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nova install from source code



Which is the best method on installing nova from source code or any direction to move over this hurdle is appreciated!

We have followed http://wiki.openstack.org/InstallFromSource to install latest trunk or Cactus.tgz, but it always gets me to following error and leaving vm stuck in scheduling mode with scheduler.log showing "(nova): TRACE: NoValidHost: Scheduler was unable to locate a host for this request. Is the appropriate service running?" and mysql locked up and can't be log-in to check compute-nodes status.  Googled to find it would need nova-compute/nova-network to start, so apt-get installed but still no help since it can't locate libvirt.xqemu.xml.template.  Through the way, we also need to change mysql access from root@% to root@localhost to keep "nova-manage db sync" happy.

We had also followed http://wiki.openstack.org/NovaInstall/Bexar to install Bexar release ok, but the same process to install Cactus or latest trunk turns out to pull in a lot of packages manually and not quite successfully.

If we follow http://wiki.openstack.org/InstallFromSource do we need to run setup.py build & install, or any extra steps to be aware?  I suspect it can take the nove-compute tools comes with the source code.
