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Message #29536
[Merge] lp:~tomasgroth/openlp/mutool-draw into lp:openlp
Tomas Groth has proposed merging lp:~tomasgroth/openlp/mutool-draw into lp:openlp.
Requested reviews:
OpenLP Core (openlp-core)
For more details, see:
Added support for detected the new version of mutool which now contains the functionality of mudraw.
Your team OpenLP Core is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~tomasgroth/openlp/mutool-draw into lp:openlp.
=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/media/'
--- openlp/plugins/media/ 2016-04-21 16:26:34 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/media/ 2016-05-04 21:09:01 +0000
@@ -160,7 +160,6 @@
program_type = None
runlog = check_binary_exists(program_path)
- print(runlog, type(runlog))
# Analyse the output to see it the program is mediainfo
for line in runlog.splitlines():
decoded_line = line.decode()
=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/presentations/lib/'
--- openlp/plugins/presentations/lib/ 2016-04-21 16:26:34 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/presentations/lib/ 2016-05-04 21:09:01 +0000
@@ -77,6 +77,12 @@
if found_mudraw:
program_type = 'mudraw'
+ found_mutool ='usage: mutool.*', decoded_line, re.IGNORECASE)
+ if found_mutool:
+ # Test that mutool contains mudraw
+ if'draw\s+--\s+convert document.*', runlog.decode(), re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE):
+ program_type = 'mutool'
+ break
found_gs ='GPL Ghostscript.*', decoded_line, re.IGNORECASE)
if found_gs:
program_type = 'gs'
@@ -101,6 +107,7 @@
log.debug('check_installed Pdf')
self.mudrawbin = ''
+ self.mutoolbin = ''
self.gsbin = ''
self.also_supports = []
# Use the user defined program if given
@@ -111,27 +118,36 @@
self.gsbin = pdf_program
elif program_type == 'mudraw':
self.mudrawbin = pdf_program
+ elif program_type == 'mutool':
+ self.mutoolbin = pdf_program
# Fallback to autodetection
application_path = AppLocation.get_directory(AppLocation.AppDir)
if is_win():
- # for windows we only accept mudraw.exe in the base folder
+ # for windows we only accept mudraw.exe or mutool.exe in the base folder
application_path = AppLocation.get_directory(AppLocation.AppDir)
if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(application_path, 'mudraw.exe')):
self.mudrawbin = os.path.join(application_path, 'mudraw.exe')
+ elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(application_path, 'mutool.exe')):
+ self.mutoolbin = os.path.join(application_path, 'mutool.exe')
DEVNULL = open(os.devnull, 'wb')
- # First try to find mupdf
+ # First try to find mudraw
self.mudrawbin = which('mudraw')
- # if mupdf isn't installed, fallback to ghostscript
+ # if mudraw isn't installed, try mutool
if not self.mudrawbin:
- self.gsbin = which('gs')
- # Last option: check if mudraw is placed in OpenLP base folder
- if not self.mudrawbin and not self.gsbin:
+ self.mutoolbin = which('mutool')
+ # Check we got a working mutool
+ if not self.mutoolbin or self.process_check_binary(self.mutoolbin) != 'mutool':
+ self.gsbin = which('gs')
+ # Last option: check if mudraw or mutool is placed in OpenLP base folder
+ if not self.mudrawbin and not self.mutoolbin and not self.gsbin:
application_path = AppLocation.get_directory(AppLocation.AppDir)
- if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(application_path, 'mudraw')):
- self.mudrawbin = os.path.join(application_path, 'mudraw')
- if self.mudrawbin:
+ if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(application_path, 'mudraw.exe')):
+ self.mudrawbin = os.path.join(application_path, 'mudraw.exe')
+ elif os.path.isfile(os.path.join(application_path, 'mutool.exe')):
+ self.mutoolbin = os.path.join(application_path, 'mutool.exe')
+ if self.mudrawbin or self.mutoolbin:
self.also_supports = ['xps', 'oxps']
return True
elif self.gsbin:
@@ -238,10 +254,18 @@
if not os.path.isdir(self.get_temp_folder()):
if self.controller.mudrawbin:
+ log.debug('loading presentation using mudraw')
runlog = check_output([self.controller.mudrawbin, '-w', str(size.width()), '-h', str(size.height()),
'-o', os.path.join(self.get_temp_folder(), 'mainslide%03d.png'), self.file_path],
+ elif self.controller.mutoolbin:
+ log.debug('loading presentation using mutool')
+ runlog = check_output([self.controller.mutoolbin, 'draw', '-w', str(size.width()), '-h',
+ str(size.height()),
+ '-o', os.path.join(self.get_temp_folder(), 'mainslide%03d.png'), self.file_path],
+ startupinfo=self.startupinfo)
elif self.controller.gsbin:
+ log.debug('loading presentation using gs')
resolution = self.gs_get_resolution(size)
runlog = check_output([self.controller.gsbin, '-dSAFER', '-dNOPAUSE', '-dBATCH', '-sDEVICE=png16m',
'-r' + str(resolution), '-dTextAlphaBits=4', '-dGraphicsAlphaBits=4',
=== modified file 'openlp/plugins/presentations/lib/'
--- openlp/plugins/presentations/lib/ 2015-12-31 22:46:06 +0000
+++ openlp/plugins/presentations/lib/ 2016-05-04 21:09:01 +0000
@@ -235,7 +235,7 @@
self, translate('PresentationPlugin.PresentationTab', 'Select mudraw or ghostscript binary.'),
if filename:
- program_type = PdfController.check_binary(filename)
+ program_type = PdfController.process_check_binary(filename)
if not program_type:
=== modified file 'tests/functional/openlp_plugins/presentations/'
--- tests/functional/openlp_plugins/presentations/ 2015-12-31 22:46:06 +0000
+++ tests/functional/openlp_plugins/presentations/ 2016-05-04 21:09:01 +0000
@@ -29,7 +29,7 @@
from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtGui
from openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.pdfcontroller import PdfController, PdfDocument
-from tests.functional import MagicMock
+from tests.functional import MagicMock, patch
from openlp.core.common import Settings
from openlp.core.lib import ScreenList
from tests.utils.constants import TEST_RESOURCES_PATH
@@ -137,3 +137,74 @@
self.assertEqual(768, image.height(), 'The height should be 768')
self.assertEqual(543, image.width(), 'The width should be 543')
+ @patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.pdfcontroller.check_binary_exists')
+ def process_check_binary_mudraw_test(self, mocked_check_binary_exists):
+ """
+ Test that the correct output from mudraw is detected
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A mocked check_binary_exists that returns mudraw output
+ mudraw_output = (b'usage: mudraw [options] input [pages]\n\t-o -\toutput filename (%d for page number)n\t\tsupp'
+ b'orted formats: pgm, ppm, pam, png, pbmn\t-p -\tpasswordn\t-r -\tresolution in dpi (default: '
+ b'72)n\t-w -\twidth (in pixels) (maximum width if -r is specified)n\t-h -\theight (in pixels) '
+ b'(maximum height if -r is specified)')
+ mocked_check_binary_exists.return_value = mudraw_output
+ # WHEN: Calling process_check_binary
+ ret = PdfController.process_check_binary('test')
+ # THEN: mudraw should be detected
+ self.assertEqual('mudraw', ret, 'mudraw should have been detected')
+ @patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.pdfcontroller.check_binary_exists')
+ def process_check_binary_new_motool_test(self, mocked_check_binary_exists):
+ """
+ Test that the correct output from the new mutool is detected
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A mocked check_binary_exists that returns new mutool output
+ new_mutool_output = (b'usage: mutool <command> [options]\n\tdraw\t-- convert document\n\trun\t-- run javascript'
+ b'\n\tclean\t-- rewrite pdf file\n\textract\t-- extract font and image resources\n\tinfo\t'
+ b'-- show information about pdf resources\n\tpages\t-- show information about pdf pages\n'
+ b'\tposter\t-- split large page into many tiles\n\tshow\t-- show internal pdf objects\n\t'
+ b'create\t-- create pdf document\n\tmerge\t-- merge pages from multiple pdf sources into a'
+ b'new pdf\n')
+ mocked_check_binary_exists.return_value = new_mutool_output
+ # WHEN: Calling process_check_binary
+ ret = PdfController.process_check_binary('test')
+ # THEN: mutool should be detected
+ self.assertEqual('mutool', ret, 'mutool should have been detected')
+ @patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.pdfcontroller.check_binary_exists')
+ def process_check_binary_old_motool_test(self, mocked_check_binary_exists):
+ """
+ Test that the output from the old mutool is not accepted
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A mocked check_binary_exists that returns old mutool output
+ old_mutool_output = (b'usage: mutool <command> [options]\n\tclean\t-- rewrite pdf file\n\textract\t-- extract '
+ b'font and image resources\n\tinfo\t-- show information about pdf resources\n\tposter\t-- '
+ b'split large page into many tiles\n\tshow\t-- show internal pdf objects')
+ mocked_check_binary_exists.return_value = old_mutool_output
+ # WHEN: Calling process_check_binary
+ ret = PdfController.process_check_binary('test')
+ # THEN: mutool should be detected
+ self.assertIsNone(ret, 'old mutool should not be accepted!')
+ @patch('openlp.plugins.presentations.lib.pdfcontroller.check_binary_exists')
+ def process_check_binary_gs_test(self, mocked_check_binary_exists):
+ """
+ Test that the correct output from gs is detected
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A mocked check_binary_exists that returns gs output
+ gs_output = (b'GPL Ghostscript 9.19 (2016-03-23)\nCopyright (C) 2016 Artifex Software, Inc. All rights reserv'
+ b'ed.\nUsage: gs [switches] [ ...]')
+ mocked_check_binary_exists.return_value = gs_output
+ # WHEN: Calling process_check_binary
+ ret = PdfController.process_check_binary('test')
+ # THEN: mutool should be detected
+ self.assertEqual('gs', ret, 'mutool should have been detected')