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Message #03885
Re: A possible alternative to Gerrit ...
On Sep 4, 2011, at 10:52 AM, Jay Pipes wrote:
> I actually didn't plan on responding all that much on this
> conversation. We had months of discussion and debate about this, weeks
> upon weeks of discussion in the PPB about project autonomy and
> tooling, and the decision has been made.
> I find it a bit unfortunate that all the people saying Gerrit is
> terrible and that we should just use GitHub haven't done a single
> review or change request in any of the projects that are currently
> using the Gerrit/Git toolset that has been decided will be used for
> core OpenStack projects.
I'm not sure this is true. A few people that I've seen speaking up have used it. I've been wanting to comment for a while, but I don't have a lot of ground to stand on, because I'm in the boat that you describe. I've not done a single review or change request with Gerrit yet. That said, I've seen a bit from those who have and I'm very much the opposite of excited about moving nova to it at some point, at least how it stands now.
But leaving aside whether I like it or dislike it, what really bothers me is that there was discussion about moving things to github. And, I was 'ok' with that decision to do so despite preferring bzr and LP. My 'ok' was based on knowing how git, github pull requests, reviews, and so forth work. Now I feel like we're moving things to something to which I (and the community) never agreed. I never saw any discussion about Gerrit on the mailing list as far as "is everyone cool with this?" The first mention of it that I can find was July 18th regarding moving the CI repos. Doesn't seem like we were given much of an option. That really irks me. Above you say "that has been decided will be used for the core OpenStack projects". So, I have to ask: 'Who decided?'. I must have missed something.
And I want to be clear that I'm not meaning to put down anyone's efforts here. I'm positive a lot of hard work was put into the transition, and I do appreciate it.
- Chris
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