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[Branch ~openshot.code/openshot/main] Rev 503: Applied a patch from Emil to fix bug# 712947, Adding new titles with existing name overwrites the...


revno: 503
committer: Andy Finch <we.rocked.in79@xxxxxxxxx>
branch nick: openshot
timestamp: Tue 2011-08-16 21:46:41 +0100
  Applied a patch from Emil to fix bug# 712947, Adding new titles with existing name overwrites the older file.


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=== modified file 'openshot/windows/Titles.py'
--- openshot/windows/Titles.py	2011-03-07 04:29:13 +0000
+++ openshot/windows/Titles.py	2011-08-16 20:46:41 +0000
@@ -187,31 +187,65 @@
 	def setTitleName(self):  
+		base_name = project_path = os.path.join(self.project.folder, "thumbnail") 
 		#base this on a message dialog  
-		dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(  
+		name_dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(  
-			None)  
-		dialog.set_markup(_('Please enter a name for the new Title file:'))  
+			_('Please enter a name for the new Title file.'))
+		name_dialog.set_title("Enter Name")
 		#create the text input field  
 		entry = gtk.Entry()  
 		entry.set_text(_("New Title"))
 		#allow the user to press enter as well as the OK button
-		entry.connect("activate", self.ShowInputDialog, dialog, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)  
+		entry.connect("activate", self.ShowInputDialog, name_dialog, gtk.RESPONSE_OK)  
 		hbox = gtk.HBox()  
 		hbox.pack_start(gtk.Label(_("Name:")), False, 5, 5)  
 		#add it and show it  
-		dialog.vbox.pack_end(hbox, True, True, 0)  
-		dialog.show_all()  
-		#show the dialog  
-		if dialog.run() == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
-			text = entry.get_text()
-		else: 
-			text = ''
-		dialog.destroy()
+		name_dialog.vbox.pack_end(hbox, True, True, 0)
+		name_dialog.show_all()  
+		# Show the dialog until the name doesn't exist in the project or the user gives permission to overwrite
+		while True:
+			# OK clicked
+			if name_dialog.run() == gtk.RESPONSE_OK:
+				text = entry.get_text()
+				# The path to the image, if created
+				path = os.path.join(base_name, text + ".svg")
+				# If a file with the path already is imported to the project
+				if self.project.project_folder.file_exists_in_project(path):
+					# Create an "Are you sure you  want to overwrite?" dialog
+					overwrite_dialog = gtk.MessageDialog(  
+						name_dialog,  
+						gtk.MESSAGE_QUESTION,  
+						gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO,  
+						_("An image with the name '%s' already exists in the project.\nDo you want to overwrite it?" % (text + ".svg")))
+					overwrite_dialog.set_title("Overwrite Image?")
+					response = overwrite_dialog.run()
+					overwrite_dialog.destroy()
+					# If the user clicked yes, stop showing the dialog
+					if response == gtk.RESPONSE_YES:
+						break
+				else:
+					# Stop looping
+					break
+			# The user clicked 'x'
+			else: 
+				text = ''
+				# Stop looping
+				break
+		name_dialog.destroy()
 		return text
 	def ShowInputDialog(self,entry, dialog, response):