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Re: Bundle running instance?


Much appreciated! I will give it a try.

On 08/31/2011 10:46 AM, Wayne A. Walls wrote:
Just realized you asked about a running image, not a new one.  Apologies
on that.  I used this script in the past to accomplish bundling a running
instance.  It is likely outdated, but it will give you a good premise to


#words words words
#this is a script for easy image creation

. /root/creds/novarc
SYSTEM=$(uname -r)
read -p "Please enter your bucket/container name:" BUCKET_NAME

euca-bundle-vol --no-inherit -d /tmp/image -e /mnt, /tmp
losetup /dev/loop3 /tmp/image/image.img
mount /dev/loop3 /mnt
sed -i
12\}[\t]* \//\/dev\/vda1\t\//1' /mnt/etc/fstab
sed -i
12\}[\t]* none/\/mnt\/swap.file\tnone/1' /mnt/etc/fstab
cp /mnt/etc/network/interfaces /mnt/root/interfaces.bak
cat>  /mnt/etc/network/interfaces<<  INTERFACE_UPDATE
# The loopback network interface
auto lo
iface lo inet loopback

# The primary network interface
auto eth0
iface eth0 inet dhcp

dd if=/dev/zero of=/mnt/swap.file bs=1024 count=512000
sleep 1
mkswap /mnt/swap.file
sleep 1
umount /mnt

euca-bundle-image -i /boot/initrd.img-$SYSTEM -d /tmp/ramdisk --ramdisk

euca-bundle-image -i /boot/vmlinuz-$SYSTEM -d /tmp/kernel --kernel true
euca-upload-bundle -m /tmp/kernel/vmlinuz-$SYSTEM.manifest.xml -b
euca-upload-bundle -m /tmp/ramdisk/initrd.img-$SYSTEM.manifest.xml -b
KERNEL_IMAGE=$(euca-register $BUCKET_NAME/vmlinuz-$SYSTEM.manifest.xml |
awk '{print $2}')
RAMDISK_IMAGE=$(euca-register $BUCKET_NAME/initrd.img-$SYSTEM.manifest.xml
| awk '{print $2}')
euca-bundle-image -i /tmp/image/image.img --kernel $KERNEL_IMAGE --ramdisk
$RAMDISK_IMAGE -d /tmp/imagebuild
euca-upload-bundle -m /tmp/imagebuild/image.img.manifest.xml -b
AMI_IMAGE=$(euca-register $BUCKET_NAME/image.img.manifest.xml | awk
'{print $2}'); echo "Image is decrypting and untarring for usage."

sleep 180

euca-run-instances $AMI_IMAGE

On 8/31/11 8:16 AM, "Darren Govoni"<darren@xxxxxxxxxxxx>  wrote:

   Is there a tutorial somewhere showing how to re-bundle a running
instance (e.g. ubuntu)
and register it as a new image in openstack?


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