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State of Glance



Lions, tigers, and Bexars, oh my.

I wanted to give the community a heads up on the progress we've made
with Glance image service OpenStack project and some insight into what
is being planned for completion in the next release (Cactus).

For the Bexar release, we focused on the following large work items:

* Refactoring of the Teller/Parallax architecture into a simpler
unified Glance API
* Completing the Glance API to include support for
creating/registering new  virtual machine images
* Inclusion of a glance client library
* Inclusion of an S3 storage backend
* Getting Glance working with the XenServer snapshot mechanisms that
landed in Nova for Bexar
* Completing documentation for the project
* Packaging the project in PyPI

I'm happy to share that all of the above goals have been achieved,
along with lots of fixes for bugs we uncovered along the way.
Documentation is now online with the other two OpenStack projects, and
is available at http://glance.openstack.org.

I'd like to give a big shout-out to Chris MacGown, Rick Harris, Cory
Wright and Ewan Mellor for their code and bug fixing contributions and
Devin Carlen for always-prompt code reviews. :)

Looking forward to Cactus, we've got a lot on our plate, and we'd love
input from the community in how to prioritise the various blueprints
we have on the shelf for Cactus:
http://blueprints.launchpad.net/glance. The "big" ones that we're
contemplating tackling for Cactus are as follows:

* Image conversion
* CLI/administrative tools
* Authentication/authorization
* Reflection in the API
* Image checksumming
* Results filtering and limiting
and https://blueprints.launchpad.net/glance/+spec/api-limited-results)
* i18n/l10n (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/glance/+spec/i18n)
* Refactoring the image_type to disk_format and appliance_format

We'd love to get your input on what you feel is critical to get done
in the next 3 months for Cactus.

As a final note, I'd like to welcome Phaneendra Kaddi as a Glance
contributor.  Phaneendra approached me a couple weeks ago about
working on some of the blueprints for Cactus and has been reading the
code and preparing for contributing. Welcome Phaneendra! :)

Cheers all and happy Bexar release,


Follow ups