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[Merge] lp:~raoul-snyman/openlp/bug-1557514 into lp:openlp


Raoul Snyman has proposed merging lp:~raoul-snyman/openlp/bug-1557514 into lp:openlp.

Requested reviews:
  OpenLP Core (openlp-core)
Related bugs:
  Bug #1557514 in OpenLP: "Error when importing OLP Song Database"

For more details, see:

Fix bug #1557514 by auto-detecting the columns of the tables in the songs database

Add this to your merge proposal:
lp:~raoul-snyman/openlp/bug-1557514 (revision 2652)
[SUCCESS] https://ci.openlp.io/job/Branch-01-Pull/1503/
[SUCCESS] https://ci.openlp.io/job/Branch-02-Functional-Tests/1414/
[SUCCESS] https://ci.openlp.io/job/Branch-03-Interface-Tests/1352/
[SUCCESS] https://ci.openlp.io/job/Branch-04a-Windows_Functional_Tests/1148/
[SUCCESS] https://ci.openlp.io/job/Branch-04b-Windows_Interface_Tests/739/
[SUCCESS] https://ci.openlp.io/job/Branch-05a-Code_Analysis/806/
[SUCCESS] https://ci.openlp.io/job/Branch-05b-Test_Coverage/674/

Your team OpenLP Core is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~raoul-snyman/openlp/bug-1557514 into lp:openlp.
=== modified file '.bzrignore'
--- .bzrignore	2016-02-11 21:05:41 +0000
+++ .bzrignore	2016-04-27 19:02:46 +0000
@@ -45,3 +45,4 @@

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/songs/lib/db.py'
--- openlp/plugins/songs/lib/db.py	2016-04-03 19:44:09 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/songs/lib/db.py	2016-04-27 19:02:46 +0000
@@ -383,7 +383,7 @@
         # Use lazy='joined' to always load authors when the song is fetched from the database (bug 1366198)
         'authors': relation(Author, secondary=authors_songs_table, viewonly=True, lazy='joined'),
         'media_files': relation(MediaFile, backref='songs', order_by=media_files_table.c.weight),
-        'songbook_entries': relation(SongBookEntry, backref='song', cascade="all, delete-orphan"),
+        'songbook_entries': relation(SongBookEntry, backref='song', cascade='all, delete-orphan'),
         'topics': relation(Topic, backref='songs', secondary=songs_topics_table)
     mapper(Topic, topics_table)

=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/songs/lib/importers/openlp.py'
--- openlp/plugins/songs/lib/importers/openlp.py	2016-04-22 18:25:57 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/songs/lib/importers/openlp.py	2016-04-27 19:02:46 +0000
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@
         :param manager: The song manager for the running OpenLP installation.
         :param kwargs: The database providing the data to import.
-        SongImport.__init__(self, manager, **kwargs)
+        super(OpenLPSongImport, self).__init__(manager, **kwargs)
         self.source_session = None
     def do_import(self, progress_dialog=None):
@@ -63,49 +63,61 @@
         class OldAuthor(BaseModel):
-            Author model
+            Maps to the authors table
         class OldBook(BaseModel):
-            Book model
+            Maps to the songbooks table
         class OldMediaFile(BaseModel):
-            MediaFile model
+            Maps to the media_files table
         class OldSong(BaseModel):
-            Song model
+            Maps to the songs table
         class OldTopic(BaseModel):
-            Topic model
+            Maps to the topics table
+            """
+            pass
+        class OldSongBookEntry(BaseModel):
+            """
+            Maps to the songs_songbooks table
         # Check the file type
-        if not self.import_source.endswith('.sqlite'):
+        if not isinstance(self.import_source, str) or not self.import_source.endswith('.sqlite'):
             self.log_error(self.import_source, translate('SongsPlugin.OpenLPSongImport',
                                                          'Not a valid OpenLP 2 song database.'))
         self.import_source = 'sqlite:///%s' % self.import_source
-        # Load the db file
+        # Load the db file and reflect it
         engine = create_engine(self.import_source)
         source_meta = MetaData()
         self.source_session = scoped_session(sessionmaker(bind=engine))
+        # Run some checks to see which version of the database we have
         if 'media_files' in list(source_meta.tables.keys()):
             has_media_files = True
             has_media_files = False
+        if 'songs_songbooks' in list(source_meta.tables.keys()):
+            has_songs_books = True
+        else:
+            has_songs_books = False
+        # Load up the tabls and map them out
         source_authors_table = source_meta.tables['authors']
         source_song_books_table = source_meta.tables['song_books']
         source_songs_table = source_meta.tables['songs']
@@ -113,6 +125,7 @@
         source_authors_songs_table = source_meta.tables['authors_songs']
         source_songs_topics_table = source_meta.tables['songs_topics']
         source_media_files_songs_table = None
+        # Set up media_files relations
         if has_media_files:
             source_media_files_table = source_meta.tables['media_files']
             source_media_files_songs_table = source_meta.tables.get('media_files_songs')
@@ -120,9 +133,15 @@
             except UnmappedClassError:
                 mapper(OldMediaFile, source_media_files_table)
+        if has_songs_books:
+            source_songs_songbooks_table = source_meta.tables['songs_songbooks']
+            try:
+                class_mapper(OldSongBookEntry)
+            except UnmappedClassError:
+                mapper(OldSongBookEntry, source_songs_songbooks_table, properties={'songbook': relation(OldBook)})
+        # Set up the songs relationships
         song_props = {
             'authors': relation(OldAuthor, backref='songs', secondary=source_authors_songs_table),
-            'book': relation(OldBook, backref='songs'),
             'topics': relation(OldTopic, backref='songs', secondary=source_songs_topics_table)
         if has_media_files:
@@ -134,6 +153,11 @@
                     relation(OldMediaFile, backref='songs',
                              primaryjoin=source_songs_table.c.id == source_media_files_table.c.song_id)
+        if has_songs_books:
+            song_props['songbook_entries'] = relation(OldSongBookEntry, backref='song', cascade='all, delete-orphan')
+        else:
+            song_props['book'] = relation(OldBook, backref='songs')
+        # Map the rest of the tables
         except UnmappedClassError:
@@ -163,44 +187,54 @@
                 old_titles = song.search_title.split('@')
                 if len(old_titles) > 1:
                     new_song.alternate_title = old_titles[1]
-            # Values will be set when cleaning the song.
+            # Transfer the values to the new song object
             new_song.search_title = ''
             new_song.search_lyrics = ''
-            new_song.song_number = song.song_number
             new_song.lyrics = song.lyrics
             new_song.verse_order = song.verse_order
             new_song.copyright = song.copyright
             new_song.comments = song.comments
             new_song.theme_name = song.theme_name
             new_song.ccli_number = song.ccli_number
+            if hasattr(song, 'song_number') and song.song_number:
+                new_song.song_number = song.song_number
+            # Find or create all the authors and add them to the new song object
             for author in song.authors:
                 existing_author = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Author, Author.display_name == author.display_name)
-                if existing_author is None:
+                if not existing_author:
                     existing_author = Author.populate(
-            if song.book:
-                existing_song_book = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Book, Book.name == song.book.name)
-                if existing_song_book is None:
-                    existing_song_book = Book.populate(name=song.book.name, publisher=song.book.publisher)
-                new_song.book = existing_song_book
+            # Find or create all the topics and add them to the new song object
             if song.topics:
                 for topic in song.topics:
                     existing_topic = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Topic, Topic.name == topic.name)
-                    if existing_topic is None:
+                    if not existing_topic:
                         existing_topic = Topic.populate(name=topic.name)
-            if has_media_files:
-                if song.media_files:
-                    for media_file in song.media_files:
-                        existing_media_file = self.manager.get_object_filtered(
-                            MediaFile, MediaFile.file_name == media_file.file_name)
-                        if existing_media_file:
-                            new_song.media_files.append(existing_media_file)
-                        else:
-                            new_song.media_files.append(MediaFile.populate(file_name=media_file.file_name))
+            # Find or create all the songbooks and add them to the new song object
+            if has_songs_books and song.songbook_entries:
+                for entry in song.songbook_entries:
+                    existing_book = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Book, Book.name == entry.songbook.name)
+                    if not existing_book:
+                        existing_book = Book.populate(name=entry.songbook.name, publisher=entry.songbook.publisher)
+                    new_song.add_songbook_entry(existing_book, entry.entry)
+            elif song.book:
+                existing_book = self.manager.get_object_filtered(Book, Book.name == song.book.name)
+                if not existing_book:
+                    existing_book = Book.populate(name=song.book.name, publisher=song.book.publisher)
+                new_song.add_songbook_entry(existing_book, '')
+            # Find or create all the media files and add them to the new song object
+            if has_media_files and song.media_files:
+                for media_file in song.media_files:
+                    existing_media_file = self.manager.get_object_filtered(
+                        MediaFile, MediaFile.file_name == media_file.file_name)
+                    if existing_media_file:
+                        new_song.media_files.append(existing_media_file)
+                    else:
+                        new_song.media_files.append(MediaFile.populate(file_name=media_file.file_name))
             clean_song(self.manager, new_song)
             if progress_dialog:

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