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OpenStack team meetings


Hi all -
I'm looking for a docs representative who can be my substitute at
weekly team meetings. I realized yesterday I didn't have a set backup
person for the weekly Project meeting [1]. At the end of going through
status for all the "core" projects, Thierry asks for input from CI and
Docs with the topic "Other team status reports" or some such. When I
can't attend for some reason, I'd like someone to be my back up -
anyone always attending these who could back me up? I'll send notes.
This is what I sent to Thierry yesterday as the "doc report" but he
had to run the PPB meeting beforehand so he didn't get to check email.

- Content sharing for API guides blueprint at
Code should be completed by f3, but need to test with real content.
- Still seeking authors for operations guide. Outline at
- Looking for collaborators for more content on api.openstack.org.
Contact me or refer to
http://wiki.openstack.org/DisableServerExtensions#Documentation for
doc bugs to pick up.
- Next Doc Team Meeting is August 13.

Anyone interested in the Project meeting? Let me know.

I'd also like for one of us doc folks to attend the weekly QA meetings
[2] - and we're looking for a QA/QE representative to attend our doc
meetings. If anyone has a special interest here, let me know.

In addition, there will be a nova team meeting [3] starting up. Since
some of you are nova-core and doc-core I hope you'll represent well.


[1] http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/ProjectMeeting
[2] http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/QATeamMeeting
[3] http://wiki.openstack.org/Meetings/Nova