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[Merge] lp:~raoul-snyman/openlp/pep440 into lp:openlp


Raoul Snyman has proposed merging lp:~raoul-snyman/openlp/pep440 into lp:openlp.

Commit message:
Make our version number PEP 440 compliant and add a script for Jenkins to report back to a merge proposal.

Requested reviews:
  OpenLP Core (openlp-core)

For more details, see:
Your team OpenLP Core is requested to review the proposed merge of lp:~raoul-snyman/openlp/pep440 into lp:openlp.
=== modified file 'MANIFEST.in'
--- MANIFEST.in	2014-05-05 17:31:45 +0000
+++ MANIFEST.in	2018-08-31 05:56:04 +0000
@@ -7,9 +7,11 @@
 recursive-include openlp *.png
 recursive-include openlp *.ps
 recursive-include openlp *.json
+recursive-include openlp *.ttf
 recursive-include documentation *
 recursive-include resources *
 recursive-include scripts *
+recursive-include tests/resources *
 include copyright.txt
 include LICENSE
 include README.txt

=== modified file 'openlp/core/ui/themeform.py'
--- openlp/core/ui/themeform.py	2018-08-25 14:08:19 +0000
+++ openlp/core/ui/themeform.py	2018-08-31 05:56:04 +0000
@@ -153,7 +153,7 @@
         Calculate the number of lines on a page by rendering text
         # Do not trigger on start up
-        if self.currentPage != self.welcome_page:
+        if self.currentPage() != self.welcome_page:
             self.theme_manager.generate_image(self.theme, True)

=== added file 'scripts/mp_update.py'
--- scripts/mp_update.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ scripts/mp_update.py	2018-08-31 05:56:04 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python2
+import sys
+import os
+from argparse import ArgumentParser
+from launchpadlib.credentials import UnencryptedFileCredentialStore
+from launchpadlib.launchpad import Launchpad
+HERE = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
+def parse_args():
+    """
+    Parse the command line arguments
+    """
+    parser = ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument('-p', '--merge-proposal', required=True,
+                        help='The main part of the URL to the merge proposal, without the hostname.')
+    parser.add_argument('-m', '--message', required=True,
+                        help='The comment to add to the merge proposal')
+    parser.add_argument('-s', '--subject', default=None, help='The subject for the comment')
+    return parser.parse_args()
+def get_merge_proposal(merge_proposal_url):
+    """
+    Get the merge proposal for the ``merge_proposal_url``
+    """
+    lp = Launchpad.login_with('OpenLP CI', 'production', version='devel',
+                              credential_store=UnencryptedFileCredentialStore(os.path.join(HERE, 'launchpadcreds.txt')))
+    openlp_project = lp.projects['openlp']
+    merge_proposals = openlp_project.getMergeProposals()
+    for merge_proposal in merge_proposals:
+        if str(merge_proposal).endswith(merge_proposal_url):
+            return merge_proposal
+    return None
+def create_comment(merge_proposal, comment, subject):
+    """
+    Create a comment on the merge proposal
+    """
+    if not subject:
+        subject = 'Jenkins test update'
+    merge_proposal.createComment(subject=subject, content=comment)
+def main():
+    """
+    Run the thing
+    """
+    args = parse_args()
+    merge_proposal = get_merge_proposal(args.merge_proposal)
+    if not merge_proposal:
+        print('No merge proposal with that URL found')
+        sys.exit(1)
+    else:
+        create_comment(merge_proposal, args.message, args.subject)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+    main()

=== modified file 'setup.py'
--- setup.py	2017-12-29 09:15:48 +0000
+++ setup.py	2018-08-31 05:56:04 +0000
@@ -99,10 +99,11 @@
     if tree_revision == tag_revision:
         version_string = tag_version.decode('utf-8')
-        version_string = '%s-bzr%s' % (tag_version.decode('utf-8'), tree_revision.decode('utf-8'))
+        version_string = '{version}.dev{revision}'.format(version=tag_version.decode('utf-8'),
+                                                          revision=tree_revision.decode('utf-8'))
     ver_file = open(VERSION_FILE, 'w')
+except Exception:
     ver_file = open(VERSION_FILE, 'r')
     version_string = ver_file.read().strip()

=== modified file 'tests/functional/openlp_core/ui/media/test_systemplayer.py'
--- tests/functional/openlp_core/ui/media/test_systemplayer.py	2018-01-07 18:07:22 +0000
+++ tests/functional/openlp_core/ui/media/test_systemplayer.py	2018-08-31 05:56:04 +0000
@@ -508,6 +508,30 @@
         # THEN: The correct values should be set up
         assert worker is not None
+    @patch('openlp.core.ui.media.systemplayer.functools.partial')
+    @patch('openlp.core.ui.media.systemplayer.QtMultimedia.QMediaContent')
+    def test_start(self, MockQMediaContent, mocked_partial):
+        """
+        Test the start method
+        """
+        # GIVEN: A CheckMediaWorker instance
+        worker = CheckMediaWorker('file.ogv')
+        MockQMediaContent.side_effect = lambda x: x
+        mocked_partial.side_effect = lambda x, y: y
+        # WHEN: start() is called
+        with patch.object(worker, 'error') as mocked_error, \
+                patch.object(worker, 'mediaStatusChanged') as mocked_status_change, \
+                patch.object(worker, 'setMedia') as mocked_set_media, \
+                patch.object(worker, 'play') as mocked_play:
+            worker.start()
+        # THEN: The correct methods should be called
+        mocked_error.connect.assert_called_once_with('error')
+        mocked_status_change.connect.assert_called_once_with('media')
+        mocked_set_media.assert_called_once_with(QtCore.QUrl('file:file.ogv'))
+        mocked_play.assert_called_once_with()
     def test_signals_media(self):
         Test the signals() signal of the CheckMediaWorker class with a "media" origin

=== modified file 'tests/functional/openlp_core/ui/test_firsttimeform.py'
--- tests/functional/openlp_core/ui/test_firsttimeform.py	2018-01-04 06:10:20 +0000
+++ tests/functional/openlp_core/ui/test_firsttimeform.py	2018-08-31 05:56:04 +0000
@@ -233,3 +233,39 @@
             first_time_form, 'Network Error', 'There was a network error attempting to connect to retrieve '
             'initial configuration information', 'OK')
+    @patch('openlp.core.ui.firsttimewizard.Settings')
+    def test_on_projectors_check_box_checked(self, MockSettings):
+        """
+        Test that the projector panel is shown when the checkbox in the first time wizard is checked
+        """
+        # GIVEN: A First Time Wizard and a mocked settings object
+        frw = FirstTimeForm(None)
+        mocked_settings = MagicMock()
+        mocked_settings.value.return_value = True
+        MockSettings.return_value = mocked_settings
+        # WHEN: on_projectors_check_box_clicked() is called
+        frw.on_projectors_check_box_clicked()
+        # THEN: The visibility of the projects panel should have been set
+        mocked_settings.value.assert_called_once_with('projector/show after wizard')
+        mocked_settings.setValue.assert_called_once_with('projector/show after wizard', False)
+    @patch('openlp.core.ui.firsttimewizard.Settings')
+    def test_on_projectors_check_box_unchecked(self, MockSettings):
+        """
+        Test that the projector panel is shown when the checkbox in the first time wizard is checked
+        """
+        # GIVEN: A First Time Wizard and a mocked settings object
+        frw = FirstTimeForm(None)
+        mocked_settings = MagicMock()
+        mocked_settings.value.return_value = False
+        MockSettings.return_value = mocked_settings
+        # WHEN: on_projectors_check_box_clicked() is called
+        frw.on_projectors_check_box_clicked()
+        # THEN: The visibility of the projects panel should have been set
+        mocked_settings.value.assert_called_once_with('projector/show after wizard')
+        mocked_settings.setValue.assert_called_once_with('projector/show after wizard', True)

=== added directory 'tests/openlp_core/ui'
=== added file 'tests/openlp_core/ui/test_themeform.py'
--- tests/openlp_core/ui/test_themeform.py	1970-01-01 00:00:00 +0000
+++ tests/openlp_core/ui/test_themeform.py	2018-08-31 05:56:04 +0000
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# vim: autoindent shiftwidth=4 expandtab textwidth=120 tabstop=4 softtabstop=4
+# OpenLP - Open Source Lyrics Projection                                      #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# Copyright (c) 2008-2018 OpenLP Developers                                   #
+# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
+# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it     #
+# under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free  #
+# Software Foundation; version 2 of the License.                              #
+#                                                                             #
+# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT #
+# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or       #
+# FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for    #
+# more details.                                                               #
+#                                                                             #
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along     #
+# with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59  #
+# Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA                          #
+Interface tests to test the ThemeWizard class and related methods.
+from unittest import TestCase
+from openlp.core.common.registry import Registry
+from openlp.core.ui.themeform import ThemeForm
+from tests.helpers.testmixin import TestMixin
+class TestThemeManager(TestCase, TestMixin):
+    """
+    Test the functions in the ThemeManager module
+    """
+    def setUp(self):
+        """
+        Create the UI
+        """
+        Registry.create()
+    def test_create_theme_wizard(self):
+        """
+        Test creating a ThemeForm instance
+        """
+        # GIVEN: A ThemeForm class
+        # WHEN: An object is created
+        # THEN: There should be no problems
+        ThemeForm(None)

Follow ups