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Re: [Merge] lp:~suutari-olli/openlp/bug-fixes-2-4-3 into lp:openlp


Review: Needs Fixing

Looks good, but just a little text fix...

Diff comments:

> === modified file 'openlp/core/__init__.py'
> --- openlp/core/__init__.py	2016-04-27 12:49:55 +0000
> +++ openlp/core/__init__.py	2016-10-17 04:44:46 +0000
> @@ -177,6 +177,40 @@
>              self.shared_memory.create(1)
>              return False
> +    def is_data_path_missing(self):
> +        """
> +        Check if the data folder path exists.
> +        """
> +        data_folder_path = AppLocation.get_data_path()
> +        if not os.path.exists(data_folder_path):
> +            log.critical('Database was not found in: {path}'.format(path=data_folder_path))
> +            status = QtWidgets.QMessageBox.critical(None, translate('OpenLP', 'Data Directory Error'),
> +                                                    translate('OpenLP', 'OpenLP data folder was not found in:\n\n{path}'
> +                                                                        '\n\nThe location of the data folder was '
> +                                                                        'previously changed from the OpenLP\'s\n'
> +                                                                        'default location. If the data was stored on '
> +                                                                        'removable device, that device\nneeds to be '
> +                                                                        'made available.\n\n You may reset the data '
> +                                                                        'location back to the default settings, '
> +                                                                        'or you can try to make the current location '
> +                                                                        'available.\n\n Do you want to reset the '
> +                                                                        'default data location?\n\n Click "No" to close'
> +                                                                        'OpenLP so you can try to fix the the problem.'
> +                                                                        '\n Click "Yes" to reset the default data '

You should insert the actual text from the qt-yes-button to avoid the button and text using differnt words.

> +                                                                        'location and start OpenLP.')
> +                                                    .format(path=data_folder_path),
> +                                                    QtWidgets.QMessageBox.StandardButtons(QtWidgets.QMessageBox.Yes |
> +                                                                                          QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No),
> +                                                    QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No)
> +            if status == QtWidgets.QMessageBox.No:
> +                # If answer was "No", return "True", it will shutdown OpenLP in def main
> +                log.info('User requested termination')
> +                return True
> +            # If answer was "Yes", remove the custom data path thus resetting the default location.
> +            Settings().remove('advanced/data path')
> +            log.info('Database location has been reset to the default settings.')
> +            return False
> +
>      def hook_exception(self, exc_type, value, traceback):
>          """
>          Add an exception hook so that any uncaught exceptions are displayed in this window rather than somewhere where

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