconds for initial information
@@ -364,15 +377,15 @@
         Socket interface to retrieve data.
-        log.debug('(%s) get_data(): Reading data' % self.ip)
+        log.debug('({ip}) get_data(): Reading data'.format(ip=self.ip))
         if self.state() != self.ConnectedState:
-            log.debug('(%s) get_data(): Not connected - returning' % self.ip)
+            log.debug('({ip}) get_data(): Not connected - returning'.format(ip=self.ip))
             self.send_busy = False
         read = self.readLine(self.maxSize)
         if read == -1:
             # No data available
-            log.debug('(%s) get_data(): No data available (-1)' % self.ip)
+            log.debug('({ip}) get_data(): No data available (-1)'.format(ip=self.ip))
             self.send_busy = False
@@ -382,11 +395,13 @@
         data = data_in.strip()
         if len(data) < 7:
             # Not enough data for a packet
-            log.debug('(%s) get_data(): Packet length < 7: "%s"' % (self.ip, data))
+            log.debug('({ip}) get_data(): Packet length < 7: "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                              data=data))
             self.send_busy = False
-        log.debug('(%s) get_data(): Checking new data "%s"' % (self.ip, data))
+        log.debug('({ip}) get_data(): Checking new data "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                         data=data))
         if data.upper().startswith('PJLINK'):
             # Reconnected from remote host disconnect ?
@@ -394,7 +409,7 @@
         elif '=' not in data:
-            log.warn('(%s) get_data(): Invalid packet received' % self.ip)
+            log.warn('({ip}) get_data(): Invalid packet received'.format(ip=self.ip))
             self.send_busy = False
@@ -402,15 +417,17 @@
             (prefix, class_, cmd, data) = (data_split[0][0], data_split[0][1], data_split[0][2:], data_split[1])
         except ValueError as e:
-            log.warn('(%s) get_data(): Invalid packet - expected header + command + data' % self.ip)
-            log.warn('(%s) get_data(): Received data: "%s"' % (self.ip, read))
+            log.warn('({ip}) get_data(): Invalid packet - expected header + command + data'.format(ip=self.ip))
+            log.warn('({ip}) get_data(): Received data: "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                         data=data_in.strip()))
             self.send_busy = False
         if not (self.pjlink_class in PJLINK_VALID_CMD and cmd in PJLINK_VALID_CMD[self.pjlink_class]):
-            log.warn('(%s) get_data(): Invalid packet - unknown command "%s"' % (self.ip, cmd))
+            log.warn('({ip}) get_data(): Invalid packet - unknown command "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                                           data=cmd))
             self.send_busy = False
@@ -424,7 +441,9 @@
         :param err: Error code
-        log.debug('(%s) get_error(err=%s): %s' % (self.ip, err, self.errorString()))
+        log.debug('({ip}) get_error(err={error}): {data}'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                 error=err,
+                                                                 data=self.errorString()))
         if err <= 18:
             # QSocket errors. Redefined in projector.constants so we don't mistake
             # them for system errors
@@ -453,32 +472,38 @@
         :param queue: Option to force add to queue rather than sending directly
         if self.state() != self.ConnectedState:
-            log.warn('(%s) send_command(): Not connected - returning' % self.ip)
+            log.warn('({ip}) send_command(): Not connected - returning'.format(ip=self.ip))
             self.send_queue = []
-        log.debug('(%s) send_command(): Building cmd="%s" opts="%s" %s' % (self.ip,
-                                                                           cmd,
-                                                                           opts,
-                                                                           '' if salt is None else 'with hash'))
-        if salt is None:
-            out = '%s%s %s%s' % (PJLINK_HEADER, cmd, opts, CR)
-        else:
-            out = '%s%s%s %s%s' % (salt, PJLINK_HEADER, cmd, opts, CR)
+        log.debug('({ip}) send_command(): Building cmd="{command}" opts="{data}"{salt}'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                                               command=cmd,
+                                                                                               data=opts,
+                                                                                               salt='' if salt is None
+                                                                                               else ' with hash'))
+        out = '{salt}{header}{command} {options}{suffix}'.format(salt="" if salt is None else salt,
+                                                                 header=PJLINK_HEADER,
+                                                                 command=cmd,
+                                                                 options=opts,
+                                                                 suffix=CR)
         if out in self.send_queue:
             # Already there, so don't add
-            log.debug('(%s) send_command(out="%s") Already in queue - skipping' % (self.ip, out.strip()))
+            log.debug('({ip}) send_command(out="{data}") Already in queue - skipping'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                                             data=out.strip()))
         elif not queue and len(self.send_queue) == 0:
             # Nothing waiting to send, so just send it
-            log.debug('(%s) send_command(out="%s") Sending data' % (self.ip, out.strip()))
+            log.debug('({ip}) send_command(out="{data}") Sending data'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                              data=out.strip()))
             return self._send_command(data=out)
-            log.debug('(%s) send_command(out="%s") adding to queue' % (self.ip, out.strip()))
+            log.debug('({ip}) send_command(out="{data}") adding to queue'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                                 data=out.strip()))
-        log.debug('(%s) send_command(): send_busy is %s' % (self.ip, self.send_busy))
+        log.debug('({ip}) send_command(): send_busy is {data}'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                      data=self.send_busy))
         if not self.send_busy:
-            log.debug('(%s) send_command() calling _send_string()')
+            log.debug('({ip}) send_command() calling _send_string()'.format(ip=self.ip))
@@ -488,10 +513,11 @@
         :param data: Immediate data to send
-        log.debug('(%s) _send_string()' % self.ip)
-        log.debug('(%s) _send_string(): Connection status: %s' % (self.ip, self.state()))
+        log.debug('({ip}) _send_string()'.format(ip=self.ip))
+        log.debug('({ip}) _send_string(): Connection status: {data}'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                            data=self.state()))
         if self.state() != self.ConnectedState:
-            log.debug('(%s) _send_string() Not connected - abort' % self.ip)
+            log.debug('({ip}) _send_string() Not connected - abort'.format(ip=self.ip))
             self.send_queue = []
             self.send_busy = False
@@ -500,18 +526,22 @@
         if data is not None:
             out = data
-            log.debug('(%s) _send_string(data=%s)' % (self.ip, out.strip()))
+            log.debug('({ip}) _send_string(data="{data}")'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                  data=out.strip()))
         elif len(self.send_queue) != 0:
             out = self.send_queue.pop(0)
-            log.debug('(%s) _send_string(queued data=%s)' % (self.ip, out.strip()))
+            log.debug('({ip}) _send_string(queued data="{data}"%s)'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                           data=out.strip()))
             # No data to send
-            log.debug('(%s) _send_string(): No data to send' % self.ip)
+            log.debug('({ip}) _send_string(): No data to send'.format(ip=self.ip))
             self.send_busy = False
         self.send_busy = True
-        log.debug('(%s) _send_string(): Sending "%s"' % (self.ip, out.strip()))
-        log.debug('(%s) _send_string(): Queue = %s' % (self.ip, self.send_queue))
+        log.debug('({ip}) _send_string(): Sending "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                   data=out.strip()))
+        log.debug('({ip}) _send_string(): Queue = {data}'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                 data=self.send_queue))
         sent = self.write(out.encode('ascii'))
@@ -528,19 +558,23 @@
         :param cmd: Command to process
         :param data: Data being processed
-        log.debug('(%s) Processing command "%s"' % (self.ip, cmd))
+        log.debug('({ip}) Processing command "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                              data=cmd))
         if data in PJLINK_ERRORS:
             # Oops - projector error
+            log.error('({ip}) Projector returned error "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                        data=data))
             if data.upper() == 'ERRA':
                 # Authentication error
-                log.debug('(%s) emitting projectorAuthentication() signal' % self.ip)
+                log.debug('({ip}) emitting projectorAuthentication() signal'.format(ip=self.ip))
             elif data.upper() == 'ERR1':
                 # Undefined command
-                self.change_status(E_UNDEFINED, '%s "%s"' %
-                                   (translate('OpenLP.PJLink1', 'Undefined command:'), cmd))
+                self.change_status(E_UNDEFINED, '{error} "{data}"'.format(error=translate('OpenLP.PJLink1',
+                                                                                          'Undefined command:'),
+                                                                          data=cmd))
             elif data.upper() == 'ERR2':
                 # Invalid parameter
@@ -555,7 +589,7 @@
         # Command succeeded - no extra information
         elif data.upper() == 'OK':
-            log.debug('(%s) Command returned OK' % self.ip)
+            log.debug('({ip}) Command returned OK'.format(ip=self.ip))
             # A command returned successfully, recheck data
             self.send_busy = False
@@ -564,7 +598,8 @@
         if cmd in self.PJLINK1_FUNC:
-            log.warn('(%s) Invalid command %s' % (self.ip, cmd))
+            log.warn('({ip}) Invalid command {data}'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                            data=cmd))
         self.send_busy = False
@@ -583,7 +618,8 @@
                 fill = {'Hours': int(data_dict[0]), 'On': False if data_dict[1] == '0' else True}
             except ValueError:
                 # In case of invalid entry
-                log.warn('(%s) process_lamp(): Invalid data "%s"' % (self.ip, data))
+                log.warn('({ip}) process_lamp(): Invalid data "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                               data=data))
             data_dict.pop(0)  # Remove lamp hours
@@ -610,7 +646,8 @@
             # Log unknown status response
-            log.warn('Unknown power response: %s' % data)
+            log.warn('({ip}) Unknown power response: {data}'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                    data=data))
     def process_avmt(self, data):
@@ -635,7 +672,8 @@
             shutter = True
             mute = True
-            log.warn('Unknown shutter response: %s' % data)
+            log.warn('({ip}) Unknown shutter response: {data}'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                      data=data))
         update_icons = shutter != self.shutter
         update_icons = update_icons or mute != self.mute
         self.shutter = shutter
@@ -652,6 +690,8 @@
         :param data: Currently selected source
         self.source = data
+        log.info('({ip}) Setting data source to "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                 data=self.source))
     def process_clss(self, data):
@@ -670,7 +710,8 @@
             clss = data
         self.pjlink_class = clss
-        log.debug('(%s) Setting pjlink_class for this projector to "%s"' % (self.ip, self.pjlink_class))
+        log.debug('({ip}) Setting pjlink_class for this projector to "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                                      data=self.pjlink_class))
     def process_name(self, data):
@@ -681,6 +722,8 @@
         :param data: Projector name
         self.pjlink_name = data
+        log.debug('({ip}) Setting projector PJLink name to "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                            data=self.pjlink_name))
     def process_inf1(self, data):
@@ -691,6 +734,8 @@
         :param data: Projector manufacturer
         self.manufacturer = data
+        log.debug('({ip}) Setting projector manufacturer data to "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                                  data=self.manufacturer))
     def process_inf2(self, data):
@@ -701,6 +746,8 @@
         :param data: Model name
         self.model = data
+        log.debug('({ip}) Setting projector model to "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                      data=self.model))
     def process_info(self, data):
@@ -711,6 +758,8 @@
         :param data: Projector other info
         self.other_info = data
+        log.debug('({ip}) Setting projector other_info to "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                           data=self.other_info))
     def process_inst(self, data):
@@ -727,6 +776,8 @@
         self.source_available = sources
+        log.debug('({ip}) Setting projector sources_available to "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                                  data=self.source_available))
     def process_erst(self, data):
@@ -776,7 +827,7 @@
         Initiate connection to projector.
         if self.state() == self.ConnectedState:
-            log.warn('(%s) connect_to_host(): Already connected - returning' % self.ip)
+            log.warn('({ip}) connect_to_host(): Already connected - returning'.format(ip=self.ip))
         self.connectToHost(self.ip, self.port if type(self.port) is int else int(self.port))
@@ -788,9 +839,9 @@
         if abort or self.state() != self.ConnectedState:
             if abort:
-                log.warn('(%s) disconnect_from_host(): Aborting connection' % self.ip)
+                log.warn('({ip}) disconnect_from_host(): Aborting connection'.format(ip=self.ip))
-                log.warn('(%s) disconnect_from_host(): Not connected - returning' % self.ip)
+                log.warn('({ip}) disconnect_from_host(): Not connected - returning'.format(ip=self.ip))
@@ -800,8 +851,9 @@
         if abort:
-            log.debug('(%s) disconnect_from_host() Current status %s' % (self.ip,
-                                                                         self._get_status(self.status_connect)[0]))
+            log.debug('({ip}) disconnect_from_host() '
+                      'Current status {data}'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                     data=self._get_status(self.status_connect)[0]))
             if self.status_connect != E_NOT_CONNECTED:
@@ -811,60 +863,70 @@
         Send command to retrieve available source inputs.
+        log.debug('({ip}) Sending INST command'.format(ip=self.ip))
         return self.send_command(cmd='INST')
     def get_error_status(self):
         Send command to retrieve currently known errors.
+        log.debug('({ip}) Sending ERST command'.format(ip=self.ip))
         return self.send_command(cmd='ERST')
     def get_input_source(self):
         Send command to retrieve currently selected source input.
+        log.debug('({ip}) Sending INPT command'.format(ip=self.ip))
         return self.send_command(cmd='INPT')
     def get_lamp_status(self):
         Send command to return the lap status.
+        log.debug('({ip}) Sending LAMP command'.format(ip=self.ip))
         return self.send_command(cmd='LAMP')
     def get_manufacturer(self):
         Send command to retrieve manufacturer name.
+        log.debug('({ip}) Sending INF1 command'.format(ip=self.ip))
         return self.send_command(cmd='INF1')
     def get_model(self):
         Send command to retrieve the model name.
+        log.debug('({ip}) Sending INF2 command'.format(ip=self.ip))
         return self.send_command(cmd='INF2')
     def get_name(self):
         Send command to retrieve name as set by end-user (if set).
+        log.debug('({ip}) Sending NAME command'.format(ip=self.ip))
         return self.send_command(cmd='NAME')
     def get_other_info(self):
         Send command to retrieve extra info set by manufacturer.
+        log.debug('({ip}) Sending INFO command'.format(ip=self.ip))
         return self.send_command(cmd='INFO')
     def get_power_status(self):
         Send command to retrieve power status.
+        log.debug('({ip}) Sending POWR command'.format(ip=self.ip))
         return self.send_command(cmd='POWR')
     def get_shutter_status(self):
         Send command to retrieve shutter status.
+        log.debug('({ip}) Sending AVMT command'.format(ip=self.ip))
         return self.send_command(cmd='AVMT')
     def set_input_source(self, src=None):
@@ -874,12 +936,14 @@
         :param src: Video source to select in projector
-        log.debug('(%s) set_input_source(src=%s)' % (self.ip, src))
+        log.debug('({ip}) set_input_source(src="{data}")'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                 data=src))
         if self.source_available is None:
         elif src not in self.source_available:
-        log.debug('(%s) Setting input source to %s' % (self.ip, src))
+        log.debug('({ip}) Setting input source to "{data}"'.format(ip=self.ip,
+                                                                   data=src))
         self.send_command(cmd='INPT', opts=src)
@@ -887,6 +951,7 @@
         Send command to turn power to on.
+        log.debug('({ip}) Setting POWR to 1 (on)'.format(ip=self.ip))
         self.send_command(cmd='POWR', opts='1')
@@ -894,6 +959,7 @@
         Send command to turn power to standby.
+        log.debug('({ip}) Setting POWR to 0 (standby)'.format(ip=self.ip))
         self.send_command(cmd='POWR', opts='0')
@@ -901,6 +967,7 @@
         Send command to set shutter to closed position.
+        log.debug('({ip}) Setting AVMT to 11 (shutter closed)'.format(ip=self.ip))
         self.send_command(cmd='AVMT', opts='11')
@@ -908,5 +975,6 @@
         Send command to set shutter to open position.
+        log.debug('({ip}) Setting AVMT to "10" (shutter open)'.format(ip=self.ip))
         self.send_command(cmd='AVMT', opts='10')

=== modified file 'tests/functional/openlp_core_lib/test_projector_pjlink1.py'
--- tests/functional/openlp_core_lib/test_projector_pjlink1.py	2016-04-02 03:04:15 +0000
+++ tests/functional/openlp_core_lib/test_projector_pjlink1.py	2016-04-16 08:21:40 +0000
@@ -107,3 +107,20 @@
         # THEN: process_inpt method should have been called with 31
                                       "process_inpt should have been called with 31")
+    @patch.object(pjlink_test, 'projectorReceivedData')
+    def projector_process_lamp_test(self, mock_projectorReceivedData):
+        """
+        Test setting lamp on/off and hours
+        """
+        # GIVEN: Test object
+        pjlink = pjlink_test
+        # WHEN: Call process_command with lamp data
+        pjlink.process_command('LAMP', '22222 1')
+        # THEN: Lamp should have been set with status=ON and hours=22222
+        self.assertEquals(pjlink.lamp[0]['On'], True,
+                          'Lamp power status should have been set to TRUE')
+        self.assertEquals(pjlink.lamp[0]['Hours'], 22222,
+                          'Lamp hours should have been set to 22222')

Follow ups