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Design Summit: Submit your sessions by the end of the day !


Hello everyone,

With the Design Summit starting on Monday, we need to make progress
towards an agenda and a schedule. The deadline for proposing sessions is
the end of the day today:

* Look at existing proposals at http://summit.openstack.org/sessions
* You can click on the "Track" header to sort by track if needed
* If anything is missing, propose your own
* Choose "rubberstamp" if it can fit in 25min, or "brainstorm" if it
needs a double session (55min)
* You can also propose "discovery" sessions (tutorials on specific
sections of code) that will be scheduled if there is any room left

Details at: http://wiki.openstack.org/Summit

We already have enough for a full schedule, so don't feel compelled to
propose a session if you think the key Essex subjects are already
covered. Since we can fit twice as many "rubberstamp" sessions as we can
fit "brainstorm" ones, please keep "brainstorm" only for subjects that
will generate lots of discussion or opposition.

Session proposing won't be closed after the end of the day, but there is
no guarantee your proposal will be considered for inclusion, so act today !

Thierry Carrez (ttx)
Release Manager, OpenStack