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Re: Default ports for services


Right, but it's not all about deployment, because representations within
the API have absolute hrefs embedded within them.

On 6/26/11 12:11 PM, "Todd Willey" <todd@xxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

>I think people will probably deploy in such a way that clients talk to
>80 or 443.  But there are a number of ways to get to that outcome,
>including specifying it in the server configuration, or running behind
>load balancers or other front-end services.  Running everything be
>default on different ports by default has little bearing on how it
>gets run in production.
>On Sun, Jun 26, 2011 at 12:50 PM, Bryan Taylor <btaylor@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
>> If we use something other than 80 for http and/or 443 for https, then
>> clients will have to know magic numbers for the port and firewall
>> obstacles will annoy them. I don't see HTTP as something we just happen
>> have chosen. We should prefer convention over configuration, and embrace
>> the conventions of HTTP.
