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Host filter - Instance Type Filter with virt layer Libvirt



I try to add code to the Libvirt layer to enable the Instance Type Filter
needed by the zone aware scheduler.

I looked the code of fake virt layer which implement that. The table
‘host_status’ in class ‘FakeConnection’ contains all capabilities of the

self.host_status = {

          'host_name-description': 'Fake Host',

          'host_hostname': 'fake-mini',

          'host_memory_total': 8000000000,

          'host_memory_overhead': 10000000,

          'host_memory_free': 7900000000,

          'host_memory_free_computed': 7900000000,

          'host_other_config': {},

          'host_ip_address': '',

          'host_cpu_info': {},

          'disk_available': 500000000000,

          'disk_total': 600000000000,

          'disk_used': 100000000000,

          'host_uuid': 'cedb9b39-9388-41df-8891-c5c9a0c0fe5f',

          'host_name_label': 'fake-mini'


Nothing explain what corresponding each elements of this table and what unit
use. I suppose, the unit is bytes for disk and memory.

And in the code of the host filtering in the scheduler
(nova/scheduler/host_filter.py method class ‘InstanceTypeFilter’ method
‘host_filtrer’), the scheduler compares the host capabilities with specified
resources of the instance to determined which host can support it. But
specified resources of the instance is in Mbytes for memory and Gbytes for
the disk. Is it normal ?
