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jenkins: nova-tarmac hangs


The nova-tarmac jobs gets hung quite often lately. I know a lot of fingers have been pointing at Launchpad issues but I'm not sure that is the case here. When its hung the console output of the job is almost always at:
 Running test command: /home/jenkins/openstack-ci/test_nova.sh
This is essentially runs: 'bash run_tests.sh -N && python setup.py sdist'.
I've also noticed that the nova-coverage job is also often running at the same time. This job also appears to use 'run_tests.sh -N'. Additionally this job like nova-tarmac also runs on the 'nova' jenkins slave.
Since both these jobs use the 'nova' Jenkins slave I think the problem here is we can't have two jobs using 'run_tests.sh -N' at the same time (due to potential port issues etc).
Should we create isolated build slaves for these jobs and/or prevent them from running at the same time?

Follow ups