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openlp-core team
Mailing list archive
Message #30292
[Merge] lp:~raoul-snyman/openlp/disconnect-slots-2.4 into lp:openlp/2.4
Raoul Snyman has proposed merging lp:~raoul-snyman/openlp/disconnect-slots-2.4 into lp:openlp/2.4.
Requested reviews:
OpenLP Core (openlp-core)
Related bugs:
Bug #1547964 in OpenLP: "Escaping video twice results in traceback"
For more details, see:
Fix bug #1547964 by ignoring the exception (it's harmless)
Add this to your merge proposal:
lp:~raoul-snyman/openlp/disconnect-slots-2.4 (revision 2652)
Your team OpenLP Core is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~raoul-snyman/openlp/disconnect-slots-2.4 into lp:openlp/2.4.
=== modified file 'openlp/core/ui/media/'
--- openlp/core/ui/media/ 2015-12-10 19:03:57 +0000
+++ openlp/core/ui/media/ 2016-08-14 07:37:05 +0000
@@ -71,6 +71,7 @@
super(SystemPlayer, self).__init__(parent, 'system')
+ self.on_duration_changed = None
self.original_name = 'System'
self.display_name = '&System'
self.parent = parent
@@ -100,7 +101,7 @@
ext = '*%s' % extension
if ext not in mime_type_list:
-'MediaPlugin: %s extensions: %s' % (mimetype, ' '.join(extensions)))
+'MediaPlugin: %s extensions: %s', mimetype, ' '.join(extensions))
def setup(self, display):
@@ -160,6 +161,13 @@
if start_time > 0:, controller.media_info.start_time * 1000)
self.volume(display, controller.media_info.volume)
+ display.media_player.blockSignals(True)
+ try:
+ display.media_player.durationChanged.disconnect()
+ except TypeError:
+ # We get a type error if there are no slots attached to this signal, so ignore it
+ pass
+ display.media_player.blockSignals(False)
display.media_player.durationChanged.connect(functools.partial(self.set_duration, controller))
self.state = MediaState.Playing
@@ -178,7 +186,11 @@
Stop the current media item
- display.media_player.durationChanged.disconnect()
+ try:
+ display.media_player.durationChanged.disconnect()
+ except TypeError:
+ # We get a type error if there are no slots attached to this signal, so ignore it
+ pass
self.set_visible(display, False)
@@ -216,6 +228,9 @@
def set_duration(controller, duration):
+ """
+ Set the length of the seek slider
+ """
controller.media_info.length = int(duration / 1000)
controller.seek_slider.setMaximum(controller.media_info.length * 1000)
@@ -261,33 +276,34 @@
:return: True if file can be played otherwise False
thread = QtCore.QThread()
- check_media_player = CheckMedia(path)
- check_media_player.setVolume(0)
- check_media_player.moveToThread(thread)
- check_media_player.finished.connect(thread.quit)
- thread.started.connect(
+ check_media_worker = CheckMediaWorker(path)
+ check_media_worker.setVolume(0)
+ check_media_worker.moveToThread(thread)
+ check_media_worker.finished.connect(thread.quit)
+ thread.started.connect(
while thread.isRunning():
- return check_media_player.result
-class CheckMedia(QtMultimedia.QMediaPlayer):
+ return check_media_worker.result
+class CheckMediaWorker(QtMultimedia.QMediaPlayer):
Class used to check if a media file is playable
finished = QtCore.pyqtSignal()
def __init__(self, path):
- super(CheckMedia, self).__init__(None, QtMultimedia.QMediaPlayer.VideoSurface)
+ super(CheckMediaWorker, self).__init__(None, QtMultimedia.QMediaPlayer.VideoSurface)
self.result = None
self.error.connect(functools.partial(self.signals, 'error'))
self.mediaStatusChanged.connect(functools.partial(self.signals, 'media'))
def signals(self, origin, status):
+ """
+ Exit the worker and stop the thread when either an error or a media change is encountered
+ """
if origin == 'media' and status == self.BufferedMedia:
self.result = True
=== added file 'tests/functional/openlp_core_ui_media/'
--- tests/functional/openlp_core_ui_media/ 1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ tests/functional/openlp_core_ui_media/ 2016-08-14 07:37:05 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,478 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=120 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
+# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2016 OpenLP Developers #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it #
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free #
+# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License. #
+# #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or #
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for #
+# more details. #
+# #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along #
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 #
+# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #
+Package to test the package.
+from unittest import TestCase
+from PyQt5 import QtCore, QtMultimedia
+from openlp.core.common import Registry
+from import MediaState
+from import SystemPlayer, CheckMediaWorker, ADDITIONAL_EXT
+from tests.functional import MagicMock, call, patch
+class TestSystemPlayer(TestCase):
+ """
+ Test the system media player
+ """
+ @patch('')
+ @patch('')
+ def test_constructor(self, MockQMediaPlayer, mocked_mimetypes):
+ """
+ Test the SystemPlayer constructor
+ """
+ # GIVEN: The SystemPlayer class and a mockedQMediaPlayer
+ mocked_media_player = MagicMock()
+ mocked_media_player.supportedMimeTypes.return_value = [
+ 'application/postscript',
+ 'audio/aiff',
+ 'audio/x-aiff',
+ 'text/html',
+ 'video/animaflex',
+ 'video/x-ms-asf'
+ ]
+ mocked_mimetypes.guess_all_extensions.side_effect = [
+ ['.aiff'],
+ ['.aiff'],
+ ['.afl'],
+ ['.asf']
+ ]
+ MockQMediaPlayer.return_value = mocked_media_player
+ # WHEN: An object is created from it
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ # THEN: The correct initial values should be set up
+ self.assertEqual('system',
+ self.assertEqual('System', player.original_name)
+ self.assertEqual('&System', player.display_name)
+ self.assertEqual(self, player.parent)
+ self.assertEqual(ADDITIONAL_EXT, player.additional_extensions)
+ MockQMediaPlayer.assert_called_once_with(None, QtMultimedia.QMediaPlayer.VideoSurface)
+ mocked_mimetypes.init.assert_called_once_with()
+ mocked_media_player.service.assert_called_once_with()
+ mocked_media_player.supportedMimeTypes.assert_called_once_with()
+ self.assertEqual(['*.aiff'], player.audio_extensions_list)
+ self.assertEqual(['*.afl', '*.asf'], player.video_extensions_list)
+ @patch('')
+ @patch('')
+ def test_setup(self, MockQMediaPlayer, MockQVideoWidget):
+ """
+ Test the setup() method of SystemPlayer
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A SystemPlayer instance and a mock display
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ mocked_display = MagicMock()
+ mocked_display.size.return_value = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+ mocked_video_widget = MagicMock()
+ mocked_media_player = MagicMock()
+ MockQVideoWidget.return_value = mocked_video_widget
+ MockQMediaPlayer.return_value = mocked_media_player
+ # WHEN: setup() is run
+ player.setup(mocked_display)
+ # THEN: The player should have a display widget
+ MockQVideoWidget.assert_called_once_with(mocked_display)
+ self.assertEqual(mocked_video_widget, mocked_display.video_widget)
+ mocked_display.size.assert_called_once_with()
+ mocked_video_widget.resize.assert_called_once_with([1, 2, 3, 4])
+ MockQMediaPlayer.assert_called_with(mocked_display)
+ self.assertEqual(mocked_media_player, mocked_display.media_player)
+ mocked_media_player.setVideoOutput.assert_called_once_with(mocked_video_widget)
+ mocked_video_widget.raise_.assert_called_once_with()
+ mocked_video_widget.hide.assert_called_once_with()
+ self.assertTrue(player.has_own_widget)
+ def test_check_available(self):
+ """
+ Test the check_available() method on SystemPlayer
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A SystemPlayer instance
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ # WHEN: check_available is run
+ result = player.check_available()
+ # THEN: it should be available
+ self.assertTrue(result)
+ def test_load_valid_media(self):
+ """
+ Test the load() method of SystemPlayer with a valid media file
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A SystemPlayer instance and a mocked display
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ mocked_display = MagicMock()
+ mocked_display.controller.media_info.volume = 1
+ mocked_display.controller.media_info.file_info.absoluteFilePath.return_value = '/path/to/file'
+ # WHEN: The load() method is run
+ with patch.object(player, 'check_media') as mocked_check_media, \
+ patch.object(player, 'volume') as mocked_volume:
+ mocked_check_media.return_value = True
+ result = player.load(mocked_display)
+ # THEN: the file is sent to the video widget
+ mocked_display.controller.media_info.file_info.absoluteFilePath.assert_called_once_with()
+ mocked_check_media.assert_called_once_with('/path/to/file')
+ mocked_display.media_player.setMedia.assert_called_once_with(
+ QtMultimedia.QMediaContent(QtCore.QUrl.fromLocalFile('/path/to/file')))
+ mocked_volume.assert_called_once_with(mocked_display, 1)
+ self.assertTrue(result)
+ def test_load_invalid_media(self):
+ """
+ Test the load() method of SystemPlayer with an invalid media file
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A SystemPlayer instance and a mocked display
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ mocked_display = MagicMock()
+ mocked_display.controller.media_info.volume = 1
+ mocked_display.controller.media_info.file_info.absoluteFilePath.return_value = '/path/to/file'
+ # WHEN: The load() method is run
+ with patch.object(player, 'check_media') as mocked_check_media, \
+ patch.object(player, 'volume') as mocked_volume:
+ mocked_check_media.return_value = False
+ result = player.load(mocked_display)
+ # THEN: stuff
+ mocked_display.controller.media_info.file_info.absoluteFilePath.assert_called_once_with()
+ mocked_check_media.assert_called_once_with('/path/to/file')
+ self.assertFalse(result)
+ def test_resize(self):
+ """
+ Test the resize() method of the SystemPlayer
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A SystemPlayer instance and a mocked display
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ mocked_display = MagicMock()
+ mocked_display.size.return_value = [1, 2, 3, 4]
+ # WHEN: The resize() method is called
+ player.resize(mocked_display)
+ # THEN: The player is resized
+ mocked_display.size.assert_called_once_with()
+ mocked_display.video_widget.resize.assert_called_once_with([1, 2, 3, 4])
+ @patch('')
+ def test_play(self, mocked_functools):
+ """
+ Test the play() method of the SystemPlayer
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A SystemPlayer instance and a mocked display
+ mocked_functools.partial.return_value = 'function'
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ mocked_display = MagicMock()
+ mocked_display.controller.media_info.start_time = 1
+ mocked_display.controller.media_info.volume = 1
+ mocked_display.media_player.state.return_value = QtMultimedia.QMediaPlayer.PlayingState
+ mocked_display.media_player.durationChanged.disconnect.side_effect = \
+ TypeError('disconnect() failed between \'durationChanged\' and all its connections')
+ # WHEN: play() is called
+ with patch.object(player, 'seek') as mocked_seek, \
+ patch.object(player, 'volume') as mocked_volume:
+ result =
+ # THEN: the media file is played
+ mocked_display.media_player.state.assert_called_once_with()
+ mocked_seek.assert_called_once_with(mocked_display, 1000)
+ mocked_volume.assert_called_once_with(mocked_display, 1)
+ expected_block_signals_calls = [call(True), call(False)]
+ self.assertEqual(expected_block_signals_calls, mocked_display.media_player.blockSignals.call_args_list)
+ mocked_display.media_player.durationChanged.disconnect.assert_called_once_with()
+ mocked_display.media_player.durationChanged.connect.assert_called_once_with('function')
+ self.assertEqual(MediaState.Playing, player.state)
+ mocked_display.video_widget.raise_.assert_called_once_with()
+ self.assertTrue(result)
+ def test_pause(self):
+ """
+ Test the pause() method of the SystemPlayer
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A SystemPlayer instance
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ mocked_display = MagicMock()
+ mocked_display.media_player.state.return_value = QtMultimedia.QMediaPlayer.PausedState
+ # WHEN: The pause method is called
+ player.pause(mocked_display)
+ # THEN: The video is paused
+ mocked_display.media_player.pause.assert_called_once_with()
+ mocked_display.media_player.state.assert_called_once_with()
+ self.assertEqual(MediaState.Paused, player.state)
+ def test_stop(self):
+ """
+ Test the stop() method of the SystemPlayer
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A SystemPlayer instance
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ mocked_display = MagicMock()
+ # WHEN: The stop method is called
+ with patch.object(player, 'set_visible') as mocked_set_visible:
+ player.stop(mocked_display)
+ # THEN: The video is stopped
+ expected_block_signals_calls = [call(True), call(False)]
+ self.assertEqual(expected_block_signals_calls, mocked_display.media_player.blockSignals.call_args_list)
+ mocked_display.media_player.durationChanged.disconnect.assert_called_once_with()
+ mocked_display.media_player.stop.assert_called_once_with()
+ mocked_set_visible.assert_called_once_with(mocked_display, False)
+ self.assertEqual(MediaState.Stopped, player.state)
+ def test_volume(self):
+ """
+ Test the volume() method of the SystemPlayer
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A SystemPlayer instance
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ mocked_display = MagicMock()
+ mocked_display.has_audio = True
+ # WHEN: The stop method is called
+ player.volume(mocked_display, 2)
+ # THEN: The video is stopped
+ mocked_display.media_player.setVolume.assert_called_once_with(2)
+ def test_seek(self):
+ """
+ Test the seek() method of the SystemPlayer
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A SystemPlayer instance
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ mocked_display = MagicMock()
+ # WHEN: The stop method is called
+, 2)
+ # THEN: The video is stopped
+ mocked_display.media_player.setPosition.assert_called_once_with(2)
+ def test_reset(self):
+ """
+ Test the reset() method of the SystemPlayer
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A SystemPlayer instance
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ mocked_display = MagicMock()
+ # WHEN: reset() is called
+ with patch.object(player, 'set_visible') as mocked_set_visible:
+ player.reset(mocked_display)
+ # THEN: The media player is reset
+ mocked_display.media_player.stop()
+ mocked_display.media_player.setMedia.assert_called_once_with(QtMultimedia.QMediaContent())
+ mocked_set_visible.assert_called_once_with(mocked_display, False)
+ mocked_display.video_widget.setVisible.assert_called_once_with(False)
+ self.assertEqual(MediaState.Off, player.state)
+ def test_set_visible(self):
+ """
+ Test the set_visible() method on the SystemPlayer
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A SystemPlayer instance and a mocked display
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ player.has_own_widget = True
+ mocked_display = MagicMock()
+ # WHEN: set_visible() is called
+ player.set_visible(mocked_display, True)
+ # THEN: The widget should be visible
+ mocked_display.video_widget.setVisible.assert_called_once_with(True)
+ def test_set_duration(self):
+ """
+ Test the set_duration() method of the SystemPlayer
+ """
+ # GIVEN: a mocked controller
+ mocked_controller = MagicMock()
+ # WHEN: The set_duration() is called. NB: the 10 here is ignored by the code
+ SystemPlayer.set_duration(mocked_controller, 1000)
+ # THEN: The maximum length of the slider should be set
+ self.assertEqual(1, mocked_controller.media_info.length)
+ mocked_controller.seek_slider.setMaximum.assert_called_once_with(1000)
+ def test_update_ui(self):
+ """
+ Test the update_ui() method on the SystemPlayer
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A SystemPlayer instance
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ player.state = MediaState.Playing
+ mocked_display = MagicMock()
+ mocked_display.media_player.state.return_value = QtMultimedia.QMediaPlayer.PausedState
+ mocked_display.controller.media_info.end_time = 1
+ mocked_display.media_player.position.return_value = 2000
+ mocked_display.controller.seek_slider.isSliderDown.return_value = False
+ # WHEN: update_ui() is called
+ with patch.object(player, 'stop') as mocked_stop, \
+ patch.object(player, 'set_visible') as mocked_set_visible:
+ player.update_ui(mocked_display)
+ # THEN: The UI is updated
+ expected_stop_calls = [call(mocked_display), call(mocked_display)]
+ expected_position_calls = [call(), call()]
+ expected_block_signals_calls = [call(True), call(False)]
+ mocked_display.media_player.state.assert_called_once_with()
+ self.assertEqual(2, mocked_stop.call_count)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_stop_calls, mocked_stop.call_args_list)
+ self.assertEqual(2, mocked_display.media_player.position.call_count)
+ self.assertEqual(expected_position_calls, mocked_display.media_player.position.call_args_list)
+ mocked_set_visible.assert_called_once_with(mocked_display, False)
+ mocked_display.controller.seek_slider.isSliderDown.assert_called_once_with()
+ self.assertEqual(expected_block_signals_calls,
+ mocked_display.controller.seek_slider.blockSignals.call_args_list)
+ mocked_display.controller.seek_slider.setSliderPosition.assert_called_once_with(2000)
+ def test_get_media_display_css(self):
+ """
+ Test the get_media_display_css() method of the SystemPlayer
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A SystemPlayer instance
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ # WHEN: get_media_display_css() is called
+ result = player.get_media_display_css()
+ # THEN: The css should be empty
+ self.assertEqual('', result)
+ def test_get_info(self):
+ """
+ Test the get_info() method of the SystemPlayer
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A SystemPlayer instance
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ # WHEN: get_info() is called
+ result = player.get_info()
+ # THEN: The info should be correct
+ expected_info = 'This media player uses your operating system to provide media capabilities.<br/> ' \
+ '<strong>Audio</strong><br/>[]<br/><strong>Video</strong><br/>[]<br/>'
+ self.assertEqual(expected_info, result)
+ @patch('')
+ @patch('')
+ def test_check_media(self, MockQThread, MockCheckMediaWorker):
+ """
+ Test the check_media() method of the SystemPlayer
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A SystemPlayer instance and a mocked thread
+ valid_file = '/path/to/video.ogv'
+ mocked_application = MagicMock()
+ Registry().create()
+ Registry().register('application', mocked_application)
+ player = SystemPlayer(self)
+ mocked_thread = MagicMock()
+ mocked_thread.isRunning.side_effect = [True, False]
+ mocked_thread.quit = 'quit' # actually supposed to be a slot, but it's all mocked out anyway
+ MockQThread.return_value = mocked_thread
+ mocked_check_media_worker = MagicMock()
+ = 'play'
+ mocked_check_media_worker.result = True
+ MockCheckMediaWorker.return_value = mocked_check_media_worker
+ # WHEN: check_media() is called with a valid media file
+ result = player.check_media(valid_file)
+ # THEN: It should return True
+ MockQThread.assert_called_once_with()
+ MockCheckMediaWorker.assert_called_once_with(valid_file)
+ mocked_check_media_worker.setVolume.assert_called_once_with(0)
+ mocked_check_media_worker.moveToThread.assert_called_once_with(mocked_thread)
+ mocked_check_media_worker.finished.connect.assert_called_once_with('quit')
+ mocked_thread.started.connect.assert_called_once_with('play')
+ mocked_thread.start.assert_called_once_with()
+ self.assertEqual(2, mocked_thread.isRunning.call_count)
+ mocked_application.processEvents.assert_called_once_with()
+ self.assertTrue(result)
+class TestCheckMediaWorker(TestCase):
+ """
+ Test the CheckMediaWorker class
+ """
+ def test_constructor(self):
+ """
+ Test the constructor of the CheckMediaWorker class
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A file path
+ path = 'file.ogv'
+ # WHEN: The CheckMediaWorker object is instantiated
+ worker = CheckMediaWorker(path)
+ # THEN: The correct values should be set up
+ self.assertIsNotNone(worker)
+ def test_signals_media(self):
+ """
+ Test the signals() signal of the CheckMediaWorker class with a "media" origin
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A CheckMediaWorker instance
+ worker = CheckMediaWorker('file.ogv')
+ # WHEN: signals() is called with media and BufferedMedia
+ with patch.object(worker, 'stop') as mocked_stop, \
+ patch.object(worker, 'finished') as mocked_finished:
+ worker.signals('media', worker.BufferedMedia)
+ # THEN: The worker should exit and the result should be True
+ mocked_stop.assert_called_once_with()
+ mocked_finished.emit.assert_called_once_with()
+ self.assertTrue(worker.result)
+ def test_signals_error(self):
+ """
+ Test the signals() signal of the CheckMediaWorker class with a "error" origin
+ """
+ # GIVEN: A CheckMediaWorker instance
+ worker = CheckMediaWorker('file.ogv')
+ # WHEN: signals() is called with error and BufferedMedia
+ with patch.object(worker, 'stop') as mocked_stop, \
+ patch.object(worker, 'finished') as mocked_finished:
+ worker.signals('error', None)
+ # THEN: The worker should exit and the result should be True
+ mocked_stop.assert_called_once_with()
+ mocked_finished.emit.assert_called_once_with()
+ self.assertFalse(worker.result)
Follow ups