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LinuxCon North American in Vancouver - Need 3 Volunteers


OpenStack Community:

On August 17-19, 2011 the Linux Foundation is hosting their LinuxCon North
American event (http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/linuxcon) in the
lovely city of Vancouver and I am looking for 3 volunteers to assist myself
and Termie in attending the event and supporting the OpenStack booth. As
there will be 5 of us, we can easily rotate hours at the booth so you will
have plenty of time to attend sessions. I have 3 free passes to the event to
cover registration fees but cannot help out on travel or hotel, so the offer
is a "partial" good deal.

Please contact me directly if you want one of the passes and are willing to
spend a few hours supporting the OpenStack booth. The passes will be given
out on a first come first serve basis and I cannot be bribed (unless the
bribe has 4 wheels and a porsche emblem).


- - - 
Stephen Spector, Rackspace
OpenStack Community Manager
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Office  +1 (512) 539-1162 | Mobile +1 (210) 415-0930