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OpenShot Survey


Greetings everyone!  As you probably know, I am preparing a survey for
OpenShot users.  I have attached a "draft" to this email.  Please take a
look and read the survey.  If you have any suggestions or edits, please let
me know ASAP.  Once we finalize the wording of the survey, I will post a
link to a web version of this survey.

By the way, you might need this to understand the survey:
SR = Single Response (i.e. pick 1 answer)
MR = Multiple Response (i.e. choose all answers that apply)
OE = Open Ended (i.e. write in your own answer)
Randomize = Shuffle the answers for each user


Attachment: OpenShot_Survey.odt
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.text

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